Intercultural marriage and gender fairness
(too old to reply)
2008-02-26 18:31:46 UTC
Everybody thinks that they know what is justice, but what they
conceive of as justice is different from place to place. The just-
world hypothesis of different people in different places and times
conceive of completely different kinds of justice. And it is by flux
between people and places that any meaningful concept of what is
justice can be attained.

In Muslim and rural Indian cultures, it is seen as justice that man
bludgeon the woman into being his dog and kill her if she disobeys in
the slightest. In American feminist culture, it is seen as justice
that a woman act like a harpy, treat people like garbage, get a
coworker fired for sexual harrassment if he tells her she's good-
looking, deal with all women who are nicer and prettier by abusing and
sabotaging them and destroying their careers and relationships, abuse
and emasculate any relationship partner, screw exes in court out of
every cent they can get, claim that anyone who objects to such conduct
is a misogynist or a bimbo, and aim to destroy as many men and
beautiful women in one's life as one can and then claim oneself strong
or smart or spiritual or a true servant of woman's cause. Both sets
think that they are right and that what they are doing is justice.
With such extremes in the world claiming themselves to be justice and
righteousness, the way to arrive at any realistic notion of the
preceding is for the real-world mechanism of people choosing each
other based on how they are willing to treat each other to balance out
whatever is believed in their respective homelands - and create a more
informed conceptions of justice and a more balanced just-world
hypotheses in every component part of the world.

It is ridiculous for Islamists in Middle East to claim to be speaking
for justice; in Middle East, Islamists are the injustice. The same is
true for the Dworkin-McKinnon types in the United States. The in-good-
faith feminists have a real point about behavior of men in Middle East
and many other parts of the world (and some in the West), and
Islamists about behavior of the not-in-good-faith ones among American
women. But they both have much less of a point at home. On their home
turfs, they apply a grossly imbalanced conception of justice pursuant
a grossly slanted just-world hypothesis to shape the country's concept
of justice into gravely distorted forms that lead to grave
mistreatment of people - women or men - who have done the least to
deserve it.

A positive match is created between men and women whose just-world
hypotheses are a positive-sum situation. A man from a feminist
culture, whose just-world hypothesis would be seen at home as slanted
toward patriarchy but in most of the rest of the world would be seen
as fairly matriarchial, and a woman from a patriarchial culture, whose
just-world hypothesis is seen in her own country as feminist but would
be seen in a feminist culture as patriarchial or equalist, have just-
world hypotheses that are better than complementary and that therefore
can create among them a joyful appreciation of one another and a
positive-sum relationship. Take a woman from the patriarchial culture,
and put her together with a man from the feminist culture, and we see
people who stand to treat one another better than they've ever been
treated by other gender at home. As intercultural flux allows people
to make matches based on what they see in each other and how they are
willing to treat each other, is checked the wrong in each culture that
caused the imbalance, and the graver wrong that is the mistreatment of
either women or men in relationships in pursuit of that false concept
of fairness. And this creates a real-world mechanism toward creating
social justice between men and women, as well as toward a goal that is
just as important: Creating relationships between men and women where
both parties appreciate one another and treat each other in a manner
that merits their vows of love.

The global social injustice will be solved at least in part by large-
scaleintercultural, interracial and international flux of people for
love and marriage. Bringing together the men from cultures where the
concept of justice is an extreme of feminism, with women from cultures
where the concept of justice is an extreme of patriarchy - even people
from cultures whose concepts of justice are not as extremely off-
target but still noticeably apart - will bring together people who can
appreciate one another, treat each other better than they are treated
at home, and be seen by each other as positive influence and an
improvement upon what they had to deal with. It will also create a
real-world check-and-balance upon the tendency of societies - all
societies - to go injust in one or another direction at the expense of
one or another group

There were many people for a long time who believed that economic
justice around the world would be achieved by Communism. In fact
global capitalism did a much better and faster job by allowing
billions of people in places like China and India to rise out of
poverty using their own efforts with global market for their goods.
And it is international flux for purpose of marriage that has real
possibility of doing the same for social justice - while also creating
many marriages along the way where people have genuine appreciation
for one another and treat each other in commensurate way.

Global economy made it possible for international business to move
across borders to find people who want to work and know how to work,
and for people to move across the borders to find employers who
constructively use and rightfully reward their endeavor. This resulted
in over a billion of people rising out of poverty in less than three
decades and businesses having better and more affordable products that
benefited consumers and business itself. By similar mechanism, the men
and women being free to move across borders to find people who would
treat them better than they are treated at home results in tremendous
improvement in people's relationships, as well as improvement in
gender fairness.

But far more importantly, it creates a real-world incentive for people
in all societies to treat their partners - men or women - in rightful
manner, for knowing that there are other people around the world who
would treat them well if they do not. And this breaks the stranglehold
of local oppressors and thugs - both thugs of muscle and thugs of
morality - who want to keep one or another group in their cultures in
shackles so that they can be guiltlessly and without consequence

Protectionism - attempt by rich countries to create walls against
international products - has been described as bullying and extortion.
The consumer is being extorted, and the working people around the
world are being bullied, by the rich country attempting to protect
unearned priviledge of some of its workers at everybody else's
expense. The communities that want to deny their citizens the right to
make interracial, intercultural or international matches, are likewise
using extortion and bullying to protect unearned privilege - such as
the unearned privilege of Middle Eastern or rural Indian men to treat
women like cattle, to throw vitriol in their faces, and to execute
them in case they do not obey their every idiotic command. Like
tariffs and quotas of the protectionists are used to maintain economic
imbalance, so the violence, moral thuggery, and oppressive laws, are
used to sustain social injustice. And just as in case of
protectionism, where the greater the economic imbalance the higher the
obstacles that are required to sustian it, so the greater the scale of
violence, moral thuggery, and oppressive legislation, the greater the
social injustice and the graver the system abuse.

There are many people who falsely claim that protectionism is more
moral than global economy. It is not; it is bullying and extortion
against one's citizens and against the world to protect unearned
privilege. The same is also true of efforts by any local entity at any
level to keep people from marrying people external to itself. If a
country or a community constructs walls against intercultural, inter-
ethnic or international marriage, then it is performing bullying and
extortion against its own citizens and against the rest of the world,
in order to keep its citizens chained to partners who want the
unearned privilege of treating them like trash.

The greater the scale of economic imbalance, the greater the need for
protective barriers. And the greater the scale of social imbalance,
the more artificial barriers are required to keep it in place. Thus,
the greatest amount of violence, threats, moral bludgeoning, character
assassination, psychological abuse and oppressive legislation will be
expected to be, and is, done by the communities that are the most
gravely injust and abusive - and to the least extent by the
communities that are the least abusive and least injust.

It takes more barriers to keep people from leaving a raw deal than it
does to keep them from leaving a fair deal. From this follows that the
greater the obstacles placed by the culture to women or men finding
partners elsewhere, the greater the systemic injustice that they
embody. The more abuse, violence, legal oppression and moral
bludgeoning is directed against one or another group, the greater the
injustice that is perpetuated against them. The greater the actual
need for intercultural, interracial or international flux in order to
rectify the imbalance.

The people are bullied into lives they would never have chosen if they
were aware of the true range of options before them, and are kept
there by oppressive laws that want to make a commitment based on
inadequate knowledge and false advertising life-long. That state of
affairs is falsely regarded as being moral. It is not moral state of
affairs; it is a state of affairs based on systemic injustice. The
disadvantaged are kept to inhuman treatment and denied relationships
with people who would treat them better, and the people around the
world are kept from partaking of what they have to offer, all in order
to defend unearned privilege of the wrongly advantaged class to abuse
the oppressed.

Thus, the people who are against intercultural matches in cultures
such as the Muslim scream about tradition and morality. The real
reason they are against such matches is that they want to abuse women
as much as they want to abuse women, and for the women to have no
other options but to put up with living hell that is life as a woman
in Middle East. The people who attack such matches in feminist
cultures claim all kinds of silliness as well. The real reason is that
they want to treat men like trash, and for the men to have no
possibility but to take it. In both cases, the resistance to
international relationships is a result of systemic wrong that leads
to systemic imbalance. And it is this wrong that is checked and
balanced by the real-world mechanism of people being meaningfully free
to choose their partners in parts of the world that are not formulated
by the same systemic imbalances and the wrongful mistreatment of one
or another gender that these imbalances create.

In the same way as global economy provides a way for workers around
the world to rise out of poverty - and for entrepreneurs to have
access to people who are willing and able to work effectively - so do
international matches allow a way for women from cultures slanted
against women and men from cultures slanted against men to create
matches with people from whom they can expect better treatment that in
home societies, and whom they likewise will treat in ways better than
they are treated at home. The women from cultures where women treat
men right but are mistreated by men in their own homeland - and men
from cultures where men treat women right but women do not treat men
right - find in each other better treatment than they could hope for
in partners from their own communities. Not only are beautiful matches
created, but social imbalances are rectified, and people in the
communities are shown how truly loving, mutually appreciative and
mutually respectful relationships can be made real. In this are
created two positives, and rectified many negatives. The positive of
mutually appreciative, mutually positive matches and positive
influence that they exert on the disadvantaged group in society - and
the negative of the wrong that creates social imbalances and the
abusive ways that maintain the wrong.

Thus international relationships therefore work for freedom, fairness,
and good treatment by men and women of one another in relationships.
And that is a valuable and meaningful good toward which it is worthy
to aspire for men and women around the world.
Don Stockbauer
2008-02-26 18:34:08 UTC
Post by i***@gmail.com
Everybody thinks that they know what is justice, but what they
conceive of as justice is different from place to place. The just-
world hypothesis of different people in different places and times
conceive of completely different kinds of justice. And it is by flux
between people and places that any meaningful concept of what is
justice can be attained.
In Muslim and rural Indian cultures, it is seen as justice that man
bludgeon the woman into being his dog and kill her if she disobeys in
the slightest. In American feminist culture, it is seen as justice
that a woman act like a harpy, treat people like garbage, get a
coworker fired for sexual harrassment if he tells her she's good-
looking, deal with all women who are nicer and prettier by abusing and
sabotaging them and destroying their careers and relationships, abuse
and emasculate any relationship partner, screw exes in court out of
every cent they can get, claim that anyone who objects to such conduct
is a misogynist or a bimbo, and aim to destroy as many men and
beautiful women in one's life as one can and then claim oneself strong
or smart or spiritual or a true servant of woman's cause. Both sets
think that they are right and that what they are doing is justice.
With such extremes in the world claiming themselves to be justice and
righteousness, the way to arrive at any realistic notion of the
preceding is for the real-world mechanism of people choosing each
other based on how they are willing to treat each other to balance out
whatever is believed in their respective homelands - and create a more
informed conceptions of justice and a more balanced just-world
hypotheses in every component part of the world.
It is ridiculous for Islamists in Middle East to claim to be speaking
for justice; in Middle East, Islamists are the injustice. The same is
true for the Dworkin-McKinnon types in the United States. The in-good-
faith feminists have a real point about behavior of men in Middle East
and many other parts of the world (and some in the West), and
Islamists about behavior of the not-in-good-faith ones among American
women. But they both have much less of a point at home. On their home
turfs, they apply a grossly imbalanced conception of justice pursuant
a grossly slanted just-world hypothesis to shape the country's concept
of justice into gravely distorted forms that lead to grave
mistreatment of people - women or men - who have done the least to
deserve it.
A positive match is created between men and women whose just-world
hypotheses are a positive-sum situation. A man from a feminist
culture, whose just-world hypothesis would be seen at home as slanted
toward patriarchy but in most of the rest of the world would be seen
as fairly matriarchial, and a woman from a patriarchial culture, whose
just-world hypothesis is seen in her own country as feminist but would
be seen in a feminist culture as patriarchial or equalist, have just-
world hypotheses that are better than complementary and that therefore
can create among them a joyful appreciation of one another and a
positive-sum relationship. Take a woman from the patriarchial culture,
and put her together with a man from the feminist culture, and we see
people who stand to treat one another better than they've ever been
treated by other gender at home. As intercultural flux allows people
to make matches based on what they see in each other and how they are
willing to treat each other, is checked the wrong in each culture that
caused the imbalance, and the graver wrong that is the mistreatment of
either women or men in relationships in pursuit of that false concept
of fairness. And this creates a real-world mechanism toward creating
social justice between men and women, as well as toward a goal that is
just as important: Creating relationships between men and women where
both parties appreciate one another and treat each other in a manner
that merits their vows of love.
The global social injustice will be solved at least in part by large-
scaleintercultural, interracial and international flux of people for
love and marriage. Bringing together the men from cultures where the
concept of justice is an extreme of feminism, with women from cultures
where the concept of justice is an extreme of patriarchy - even people
from cultures whose concepts of justice are not as extremely off-
target but still noticeably apart - will bring together people who can
appreciate one another, treat each other better than they are treated
at home, and be seen by each other as positive influence and an
improvement upon what they had to deal with. It will also create a
real-world check-and-balance upon the tendency of societies - all
societies - to go injust in one or another direction at the expense of
one or another group
There were many people for a long time who believed that economic
justice around the world would be achieved by Communism. In fact
global capitalism did a much better and faster job by allowing
billions of people in places like China and India to rise out of
poverty using their own efforts with global market for their goods.
And it is international flux for purpose of marriage that has real
possibility of doing the same for social justice - while also creating
many marriages along the way where people have genuine appreciation
for one another and treat each other in commensurate way.
Global economy made it possible for international business to move
across borders to find people who want to work and know how to work,
and for people to move across the borders to find employers who
constructively use and rightfully reward their endeavor. This resulted
in over a billion of people rising out of poverty in less than three
decades and businesses having better and more affordable products that
benefited consumers and business itself. By similar mechanism, the men
and women being free to move across borders to find people who would
treat them better than they are treated at home results in tremendous
improvement in people's relationships, as well as improvement in
gender fairness.
But far more importantly, it creates a real-world incentive for people
in all societies to treat their partners - men or women - in rightful
manner, for knowing that there are other people around the world who
would treat them well if they do not. And this breaks the stranglehold
of local oppressors and thugs - both thugs of muscle and thugs of
morality - who want to keep one or another group in their cultures in
shackles so that they can be guiltlessly and without consequence
Protectionism - attempt by rich countries to create walls against
international products - has been described as bullying and extortion.
The consumer is being extorted, and the working people around the
world are being bullied, by the rich country attempting to protect
unearned priviledge of some of its workers at everybody else's
expense. The communities that want to deny their citizens the right to
make interracial, intercultural or international matches, are likewise
using extortion and bullying to protect unearned privilege - such as
the unearned privilege of Middle Eastern or rural Indian men to treat
women like cattle, to throw vitriol in their faces, and to execute
them in case they do not obey their every idiotic command. Like
tariffs and quotas of the protectionists are used to maintain economic
imbalance, so the violence, moral thuggery, and oppressive laws, are
used to sustain social injustice. And just as in case of
protectionism, where the greater the economic imbalance the higher the
obstacles that are required to sustian it, so the greater the scale of
violence, moral thuggery, and oppressive legislation, the greater the
social injustice and the graver the system abuse.
There are many people who falsely claim that protectionism is more
moral than global economy. It is not; it is bullying and extortion
against one's citizens and against the world to protect unearned
privilege. The same is also true of efforts by any local entity at any
level to keep people from marrying people external to itself. If a
country or a community constructs walls against intercultural, inter-
ethnic or international marriage, then it is performing bullying and
extortion against its own citizens and against the rest of the world,
in order to keep its citizens chained to partners who want the
unearned privilege of treating them like trash.
The greater the scale of economic imbalance, the greater the need for
protective barriers. And the greater the scale of social imbalance,
the more artificial barriers are required to keep it in place. Thus,
the greatest amount of violence, threats, moral bludgeoning, character
assassination, psychological abuse and oppressive legislation will be
expected to be, and is, done by the communities that are the most
gravely injust and abusive - and to the least extent by the
communities that are the least abusive and least injust.
It takes more barriers to keep people from leaving a raw deal than it
does to keep them from leaving a fair deal. From this follows that the
greater the obstacles placed by the culture to women or men finding
partners elsewhere, the greater the systemic injustice that they
embody. The more abuse, violence, legal oppression and moral
bludgeoning is directed against one or another group, the greater the
injustice that is perpetuated against them. The greater the actual
need for intercultural, interracial or international flux in order to
rectify the imbalance.
The people are bullied into lives they would never have chosen if they
were aware of the true range of options before them, and are kept
there by oppressive laws that want to make a commitment based on
inadequate knowledge and false advertising life-long. That state of
affairs is falsely regarded as being moral. It is not moral state of
affairs; it is a state of affairs based on systemic injustice. The
disadvantaged are kept to inhuman treatment and denied relationships
with people who would treat them better, and the people around the
world are kept from partaking of what they have to offer, all in order
to defend unearned privilege of the wrongly advantaged class to abuse
the oppressed.
Thus, the people who are against intercultural matches in cultures
such as the Muslim scream about tradition and morality. The real
reason they are against such matches is that they want to abuse women
as much as they want to abuse women, and for the women to have no
other options but to put up with living hell that is life as a woman
in Middle East. The people who attack such matches in feminist
cultures claim all kinds of silliness as well. The real reason is that
they want to treat men like trash, and for the men to have no
possibility but to take it. In both cases, the resistance to
international relationships is a result of systemic wrong that leads
to systemic imbalance. And it is this wrong that is checked and
balanced by the real-world mechanism of people being meaningfully free
to choose their partners in parts of the world that are not formulated
by the same systemic imbalances and the wrongful mistreatment of one
or another gender that these imbalances create.
In the same way as global economy provides a way for workers around
the world to rise out of poverty - and for entrepreneurs to have
access to people who are willing and able to work effectively - so do
international matches allow a way for women from cultures slanted
against women and men from cultures slanted against men to create
matches with people from whom they can expect better treatment that in
home societies, and whom they likewise will treat in ways better than
they are treated at home. The women from cultures where women treat
men right but are mistreated by men in their own homeland - and men
from cultures where men treat women right but women do not treat men
right - find in each other better treatment than they could hope for
in partners from their own communities. Not only are beautiful matches
created, but social imbalances are rectified, and people in the
communities are shown how truly loving, mutually appreciative and
mutually respectful relationships can be made real. In this are
created two positives, and rectified many negatives. The positive of
mutually appreciative, mutually positive matches and positive
influence that they exert on the disadvantaged group in society - and
the negative of the wrong that creates social imbalances and the
abusive ways that maintain the wrong.
Thus international relationships therefore work for freedom, fairness,
and good treatment by men and women of one another in relationships.
And that is a valuable and meaningful good toward which it is worthy
to aspire for men and women around the world.
Things really suck ass, don't they?
2008-02-26 18:54:52 UTC
Post by i***@gmail.com
Everybody thinks that they know what is justice, but what they
conceive of as justice is different from place to place. The just-
world hypothesis of different people in different places and times
conceive of completely different kinds of justice. And it is by flux
between people and places that any meaningful concept of what is
justice can be attained.
In Muslim and rural Indian cultures, it is seen as justice that man
bludgeon the woman into being his dog and kill her if she disobeys in
the slightest. In American feminist culture, it is seen as justice
that a woman act like a harpy, treat people like garbage, get a
coworker fired for sexual harrassment if he tells her she's good-
looking, deal with all women who are nicer and prettier by abusing and
sabotaging them and destroying their careers and relationships, abuse
and emasculate any relationship partner, screw exes in court out of
every cent they can get, claim that anyone who objects to such conduct
is a misogynist or a bimbo, and aim to destroy as many men and
beautiful women in one's life as one can and then claim oneself strong
or smart or spiritual or a true servant of woman's cause. Both sets
think that they are right and that what they are doing is justice.
With such extremes in the world claiming themselves to be justice and
righteousness, the way to arrive at any realistic notion of the
preceding is for the real-world mechanism of people choosing each
other based on how they are willing to treat each other to balance out
whatever is believed in their respective homelands - and create a more
informed conceptions of justice and a more balanced just-world
hypotheses in every component part of the world.
It is ridiculous for Islamists in Middle East to claim to be speaking
for justice; in Middle East, Islamists are the injustice. The same is
true for the Dworkin-McKinnon types in the United States. The in-good-
faith feminists have a real point about behavior of men in Middle East
and many other parts of the world (and some in the West), and
Islamists about behavior of the not-in-good-faith ones among American
women. But they both have much less of a point at home. On their home
turfs, they apply a grossly imbalanced conception of justice pursuant
a grossly slanted just-world hypothesis to shape the country's concept
of justice into gravely distorted forms that lead to grave
mistreatment of people - women or men - who have done the least to
deserve it.
A positive match is created between men and women whose just-world
hypotheses are a positive-sum situation. A man from a feminist
culture, whose just-world hypothesis would be seen at home as slanted
toward patriarchy but in most of the rest of the world would be seen
as fairly matriarchial, and a woman from a patriarchial culture, whose
just-world hypothesis is seen in her own country as feminist but would
be seen in a feminist culture as patriarchial or equalist, have just-
world hypotheses that are better than complementary and that therefore
can create among them a joyful appreciation of one another and a
positive-sum relationship. Take a woman from the patriarchial culture,
and put her together with a man from the feminist culture, and we see
people who stand to treat one another better than they've ever been
treated by other gender at home. As intercultural flux allows people
to make matches based on what they see in each other and how they are
willing to treat each other, is checked the wrong in each culture that
caused the imbalance, and the graver wrong that is the mistreatment of
either women or men in relationships in pursuit of that false concept
of fairness. And this creates a real-world mechanism toward creating
social justice between men and women, as well as toward a goal that is
just as important: Creating relationships between men and women where
both parties appreciate one another and treat each other in a manner
that merits their vows of love.
The global social injustice will be solved at least in part by large-
scaleintercultural, interracial and international flux of people for
love and marriage. Bringing together the men from cultures where the
concept of justice is an extreme of feminism, with women from cultures
where the concept of justice is an extreme of patriarchy - even people
from cultures whose concepts of justice are not as extremely off-
target but still noticeably apart - will bring together people who can
appreciate one another, treat each other better than they are treated
at home, and be seen by each other as positive influence and an
improvement upon what they had to deal with. It will also create a
real-world check-and-balance upon the tendency of societies - all
societies - to go injust in one or another direction at the expense of
one or another group
There were many people for a long time who believed that economic
justice around the world would be achieved by Communism. In fact
global capitalism did a much better and faster job by allowing
billions of people in places like China and India to rise out of
poverty using their own efforts with global market for their goods.
And it is international flux for purpose of marriage that has real
possibility of doing the same for social justice - while also creating
many marriages along the way where people have genuine appreciation
for one another and treat each other in commensurate way.
Global economy made it possible for international business to move
across borders to find people who want to work and know how to work,
and for people to move across the borders to find employers who
constructively use and rightfully reward their endeavor. This resulted
in over a billion of people rising out of poverty in less than three
decades and businesses having better and more affordable products that
benefited consumers and business itself. By similar mechanism, the men
and women being free to move across borders to find people who would
treat them better than they are treated at home results in tremendous
improvement in people's relationships, as well as improvement in
gender fairness.
But far more importantly, it creates a real-world incentive for people
in all societies to treat their partners - men or women - in rightful
manner, for knowing that there are other people around the world who
would treat them well if they do not. And this breaks the stranglehold
of local oppressors and thugs - both thugs of muscle and thugs of
morality - who want to keep one or another group in their cultures in
shackles so that they can be guiltlessly and without consequence
Protectionism - attempt by rich countries to create walls against
international products - has been described as bullying and extortion.
The consumer is being extorted, and the working people around the
world are being bullied, by the rich country attempting to protect
unearned priviledge of some of its workers at everybody else's
expense. The communities that want to deny their citizens the right to
make interracial, intercultural or international matches, are likewise
using extortion and bullying to protect unearned privilege - such as
the unearned privilege of Middle Eastern or rural Indian men to treat
women like cattle, to throw vitriol in their faces, and to execute
them in case they do not obey their every idiotic command. Like
tariffs and quotas of the protectionists are used to maintain economic
imbalance, so the violence, moral thuggery, and oppressive laws, are
used to sustain social injustice. And just as in case of
protectionism, where the greater the economic imbalance the higher the
obstacles that are required to sustian it, so the greater the scale of
violence, moral thuggery, and oppressive legislation, the greater the
social injustice and the graver the system abuse.
There are many people who falsely claim that protectionism is more
moral than global economy. It is not; it is bullying and extortion
against one's citizens and against the world to protect unearned
privilege. The same is also true of efforts by any local entity at any
level to keep people from marrying people external to itself. If a
country or a community constructs walls against intercultural, inter-
ethnic or international  marriage, then it is performing bullying and
extortion against its own citizens and against the rest of the world,
in order to keep its citizens chained to partners who want the
unearned privilege of treating them like trash.
The greater the scale of economic imbalance, the greater the need for
protective barriers. And the greater the scale of social imbalance,
the more artificial barriers are required to keep it in place. Thus,
the greatest amount of violence, threats, moral bludgeoning, character
assassination, psychological abuse and oppressive legislation will be
expected to be, and is, done by the communities that are the most
gravely injust and abusive - and to the least extent by the
communities that are the least abusive and least injust.
It takes more barriers to keep people from leaving a raw deal than it
does to keep them from leaving a fair deal. From this follows that the
greater the obstacles placed by the culture to women or men finding
partners elsewhere, the greater the systemic injustice that they
embody. The more abuse, violence, legal oppression and moral
bludgeoning is directed against one or another group, the greater the
injustice that is perpetuated against them. The greater the actual
need for intercultural, interracial or international flux in order to
rectify the imbalance.
The people are bullied into lives they would never have chosen if they
were aware of the true range of options before them, and are kept
there by oppressive laws that want to make a commitment based on
inadequate knowledge and false advertising life-long. That state of
affairs is falsely regarded as being moral. It is not moral state of
affairs; it is a state of affairs based on systemic injustice. The
disadvantaged are kept to inhuman treatment ...
read more »
This things sound great in textbooks and only work for a very few
people. Most people are bullies in real life.
2008-02-26 19:02:47 UTC
Post by nikhil1home
Post by i***@gmail.com
Everybody thinks that they know what is justice, but what they
conceive of as justice is different from place to place. The just-
world hypothesis of different people in different places and times
conceive of completely different kinds of justice. And it is by flux
between people and places that any meaningful concept of what is
justice can be attained.
In Muslim and rural Indian cultures, it is seen as justice that man
bludgeon the woman into being his dog and kill her if she disobeys in
the slightest. In American feminist culture, it is seen as justice
that a woman act like a harpy, treat people like garbage, get a
coworker fired for sexual harrassment if he tells her she's good-
looking, deal with all women who are nicer and prettier by abusing
and sabotaging them and destroying their careers and relationships,
abuse and emasculate any relationship partner, screw exes in court
out of every cent they can get, claim that anyone who objects to
such conduct is a misogynist or a bimbo, and aim to destroy as many
men and beautiful women in one's life as one can and then claim
oneself strong or smart or spiritual or a true servant of woman's
cause. Both sets think that they are right and that what they are
doing is justice. With such extremes in the world claiming
themselves to be justice and righteousness, the way to arrive at any
realistic notion of the preceding is for the real-world mechanism of
people choosing each other based on how they are willing to treat
each other to balance out whatever is believed in their respective
homelands - and create a more informed conceptions of justice and a
more balanced just-world hypotheses in every component part of the
It is ridiculous for Islamists in Middle East to claim to be speaking
for justice; in Middle East, Islamists are the injustice. The same is
true for the Dworkin-McKinnon types in the United States. The
in-good- faith feminists have a real point about behavior of men in
Middle East and many other parts of the world (and some in the
West), and Islamists about behavior of the not-in-good-faith ones
among American women. But they both have much less of a point at
home. On their home turfs, they apply a grossly imbalanced
conception of justice pursuant a grossly slanted just-world
hypothesis to shape the country's concept of justice into gravely
distorted forms that lead to grave mistreatment of people - women or
men - who have done the least to deserve it.
A positive match is created between men and women whose just-world
hypotheses are a positive-sum situation. A man from a feminist
culture, whose just-world hypothesis would be seen at home as slanted
toward patriarchy but in most of the rest of the world would be seen
as fairly matriarchial, and a woman from a patriarchial culture,
whose just-world hypothesis is seen in her own country as feminist
but would be seen in a feminist culture as patriarchial or equalist,
have just- world hypotheses that are better than complementary and
that therefore can create among them a joyful appreciation of one
another and a positive-sum relationship. Take a woman from the
patriarchial culture, and put her together with a man from the
feminist culture, and we see people who stand to treat one another
better than they've ever been treated by other gender at home. As
intercultural flux allows people to make matches based on what they
see in each other and how they are willing to treat each other, is
checked the wrong in each culture that caused the imbalance, and the
graver wrong that is the mistreatment of either women or men in
relationships in pursuit of that false concept of fairness. And this
creates a real-world mechanism toward creating social justice
between men and women, as well as toward a goal that is just as
important: Creating relationships between men and women where both
parties appreciate one another and treat each other in a manner that
merits their vows of love.
The global social injustice will be solved at least in part by large-
scaleintercultural, interracial and international flux of people for
love and marriage. Bringing together the men from cultures where the
concept of justice is an extreme of feminism, with women from
cultures where the concept of justice is an extreme of patriarchy -
even people from cultures whose concepts of justice are not as
extremely off- target but still noticeably apart - will bring
together people who can appreciate one another, treat each other
better than they are treated at home, and be seen by each other as
positive influence and an improvement upon what they had to deal
with. It will also create a real-world check-and-balance upon the
tendency of societies - all societies - to go injust in one or
another direction at the expense of one or another group
There were many people for a long time who believed that economic
justice around the world would be achieved by Communism. In fact
global capitalism did a much better and faster job by allowing
billions of people in places like China and India to rise out of
poverty using their own efforts with global market for their goods.
And it is international flux for purpose of marriage that has real
possibility of doing the same for social justice - while also
creating many marriages along the way where people have genuine
appreciation for one another and treat each other in commensurate
Global economy made it possible for international business to move
across borders to find people who want to work and know how to work,
and for people to move across the borders to find employers who
constructively use and rightfully reward their endeavor. This
resulted in over a billion of people rising out of poverty in less
than three decades and businesses having better and more affordable
products that benefited consumers and business itself. By similar
mechanism, the men and women being free to move across borders to
find people who would treat them better than they are treated at
home results in tremendous improvement in people's relationships, as
well as improvement in gender fairness.
But far more importantly, it creates a real-world incentive for
people in all societies to treat their partners - men or women - in
rightful manner, for knowing that there are other people around the
world who would treat them well if they do not. And this breaks the
stranglehold of local oppressors and thugs - both thugs of muscle
and thugs of morality - who want to keep one or another group in
their cultures in shackles so that they can be guiltlessly and
without consequence mistreated.
Protectionism - attempt by rich countries to create walls against
international products - has been described as bullying and
extortion. The consumer is being extorted, and the working people
around the world are being bullied, by the rich country attempting
to protect unearned priviledge of some of its workers at everybody
else's expense. The communities that want to deny their citizens the
right to make interracial, intercultural or international matches,
are likewise using extortion and bullying to protect unearned
privilege - such as the unearned privilege of Middle Eastern or
rural Indian men to treat women like cattle, to throw vitriol in
their faces, and to execute them in case they do not obey their
every idiotic command. Like tariffs and quotas of the protectionists
are used to maintain economic imbalance, so the violence, moral
thuggery, and oppressive laws, are used to sustain social injustice.
And just as in case of protectionism, where the greater the economic
imbalance the higher the obstacles that are required to sustian it,
so the greater the scale of violence, moral thuggery, and oppressive
legislation, the greater the social injustice and the graver the
system abuse.
There are many people who falsely claim that protectionism is more
moral than global economy. It is not; it is bullying and extortion
against one's citizens and against the world to protect unearned
privilege. The same is also true of efforts by any local entity at
any level to keep people from marrying people external to itself. If
a country or a community constructs walls against intercultural,
inter- ethnic or international marriage, then it is performing
bullying and extortion against its own citizens and against the rest
of the world, in order to keep its citizens chained to partners who
want the unearned privilege of treating them like trash.
The greater the scale of economic imbalance, the greater the need for
protective barriers. And the greater the scale of social imbalance,
the more artificial barriers are required to keep it in place. Thus,
the greatest amount of violence, threats, moral bludgeoning,
character assassination, psychological abuse and oppressive
legislation will be expected to be, and is, done by the communities
that are the most gravely injust and abusive - and to the least
extent by the communities that are the least abusive and least
It takes more barriers to keep people from leaving a raw deal than it
does to keep them from leaving a fair deal. From this follows that
the greater the obstacles placed by the culture to women or men
finding partners elsewhere, the greater the systemic injustice that
they embody. The more abuse, violence, legal oppression and moral
bludgeoning is directed against one or another group, the greater the
injustice that is perpetuated against them. The greater the actual
need for intercultural, interracial or international flux in order to
rectify the imbalance.
The people are bullied into lives they would never have chosen if
they were aware of the true range of options before them, and are
kept there by oppressive laws that want to make a commitment based on
inadequate knowledge and false advertising life-long. That state of
affairs is falsely regarded as being moral. It is not moral state of
affairs; it is a state of affairs based on systemic injustice. The
disadvantaged are kept to inhuman treatment ...
read more »
This things sound great in textbooks and only work for a very few
people. Most people are bullies in real life.
do you know most people in real life
2008-02-26 19:08:50 UTC
Post by %
Post by nikhil1home
Post by i***@gmail.com
Everybody thinks that they know what is justice, but what they
conceive of as justice is different from place to place. The just-
world hypothesis of different people in different places and times
conceive of completely different kinds of justice. And it is by flux
between people and places that any meaningful concept of what is
justice can be attained.
In Muslim and rural Indian cultures, it is seen as justice that man
bludgeon the woman into being his dog and kill her if she disobeys in
the slightest. In American feminist culture, it is seen as justice
that a woman act like a harpy, treat people like garbage, get a
coworker fired for sexual harrassment if he tells her she's good-
looking, deal with all women who are nicer and prettier by abusing
and sabotaging them and destroying their careers and relationships,
abuse and emasculate any relationship partner, screw exes in court
out of every cent they can get, claim that anyone who objects to
such conduct is a misogynist or a bimbo, and aim to destroy as many
men and beautiful women in one's life as one can and then claim
oneself strong or smart or spiritual or a true servant of woman's
cause. Both sets think that they are right and that what they are
doing is justice. With such extremes in the world claiming
themselves to be justice and righteousness, the way to arrive at any
realistic notion of the preceding is for the real-world mechanism of
people choosing each other based on how they are willing to treat
each other to balance out whatever is believed in their respective
homelands - and create a more informed conceptions of justice and a
more balanced just-world hypotheses in every component part of the
It is ridiculous for Islamists in Middle East to claim to be speaking
for justice; in Middle East, Islamists are the injustice. The same is
true for the Dworkin-McKinnon types in the United States. The
in-good- faith feminists have a real point about behavior of men in
Middle East and many other parts of the world (and some in the
West), and Islamists about behavior of the not-in-good-faith ones
among American women. But they both have much less of a point at
home. On their home turfs, they apply a grossly imbalanced
conception of justice pursuant a grossly slanted just-world
hypothesis to shape the country's concept of justice into gravely
distorted forms that lead to grave mistreatment of people - women or
men - who have done the least to deserve it.
A positive match is created between men and women whose just-world
hypotheses are a positive-sum situation. A man from a feminist
culture, whose just-world hypothesis would be seen at home as slanted
toward patriarchy but in most of the rest of the world would be seen
as fairly matriarchial, and a woman from a patriarchial culture,
whose just-world hypothesis is seen in her own country as feminist
but would be seen in a feminist culture as patriarchial or equalist,
have just- world hypotheses that are better than complementary and
that therefore can create among them a joyful appreciation of one
another and a positive-sum relationship. Take a woman from the
patriarchial culture, and put her together with a man from the
feminist culture, and we see people who stand to treat one another
better than they've ever been treated by other gender at home. As
intercultural flux allows people to make matches based on what they
see in each other and how they are willing to treat each other, is
checked the wrong in each culture that caused the imbalance, and the
graver wrong that is the mistreatment of either women or men in
relationships in pursuit of that false concept of fairness. And this
creates a real-world mechanism toward creating social justice
between men and women, as well as toward a goal that is just as
important: Creating relationships between men and women where both
parties appreciate one another and treat each other in a manner that
merits their vows of love.
The global social injustice will be solved at least in part by large-
scaleintercultural, interracial and international flux of people for
love and marriage. Bringing together the men from cultures where the
concept of justice is an extreme of feminism, with women from
cultures where the concept of justice is an extreme of patriarchy -
even people from cultures whose concepts of justice are not as
extremely off- target but still noticeably apart - will bring
together people who can appreciate one another, treat each other
better than they are treated at home, and be seen by each other as
positive influence and an improvement upon what they had to deal
with. It will also create a real-world check-and-balance upon the
tendency of societies - all societies - to go injust in one or
another direction at the expense of one or another group
There were many people for a long time who believed that economic
justice around the world would be achieved by Communism. In fact
global capitalism did a much better and faster job by allowing
billions of people in places like China and India to rise out of
poverty using their own efforts with global market for their goods.
And it is international flux for purpose of marriage that has real
possibility of doing the same for social justice - while also
creating many marriages along the way where people have genuine
appreciation for one another and treat each other in commensurate
Global economy made it possible for international business to move
across borders to find people who want to work and know how to work,
and for people to move across the borders to find employers who
constructively use and rightfully reward their endeavor. This
resulted in over a billion of people rising out of poverty in less
than three decades and businesses having better and more affordable
products that benefited consumers and business itself. By similar
mechanism, the men and women being free to move across borders to
find people who would treat them better than they are treated at
home results in tremendous improvement in people's relationships, as
well as improvement in gender fairness.
But far more importantly, it creates a real-world incentive for
people in all societies to treat their partners - men or women - in
rightful manner, for knowing that there are other people around the
world who would treat them well if they do not. And this breaks the
stranglehold of local oppressors and thugs - both thugs of muscle
and thugs of morality - who want to keep one or another group in
their cultures in shackles so that they can be guiltlessly and
without consequence mistreated.
Protectionism - attempt by rich countries to create walls against
international products - has been described as bullying and
extortion. The consumer is being extorted, and the working people
around the world are being bullied, by the rich country attempting
to protect unearned priviledge of some of its workers at everybody
else's expense. The communities that want to deny their citizens the
right to make interracial, intercultural or international matches,
are likewise using extortion and bullying to protect unearned
privilege - such as the unearned privilege of Middle Eastern or
rural Indian men to treat women like cattle, to throw vitriol in
their faces, and to execute them in case they do not obey their
every idiotic command. Like tariffs and quotas of the protectionists
are used to maintain economic imbalance, so the violence, moral
thuggery, and oppressive laws, are used to sustain social injustice.
And just as in case of protectionism, where the greater the economic
imbalance the higher the obstacles that are required to sustian it,
so the greater the scale of violence, moral thuggery, and oppressive
legislation, the greater the social injustice and the graver the
system abuse.
There are many people who falsely claim that protectionism is more
moral than global economy. It is not; it is bullying and extortion
against one's citizens and against the world to protect unearned
privilege. The same is also true of efforts by any local entity at
any level to keep people from marrying people external to itself. If
a country or a community constructs walls against intercultural,
inter- ethnic or international marriage, then it is performing
bullying and extortion against its own citizens and against the rest
of the world, in order to keep its citizens chained to partners who
want the unearned privilege of treating them like trash.
The greater the scale of economic imbalance, the greater the need for
protective barriers. And the greater the scale of social imbalance,
the more artificial barriers are required to keep it in place. Thus,
the greatest amount of violence, threats, moral bludgeoning,
character assassination, psychological abuse and oppressive
legislation will be expected to be, and is, done by the communities
that are the most gravely injust and abusive - and to the least
extent by the communities that are the least abusive and least
It takes more barriers to keep people from leaving a raw deal than it
does to keep them from leaving a fair deal. From this follows that
the greater the obstacles placed by the culture to women or men
finding partners elsewhere, the greater the systemic injustice that
they embody. The more abuse, violence, legal oppression and moral
bludgeoning is directed against one or another group, the greater the
injustice that is perpetuated against them. The greater the actual
need for intercultural, interracial or international flux in order to
rectify the imbalance.
The people are bullied into lives they would never have chosen if
they were aware of the true range of options before them, and are
kept there by oppressive laws that want to make a commitment based on
inadequate knowledge and false advertising life-long. That state of
affairs is falsely regarded as being moral. It is not moral state of
affairs; it is a state of affairs based on systemic injustice. The
disadvantaged are kept to inhuman treatment ...
read more »
This things sound great in textbooks and only work for a very few
people. Most people are bullies in real life.
do you know most people in real life
I have come come across a lot of people in real life
2008-02-26 19:13:00 UTC
Post by nikhil1home
Post by %
Post by nikhil1home
Post by i***@gmail.com
Everybody thinks that they know what is justice, but what they
conceive of as justice is different from place to place. The just-
world hypothesis of different people in different places and times
conceive of completely different kinds of justice. And it is by flux
between people and places that any meaningful concept of what is
justice can be attained.
In Muslim and rural Indian cultures, it is seen as justice that man
bludgeon the woman into being his dog and kill her if she disobeys in
the slightest. In American feminist culture, it is seen as justice
that a woman act like a harpy, treat people like garbage, get a
coworker fired for sexual harrassment if he tells her she's good-
looking, deal with all women who are nicer and prettier by abusing
and sabotaging them and destroying their careers and relationships,
abuse and emasculate any relationship partner, screw exes in court
out of every cent they can get, claim that anyone who objects to
such conduct is a misogynist or a bimbo, and aim to destroy as many
men and beautiful women in one's life as one can and then claim
oneself strong or smart or spiritual or a true servant of woman's
cause. Both sets think that they are right and that what they are
doing is justice. With such extremes in the world claiming
themselves to be justice and righteousness, the way to arrive at any
realistic notion of the preceding is for the real-world mechanism of
people choosing each other based on how they are willing to treat
each other to balance out whatever is believed in their respective
homelands - and create a more informed conceptions of justice and a
more balanced just-world hypotheses in every component part of the
It is ridiculous for Islamists in Middle East to claim to be speaking
for justice; in Middle East, Islamists are the injustice. The same is
true for the Dworkin-McKinnon types in the United States. The
in-good- faith feminists have a real point about behavior of men in
Middle East and many other parts of the world (and some in the
West), and Islamists about behavior of the not-in-good-faith ones
among American women. But they both have much less of a point at
home. On their home turfs, they apply a grossly imbalanced
conception of justice pursuant a grossly slanted just-world
hypothesis to shape the country's concept of justice into gravely
distorted forms that lead to grave mistreatment of people - women or
men - who have done the least to deserve it.
A positive match is created between men and women whose just-world
hypotheses are a positive-sum situation. A man from a feminist
culture, whose just-world hypothesis would be seen at home as slanted
toward patriarchy but in most of the rest of the world would be seen
as fairly matriarchial, and a woman from a patriarchial culture,
whose just-world hypothesis is seen in her own country as feminist
but would be seen in a feminist culture as patriarchial or equalist,
have just- world hypotheses that are better than complementary and
that therefore can create among them a joyful appreciation of one
another and a positive-sum relationship. Take a woman from the
patriarchial culture, and put her together with a man from the
feminist culture, and we see people who stand to treat one another
better than they've ever been treated by other gender at home. As
intercultural flux allows people to make matches based on what they
see in each other and how they are willing to treat each other, is
checked the wrong in each culture that caused the imbalance, and the
graver wrong that is the mistreatment of either women or men in
relationships in pursuit of that false concept of fairness. And this
creates a real-world mechanism toward creating social justice
between men and women, as well as toward a goal that is just as
important: Creating relationships between men and women where both
parties appreciate one another and treat each other in a manner that
merits their vows of love.
The global social injustice will be solved at least in part by large-
scaleintercultural, interracial and international flux of people for
love and marriage. Bringing together the men from cultures where the
concept of justice is an extreme of feminism, with women from
cultures where the concept of justice is an extreme of patriarchy -
even people from cultures whose concepts of justice are not as
extremely off- target but still noticeably apart - will bring
together people who can appreciate one another, treat each other
better than they are treated at home, and be seen by each other as
positive influence and an improvement upon what they had to deal
with. It will also create a real-world check-and-balance upon the
tendency of societies - all societies - to go injust in one or
another direction at the expense of one or another group
There were many people for a long time who believed that economic
justice around the world would be achieved by Communism. In fact
global capitalism did a much better and faster job by allowing
billions of people in places like China and India to rise out of
poverty using their own efforts with global market for their goods.
And it is international flux for purpose of marriage that has real
possibility of doing the same for social justice - while also
creating many marriages along the way where people have genuine
appreciation for one another and treat each other in commensurate
Global economy made it possible for international business to move
across borders to find people who want to work and know how to work,
and for people to move across the borders to find employers who
constructively use and rightfully reward their endeavor. This
resulted in over a billion of people rising out of poverty in less
than three decades and businesses having better and more affordable
products that benefited consumers and business itself. By similar
mechanism, the men and women being free to move across borders to
find people who would treat them better than they are treated at
home results in tremendous improvement in people's relationships, as
well as improvement in gender fairness.
But far more importantly, it creates a real-world incentive for
people in all societies to treat their partners - men or women - in
rightful manner, for knowing that there are other people around the
world who would treat them well if they do not. And this breaks the
stranglehold of local oppressors and thugs - both thugs of muscle
and thugs of morality - who want to keep one or another group in
their cultures in shackles so that they can be guiltlessly and
without consequence mistreated.
Protectionism - attempt by rich countries to create walls against
international products - has been described as bullying and
extortion. The consumer is being extorted, and the working people
around the world are being bullied, by the rich country attempting
to protect unearned priviledge of some of its workers at everybody
else's expense. The communities that want to deny their citizens the
right to make interracial, intercultural or international matches,
are likewise using extortion and bullying to protect unearned
privilege - such as the unearned privilege of Middle Eastern or
rural Indian men to treat women like cattle, to throw vitriol in
their faces, and to execute them in case they do not obey their
every idiotic command. Like tariffs and quotas of the protectionists
are used to maintain economic imbalance, so the violence, moral
thuggery, and oppressive laws, are used to sustain social injustice.
And just as in case of protectionism, where the greater the economic
imbalance the higher the obstacles that are required to sustian it,
so the greater the scale of violence, moral thuggery, and oppressive
legislation, the greater the social injustice and the graver the
system abuse.
There are many people who falsely claim that protectionism is more
moral than global economy. It is not; it is bullying and extortion
against one's citizens and against the world to protect unearned
privilege. The same is also true of efforts by any local entity at
any level to keep people from marrying people external to itself. If
a country or a community constructs walls against intercultural,
inter- ethnic or international marriage, then it is performing
bullying and extortion against its own citizens and against the rest
of the world, in order to keep its citizens chained to partners who
want the unearned privilege of treating them like trash.
The greater the scale of economic imbalance, the greater the need for
protective barriers. And the greater the scale of social imbalance,
the more artificial barriers are required to keep it in place. Thus,
the greatest amount of violence, threats, moral bludgeoning,
character assassination, psychological abuse and oppressive
legislation will be expected to be, and is, done by the communities
that are the most gravely injust and abusive - and to the least
extent by the communities that are the least abusive and least
It takes more barriers to keep people from leaving a raw deal than it
does to keep them from leaving a fair deal. From this follows that
the greater the obstacles placed by the culture to women or men
finding partners elsewhere, the greater the systemic injustice that
they embody. The more abuse, violence, legal oppression and moral
bludgeoning is directed against one or another group, the greater the
injustice that is perpetuated against them. The greater the actual
need for intercultural, interracial or international flux in order to
rectify the imbalance.
The people are bullied into lives they would never have chosen if
they were aware of the true range of options before them, and are
kept there by oppressive laws that want to make a commitment based on
inadequate knowledge and false advertising life-long. That state of
affairs is falsely regarded as being moral. It is not moral state of
affairs; it is a state of affairs based on systemic injustice. The
disadvantaged are kept to inhuman treatment ...
read more »
This things sound great in textbooks and only work for a very few
people. Most people are bullies in real life.
do you know most people in real life
I have come come across a lot of people in real life
so've i, i'm not sure it was always appreciated
2008-02-26 19:16:00 UTC
Post by humble.life
Post by nikhil1home
Post by %
Post by nikhil1home
Post by i***@gmail.com
Everybody thinks that they know what is justice, but what they
conceive of as justice is different from place to place. The just-
world hypothesis of different people in different places and times
conceive of completely different kinds of justice. And it is by
flux between people and places that any meaningful concept of
what is justice can be attained.
In Muslim and rural Indian cultures, it is seen as justice that
man bludgeon the woman into being his dog and kill her if she
disobeys in the slightest. In American feminist culture, it is
seen as justice that a woman act like a harpy, treat people like
garbage, get a coworker fired for sexual harrassment if he tells
her she's good- looking, deal with all women who are nicer and
prettier by abusing and sabotaging them and destroying their
careers and relationships, abuse and emasculate any relationship
partner, screw exes in court out of every cent they can get,
claim that anyone who objects to such conduct is a misogynist or
a bimbo, and aim to destroy as many men and beautiful women in
one's life as one can and then claim oneself strong or smart or
spiritual or a true servant of woman's cause. Both sets think
that they are right and that what they are doing is justice. With
such extremes in the world claiming themselves to be justice and
righteousness, the way to arrive at any realistic notion of the
preceding is for the real-world mechanism of people choosing each
other based on how they are willing to treat each other to
balance out whatever is believed in their respective homelands -
and create a more informed conceptions of justice and a more
balanced just-world hypotheses in every component part of the
It is ridiculous for Islamists in Middle East to claim to be
speaking for justice; in Middle East, Islamists are the
injustice. The same is true for the Dworkin-McKinnon types in the
United States. The in-good- faith feminists have a real point
about behavior of men in Middle East and many other parts of the
world (and some in the West), and Islamists about behavior of the
not-in-good-faith ones among American women. But they both have
much less of a point at home. On their home turfs, they apply a
grossly imbalanced conception of justice pursuant a grossly
slanted just-world hypothesis to shape the country's concept of
justice into gravely distorted forms that lead to grave
mistreatment of people - women or men - who have done the least
to deserve it.
A positive match is created between men and women whose just-world
hypotheses are a positive-sum situation. A man from a feminist
culture, whose just-world hypothesis would be seen at home as
slanted toward patriarchy but in most of the rest of the world
would be seen as fairly matriarchial, and a woman from a
patriarchial culture, whose just-world hypothesis is seen in her
own country as feminist but would be seen in a feminist culture
as patriarchial or equalist, have just- world hypotheses that are
better than complementary and that therefore can create among
them a joyful appreciation of one another and a positive-sum
relationship. Take a woman from the patriarchial culture, and put
her together with a man from the feminist culture, and we see
people who stand to treat one another better than they've ever
been treated by other gender at home. As intercultural flux
allows people to make matches based on what they see in each
other and how they are willing to treat each other, is checked
the wrong in each culture that caused the imbalance, and the
graver wrong that is the mistreatment of either women or men in
relationships in pursuit of that false concept of fairness. And
this creates a real-world mechanism toward creating social
justice between men and women, as well as toward a goal that is
just as important: Creating relationships between men and women
where both parties appreciate one another and treat each other in
a manner that merits their vows of love.
The global social injustice will be solved at least in part by
large- scaleintercultural, interracial and international flux of
people for love and marriage. Bringing together the men from
cultures where the concept of justice is an extreme of feminism,
with women from cultures where the concept of justice is an
extreme of patriarchy - even people from cultures whose concepts
of justice are not as extremely off- target but still noticeably
apart - will bring together people who can appreciate one
another, treat each other better than they are treated at home,
and be seen by each other as positive influence and an
improvement upon what they had to deal with. It will also create
a real-world check-and-balance upon the tendency of societies -
all societies - to go injust in one or another direction at the
expense of one or another group
There were many people for a long time who believed that economic
justice around the world would be achieved by Communism. In fact
global capitalism did a much better and faster job by allowing
billions of people in places like China and India to rise out of
poverty using their own efforts with global market for their
goods. And it is international flux for purpose of marriage that
has real possibility of doing the same for social justice - while
also creating many marriages along the way where people have
genuine appreciation for one another and treat each other in
commensurate way.
Global economy made it possible for international business to move
across borders to find people who want to work and know how to
work, and for people to move across the borders to find employers
who constructively use and rightfully reward their endeavor. This
resulted in over a billion of people rising out of poverty in less
than three decades and businesses having better and more
affordable products that benefited consumers and business itself.
By similar mechanism, the men and women being free to move across
borders to find people who would treat them better than they are
treated at home results in tremendous improvement in people's
relationships, as well as improvement in gender fairness.
But far more importantly, it creates a real-world incentive for
people in all societies to treat their partners - men or women -
in rightful manner, for knowing that there are other people
around the world who would treat them well if they do not. And
this breaks the stranglehold of local oppressors and thugs - both
thugs of muscle and thugs of morality - who want to keep one or
another group in their cultures in shackles so that they can be
guiltlessly and without consequence mistreated.
Protectionism - attempt by rich countries to create walls against
international products - has been described as bullying and
extortion. The consumer is being extorted, and the working people
around the world are being bullied, by the rich country attempting
to protect unearned priviledge of some of its workers at everybody
else's expense. The communities that want to deny their citizens
the right to make interracial, intercultural or international
matches, are likewise using extortion and bullying to protect
unearned privilege - such as the unearned privilege of Middle
Eastern or rural Indian men to treat women like cattle, to throw
vitriol in their faces, and to execute them in case they do not
obey their every idiotic command. Like tariffs and quotas of the
protectionists are used to maintain economic imbalance, so the
violence, moral thuggery, and oppressive laws, are used to
sustain social injustice. And just as in case of protectionism,
where the greater the economic imbalance the higher the obstacles
that are required to sustian it, so the greater the scale of
violence, moral thuggery, and oppressive legislation, the greater
the social injustice and the graver the system abuse.
There are many people who falsely claim that protectionism is more
moral than global economy. It is not; it is bullying and extortion
against one's citizens and against the world to protect unearned
privilege. The same is also true of efforts by any local entity at
any level to keep people from marrying people external to itself.
If a country or a community constructs walls against
intercultural, inter- ethnic or international marriage, then it
is performing bullying and extortion against its own citizens and
against the rest of the world, in order to keep its citizens
chained to partners who want the unearned privilege of treating
them like trash.
The greater the scale of economic imbalance, the greater the need
for protective barriers. And the greater the scale of social
imbalance, the more artificial barriers are required to keep it
in place. Thus, the greatest amount of violence, threats, moral
bludgeoning, character assassination, psychological abuse and
oppressive legislation will be expected to be, and is, done by
the communities that are the most gravely injust and abusive -
and to the least extent by the communities that are the least
abusive and least injust.
It takes more barriers to keep people from leaving a raw deal
than it does to keep them from leaving a fair deal. From this
follows that the greater the obstacles placed by the culture to
women or men finding partners elsewhere, the greater the systemic
injustice that they embody. The more abuse, violence, legal
oppression and moral bludgeoning is directed against one or
another group, the greater the injustice that is perpetuated
against them. The greater the actual need for intercultural,
interracial or international flux in order to rectify the
The people are bullied into lives they would never have chosen if
they were aware of the true range of options before them, and are
kept there by oppressive laws that want to make a commitment
based on inadequate knowledge and false advertising life-long.
That state of affairs is falsely regarded as being moral. It is
not moral state of affairs; it is a state of affairs based on
systemic injustice. The disadvantaged are kept to inhuman
treatment ...
read more »
This things sound great in textbooks and only work for a very few
people. Most people are bullies in real life.
do you know most people in real life
I have come come across a lot of people in real life
so've i, i'm not sure it was always appreciated
keep coming back
2008-02-26 19:24:56 UTC
Post by %
Post by humble.life
Post by nikhil1home
Post by %
Post by nikhil1home
Post by i***@gmail.com
Everybody thinks that they know what is justice, but what they
conceive of as justice is different from place to place. The just-
world hypothesis of different people in different places and times
conceive of completely different kinds of justice. And it is by
flux between people and places that any meaningful concept of
what is justice can be attained.
In Muslim and rural Indian cultures, it is seen as justice that
man bludgeon the woman into being his dog and kill her if she
disobeys in the slightest. In American feminist culture, it is
seen as justice that a woman act like a harpy, treat people like
garbage, get a coworker fired for sexual harrassment if he tells
her she's good- looking, deal with all women who are nicer and
prettier by abusing and sabotaging them and destroying their
careers and relationships, abuse and emasculate any relationship
partner, screw exes in court out of every cent they can get,
claim that anyone who objects to such conduct is a misogynist or
a bimbo, and aim to destroy as many men and beautiful women in
one's life as one can and then claim oneself strong or smart or
spiritual or a true servant of woman's cause. Both sets think
that they are right and that what they are doing is justice. With
such extremes in the world claiming themselves to be justice and
righteousness, the way to arrive at any realistic notion of the
preceding is for the real-world mechanism of people choosing each
other based on how they are willing to treat each other to
balance out whatever is believed in their respective homelands -
and create a more informed conceptions of justice and a more
balanced just-world hypotheses in every component part of the
It is ridiculous for Islamists in Middle East to claim to be
speaking for justice; in Middle East, Islamists are the
injustice. The same is true for the Dworkin-McKinnon types in the
United States. The in-good- faith feminists have a real point
about behavior of men in Middle East and many other parts of the
world (and some in the West), and Islamists about behavior of the
not-in-good-faith ones among American women. But they both have
much less of a point at home. On their home turfs, they apply a
grossly imbalanced conception of justice pursuant a grossly
slanted just-world hypothesis to shape the country's concept of
justice into gravely distorted forms that lead to grave
mistreatment of people - women or men - who have done the least
to deserve it.
A positive match is created between men and women whose just-world
hypotheses are a positive-sum situation. A man from a feminist
culture, whose just-world hypothesis would be seen at home as
slanted toward patriarchy but in most of the rest of the world
would be seen as fairly matriarchial, and a woman from a
patriarchial culture, whose just-world hypothesis is seen in her
own country as feminist but would be seen in a feminist culture
as patriarchial or equalist, have just- world hypotheses that are
better than complementary and that therefore can create among
them a joyful appreciation of one another and a positive-sum
relationship. Take a woman from the patriarchial culture, and put
her together with a man from the feminist culture, and we see
people who stand to treat one another better than they've ever
been treated by other gender at home. As intercultural flux
allows people to make matches based on what they see in each
other and how they are willing to treat each other, is checked
the wrong in each culture that caused the imbalance, and the
graver wrong that is the mistreatment of either women or men in
relationships in pursuit of that false concept of fairness. And
this creates a real-world mechanism toward creating social
justice between men and women, as well as toward a goal that is
just as important: Creating relationships between men and women
where both parties appreciate one another and treat each other in
a manner that merits their vows of love.
The global social injustice will be solved at least in part by
large- scaleintercultural, interracial and international flux of
people for love and marriage. Bringing together the men from
cultures where the concept of justice is an extreme of feminism,
with women from cultures where the concept of justice is an
extreme of patriarchy - even people from cultures whose concepts
of justice are not as extremely off- target but still noticeably
apart - will bring together people who can appreciate one
another, treat each other better than they are treated at home,
and be seen by each other as positive influence and an
improvement upon what they had to deal with. It will also create
a real-world check-and-balance upon the tendency of societies -
all societies - to go injust in one or another direction at the
expense of one or another group
There were many people for a long time who believed that economic
justice around the world would be achieved by Communism. In fact
global capitalism did a much better and faster job by allowing
billions of people in places like China and India to rise out of
poverty using their own efforts with global market for their
goods. And it is international flux for purpose of marriage that
has real possibility of doing the same for social justice - while
also creating many marriages along the way where people have
genuine appreciation for one another and treat each other in
commensurate way.
Global economy made it possible for international business to move
across borders to find people who want to work and know how to
work, and for people to move across the borders to find employers
who constructively use and rightfully reward their endeavor. This
resulted in over a billion of people rising out of poverty in less
than three decades and businesses having better and more
affordable products that benefited consumers and business itself.
By similar mechanism, the men and women being free to move across
borders to find people who would treat them better than they are
treated at home results in tremendous improvement in people's
relationships, as well as improvement in gender fairness.
But far more importantly, it creates a real-world incentive for
people in all societies to treat their partners - men or women -
in rightful manner, for knowing that there are other people
around the world who would treat them well if they do not. And
this breaks the stranglehold of local oppressors and thugs - both
thugs of muscle and thugs of morality - who want to keep one or
another group in their cultures in shackles so that they can be
guiltlessly and without consequence mistreated.
Protectionism - attempt by rich countries to create walls against
international products - has been described as bullying and
extortion. The consumer is being extorted, and the working people
around the world are being bullied, by the rich country attempting
to protect unearned priviledge of some of its workers at everybody
else's expense. The communities that want to deny their citizens
the right to make interracial, intercultural or international
matches, are likewise using extortion and bullying to protect
unearned privilege - such as the unearned privilege of Middle
Eastern or rural Indian men to treat women like cattle, to throw
vitriol in their faces, and to execute them in case they do not
obey their every idiotic command. Like tariffs and quotas of the
protectionists are used to maintain economic imbalance, so the
violence, moral thuggery, and oppressive laws, are used to
sustain social injustice. And just as in case of protectionism,
where the greater the economic imbalance the higher the obstacles
that are required to sustian it, so the greater the scale of
violence, moral thuggery, and oppressive legislation, the greater
the social injustice and the graver the system abuse.
There are many people who falsely claim that protectionism is more
moral than global economy. It is not; it is bullying and extortion
against one's citizens and against the world to protect unearned
privilege. The same is also true of efforts by any local entity at
any level to keep people from marrying people external to itself.
If a country or a community constructs walls against
intercultural, inter- ethnic or international marriage, then it
is performing bullying and extortion against its own citizens and
against the rest of the world, in order to keep its citizens
chained to partners who want the unearned privilege of treating
them like trash.
The greater the scale of economic imbalance, the greater the need
for protective barriers. And the greater the scale of social
imbalance, the more artificial barriers are required to keep it
in place. Thus, the greatest amount of violence, threats, moral
bludgeoning, character assassination, psychological abuse and
oppressive legislation will be expected to be, and is, done by
the communities that are the most gravely injust and abusive -
and to the least extent by the communities that are the least
abusive and least injust.
It takes more barriers to keep people from leaving a raw deal
than it does to keep them from leaving a fair deal. From this
follows that the greater the obstacles placed by the culture to
women or men finding partners elsewhere, the greater the systemic
injustice that they embody. The more abuse, violence, legal
oppression and moral bludgeoning is directed against one or
another group, the greater the injustice that is perpetuated
against them. The greater the actual need for intercultural,
interracial or international flux in order to rectify the
The people are bullied into lives they would never have chosen if
they were aware of the true range of options before them, and are
kept there by oppressive laws that want to make a commitment
based on inadequate knowledge and false advertising life-long.
That state of affairs is falsely regarded as being moral. It is
not moral state of affairs; it is a state of affairs based on
systemic injustice. The disadvantaged are kept to inhuman
treatment ...
read more »
This things sound great in textbooks and only work for a very few
people. Most people are bullies in real life.
do you know most people in real life
I have come come across a lot of people in real life
so've i, i'm not sure it was always appreciated
keep coming back
like they know me
2008-02-26 19:26:55 UTC
Post by humble.life
Post by %
Post by humble.life
Post by nikhil1home
Post by %
Post by nikhil1home
Post by i***@gmail.com
Everybody thinks that they know what is justice, but what they
conceive of as justice is different from place to place. The
just- world hypothesis of different people in different places
and times conceive of completely different kinds of justice.
And it is by flux between people and places that any meaningful
concept of what is justice can be attained.
In Muslim and rural Indian cultures, it is seen as justice that
man bludgeon the woman into being his dog and kill her if she
disobeys in the slightest. In American feminist culture, it is
seen as justice that a woman act like a harpy, treat people like
garbage, get a coworker fired for sexual harrassment if he tells
her she's good- looking, deal with all women who are nicer and
prettier by abusing and sabotaging them and destroying their
careers and relationships, abuse and emasculate any relationship
partner, screw exes in court out of every cent they can get,
claim that anyone who objects to such conduct is a misogynist or
a bimbo, and aim to destroy as many men and beautiful women in
one's life as one can and then claim oneself strong or smart or
spiritual or a true servant of woman's cause. Both sets think
that they are right and that what they are doing is justice.
With such extremes in the world claiming themselves to be
justice and righteousness, the way to arrive at any realistic
notion of the preceding is for the real-world mechanism of
people choosing each other based on how they are willing to
treat each other to balance out whatever is believed in their
respective homelands - and create a more informed conceptions
of justice and a more balanced just-world hypotheses in every
component part of the world.
It is ridiculous for Islamists in Middle East to claim to be
speaking for justice; in Middle East, Islamists are the
injustice. The same is true for the Dworkin-McKinnon types in
the United States. The in-good- faith feminists have a real
point about behavior of men in Middle East and many other parts
of the world (and some in the West), and Islamists about
behavior of the not-in-good-faith ones among American women.
But they both have much less of a point at home. On their home
turfs, they apply a grossly imbalanced conception of justice
pursuant a grossly slanted just-world hypothesis to shape the
country's concept of justice into gravely distorted forms that
lead to grave mistreatment of people - women or men - who have
done the least to deserve it.
A positive match is created between men and women whose
just-world hypotheses are a positive-sum situation. A man from
a feminist culture, whose just-world hypothesis would be seen
at home as slanted toward patriarchy but in most of the rest of
the world would be seen as fairly matriarchial, and a woman
from a patriarchial culture, whose just-world hypothesis is
seen in her own country as feminist but would be seen in a
feminist culture as patriarchial or equalist, have just- world
hypotheses that are better than complementary and that
therefore can create among them a joyful appreciation of one
another and a positive-sum relationship. Take a woman from the
patriarchial culture, and put her together with a man from the
feminist culture, and we see people who stand to treat one
another better than they've ever been treated by other gender
at home. As intercultural flux allows people to make matches
based on what they see in each other and how they are willing
to treat each other, is checked the wrong in each culture that
caused the imbalance, and the graver wrong that is the
mistreatment of either women or men in relationships in pursuit
of that false concept of fairness. And this creates a
real-world mechanism toward creating social justice between men
Creating relationships between men and women where both parties
appreciate one another and treat each other in a manner that
merits their vows of love.
The global social injustice will be solved at least in part by
large- scaleintercultural, interracial and international flux of
people for love and marriage. Bringing together the men from
cultures where the concept of justice is an extreme of feminism,
with women from cultures where the concept of justice is an
extreme of patriarchy - even people from cultures whose concepts
of justice are not as extremely off- target but still noticeably
apart - will bring together people who can appreciate one
another, treat each other better than they are treated at home,
and be seen by each other as positive influence and an
improvement upon what they had to deal with. It will also create
a real-world check-and-balance upon the tendency of societies -
all societies - to go injust in one or another direction at the
expense of one or another group
There were many people for a long time who believed that
economic justice around the world would be achieved by
Communism. In fact global capitalism did a much better and
faster job by allowing billions of people in places like China
and India to rise out of poverty using their own efforts with
global market for their goods. And it is international flux for
purpose of marriage that has real possibility of doing the same
for social justice - while also creating many marriages along
the way where people have genuine appreciation for one another
and treat each other in commensurate way.
Global economy made it possible for international business to
move across borders to find people who want to work and know
how to work, and for people to move across the borders to find
employers who constructively use and rightfully reward their
endeavor. This resulted in over a billion of people rising out
of poverty in less than three decades and businesses having
better and more affordable products that benefited consumers
and business itself. By similar mechanism, the men and women
being free to move across borders to find people who would
treat them better than they are treated at home results in
tremendous improvement in people's relationships, as well as
improvement in gender fairness.
But far more importantly, it creates a real-world incentive for
people in all societies to treat their partners - men or women -
in rightful manner, for knowing that there are other people
around the world who would treat them well if they do not. And
this breaks the stranglehold of local oppressors and thugs -
both thugs of muscle and thugs of morality - who want to keep
one or another group in their cultures in shackles so that they
can be guiltlessly and without consequence mistreated.
Protectionism - attempt by rich countries to create walls
against international products - has been described as bullying
and extortion. The consumer is being extorted, and the working
people around the world are being bullied, by the rich country
attempting to protect unearned priviledge of some of its
workers at everybody else's expense. The communities that want
to deny their citizens the right to make interracial,
intercultural or international matches, are likewise using
extortion and bullying to protect unearned privilege - such as
the unearned privilege of Middle Eastern or rural Indian men to
treat women like cattle, to throw vitriol in their faces, and
to execute them in case they do not obey their every idiotic
command. Like tariffs and quotas of the protectionists are used
to maintain economic imbalance, so the violence, moral
thuggery, and oppressive laws, are used to sustain social
injustice. And just as in case of protectionism, where the
greater the economic imbalance the higher the obstacles that
are required to sustian it, so the greater the scale of
violence, moral thuggery, and oppressive legislation, the
greater the social injustice and the graver the system abuse.
There are many people who falsely claim that protectionism is
more moral than global economy. It is not; it is bullying and
extortion against one's citizens and against the world to
protect unearned privilege. The same is also true of efforts by
any local entity at any level to keep people from marrying
people external to itself. If a country or a community
constructs walls against intercultural, inter- ethnic or
international marriage, then it is performing bullying and
extortion against its own citizens and against the rest of the
world, in order to keep its citizens chained to partners who
want the unearned privilege of treating them like trash.
The greater the scale of economic imbalance, the greater the
need for protective barriers. And the greater the scale of
social imbalance, the more artificial barriers are required to
keep it in place. Thus, the greatest amount of violence,
threats, moral bludgeoning, character assassination,
psychological abuse and oppressive legislation will be expected
to be, and is, done by the communities that are the most
gravely injust and abusive - and to the least extent by the
communities that are the least abusive and least injust.
It takes more barriers to keep people from leaving a raw deal
than it does to keep them from leaving a fair deal. From this
follows that the greater the obstacles placed by the culture to
women or men finding partners elsewhere, the greater the
systemic injustice that they embody. The more abuse, violence,
legal oppression and moral bludgeoning is directed against one
or another group, the greater the injustice that is perpetuated
against them. The greater the actual need for intercultural,
interracial or international flux in order to rectify the
The people are bullied into lives they would never have chosen
if they were aware of the true range of options before them,
and are kept there by oppressive laws that want to make a
commitment based on inadequate knowledge and false advertising
life-long. That state of affairs is falsely regarded as being
moral. It is not moral state of affairs; it is a state of
affairs based on systemic injustice. The disadvantaged are kept
to inhuman treatment ...
read more »
This things sound great in textbooks and only work for a very few
people. Most people are bullies in real life.
do you know most people in real life
I have come come across a lot of people in real life
so've i, i'm not sure it was always appreciated
keep coming back
like they know me
everybody loves everybody in asd it is the gift of Landru
2008-02-26 19:27:36 UTC
Post by %
Post by humble.life
Post by %
Post by humble.life
Post by nikhil1home
Post by %
Post by nikhil1home
Post by i***@gmail.com
Everybody thinks that they know what is justice, but what they
conceive of as justice is different from place to place. The
just- world hypothesis of different people in different places
and times conceive of completely different kinds of justice.
And it is by flux between people and places that any meaningful
concept of what is justice can be attained.
In Muslim and rural Indian cultures, it is seen as justice that
man bludgeon the woman into being his dog and kill her if she
disobeys in the slightest. In American feminist culture, it is
seen as justice that a woman act like a harpy, treat people like
garbage, get a coworker fired for sexual harrassment if he tells
her she's good- looking, deal with all women who are nicer and
prettier by abusing and sabotaging them and destroying their
careers and relationships, abuse and emasculate any relationship
partner, screw exes in court out of every cent they can get,
claim that anyone who objects to such conduct is a misogynist or
a bimbo, and aim to destroy as many men and beautiful women in
one's life as one can and then claim oneself strong or smart or
spiritual or a true servant of woman's cause. Both sets think
that they are right and that what they are doing is justice.
With such extremes in the world claiming themselves to be
justice and righteousness, the way to arrive at any realistic
notion of the preceding is for the real-world mechanism of
people choosing each other based on how they are willing to
treat each other to balance out whatever is believed in their
respective homelands - and create a more informed conceptions
of justice and a more balanced just-world hypotheses in every
component part of the world.
It is ridiculous for Islamists in Middle East to claim to be
speaking for justice; in Middle East, Islamists are the
injustice. The same is true for the Dworkin-McKinnon types in
the United States. The in-good- faith feminists have a real
point about behavior of men in Middle East and many other parts
of the world (and some in the West), and Islamists about
behavior of the not-in-good-faith ones among American women.
But they both have much less of a point at home. On their home
turfs, they apply a grossly imbalanced conception of justice
pursuant a grossly slanted just-world hypothesis to shape the
country's concept of justice into gravely distorted forms that
lead to grave mistreatment of people - women or men - who have
done the least to deserve it.
A positive match is created between men and women whose
just-world hypotheses are a positive-sum situation. A man from
a feminist culture, whose just-world hypothesis would be seen
at home as slanted toward patriarchy but in most of the rest of
the world would be seen as fairly matriarchial, and a woman
from a patriarchial culture, whose just-world hypothesis is
seen in her own country as feminist but would be seen in a
feminist culture as patriarchial or equalist, have just- world
hypotheses that are better than complementary and that
therefore can create among them a joyful appreciation of one
another and a positive-sum relationship. Take a woman from the
patriarchial culture, and put her together with a man from the
feminist culture, and we see people who stand to treat one
another better than they've ever been treated by other gender
at home. As intercultural flux allows people to make matches
based on what they see in each other and how they are willing
to treat each other, is checked the wrong in each culture that
caused the imbalance, and the graver wrong that is the
mistreatment of either women or men in relationships in pursuit
of that false concept of fairness. And this creates a
real-world mechanism toward creating social justice between men
Creating relationships between men and women where both parties
appreciate one another and treat each other in a manner that
merits their vows of love.
The global social injustice will be solved at least in part by
large- scaleintercultural, interracial and international flux of
people for love and marriage. Bringing together the men from
cultures where the concept of justice is an extreme of feminism,
with women from cultures where the concept of justice is an
extreme of patriarchy - even people from cultures whose concepts
of justice are not as extremely off- target but still noticeably
apart - will bring together people who can appreciate one
another, treat each other better than they are treated at home,
and be seen by each other as positive influence and an
improvement upon what they had to deal with. It will also create
a real-world check-and-balance upon the tendency of societies -
all societies - to go injust in one or another direction at the
expense of one or another group
There were many people for a long time who believed that
economic justice around the world would be achieved by
Communism. In fact global capitalism did a much better and
faster job by allowing billions of people in places like China
and India to rise out of poverty using their own efforts with
global market for their goods. And it is international flux for
purpose of marriage that has real possibility of doing the same
for social justice - while also creating many marriages along
the way where people have genuine appreciation for one another
and treat each other in commensurate way.
Global economy made it possible for international business to
move across borders to find people who want to work and know
how to work, and for people to move across the borders to find
employers who constructively use and rightfully reward their
endeavor. This resulted in over a billion of people rising out
of poverty in less than three decades and businesses having
better and more affordable products that benefited consumers
and business itself. By similar mechanism, the men and women
being free to move across borders to find people who would
treat them better than they are treated at home results in
tremendous improvement in people's relationships, as well as
improvement in gender fairness.
But far more importantly, it creates a real-world incentive for
people in all societies to treat their partners - men or women -
in rightful manner, for knowing that there are other people
around the world who would treat them well if they do not. And
this breaks the stranglehold of local oppressors and thugs -
both thugs of muscle and thugs of morality - who want to keep
one or another group in their cultures in shackles so that they
can be guiltlessly and without consequence mistreated.
Protectionism - attempt by rich countries to create walls
against international products - has been described as bullying
and extortion. The consumer is being extorted, and the working
people around the world are being bullied, by the rich country
attempting to protect unearned priviledge of some of its
workers at everybody else's expense. The communities that want
to deny their citizens the right to make interracial,
intercultural or international matches, are likewise using
extortion and bullying to protect unearned privilege - such as
the unearned privilege of Middle Eastern or rural Indian men to
treat women like cattle, to throw vitriol in their faces, and
to execute them in case they do not obey their every idiotic
command. Like tariffs and quotas of the protectionists are used
to maintain economic imbalance, so the violence, moral
thuggery, and oppressive laws, are used to sustain social
injustice. And just as in case of protectionism, where the
greater the economic imbalance the higher the obstacles that
are required to sustian it, so the greater the scale of
violence, moral thuggery, and oppressive legislation, the
greater the social injustice and the graver the system abuse.
There are many people who falsely claim that protectionism is
more moral than global economy. It is not; it is bullying and
extortion against one's citizens and against the world to
protect unearned privilege. The same is also true of efforts by
any local entity at any level to keep people from marrying
people external to itself. If a country or a community
constructs walls against intercultural, inter- ethnic or
international marriage, then it is performing bullying and
extortion against its own citizens and against the rest of the
world, in order to keep its citizens chained to partners who
want the unearned privilege of treating them like trash.
The greater the scale of economic imbalance, the greater the
need for protective barriers. And the greater the scale of
social imbalance, the more artificial barriers are required to
keep it in place. Thus, the greatest amount of violence,
threats, moral bludgeoning, character assassination,
psychological abuse and oppressive legislation will be expected
to be, and is, done by the communities that are the most
gravely injust and abusive - and to the least extent by the
communities that are the least abusive and least injust.
It takes more barriers to keep people from leaving a raw deal
than it does to keep them from leaving a fair deal. From this
follows that the greater the obstacles placed by the culture to
women or men finding partners elsewhere, the greater the
systemic injustice that they embody. The more abuse, violence,
legal oppression and moral bludgeoning is directed against one
or another group, the greater the injustice that is perpetuated
against them. The greater the actual need for intercultural,
interracial or international flux in order to rectify the
The people are bullied into lives they would never have chosen
if they were aware of the true range of options before them,
and are kept there by oppressive laws that want to make a
commitment based on inadequate knowledge and false advertising
life-long. That state of affairs is falsely regarded as being
moral. It is not moral state of affairs; it is a state of
affairs based on systemic injustice. The disadvantaged are kept
to inhuman treatment ...
read more »
This things sound great in textbooks and only work for a very few
people. Most people are bullies in real life.
do you know most people in real life
I have come come across a lot of people in real life
so've i, i'm not sure it was always appreciated
keep coming back
like they know me
everybody loves everybody in asd it is the gift of Landru
i've got a pile of Landru in the kitchen
2008-02-26 19:30:23 UTC
Post by humble.life
Post by %
Post by humble.life
Post by %
Post by humble.life
Post by nikhil1home
Post by %
Post by nikhil1home
Post by i***@gmail.com
Everybody thinks that they know what is justice, but what they
conceive of as justice is different from place to place. The
just- world hypothesis of different people in different places
and times conceive of completely different kinds of justice.
And it is by flux between people and places that any
meaningful concept of what is justice can be attained.
In Muslim and rural Indian cultures, it is seen as justice
that man bludgeon the woman into being his dog and kill her
if she disobeys in the slightest. In American feminist
culture, it is seen as justice that a woman act like a harpy,
treat people like garbage, get a coworker fired for sexual
harrassment if he tells her she's good- looking, deal with
all women who are nicer and prettier by abusing and
sabotaging them and destroying their careers and
relationships, abuse and emasculate any relationship partner,
screw exes in court out of every cent they can get, claim
that anyone who objects to such conduct is a misogynist or a
bimbo, and aim to destroy as many men and beautiful women in
one's life as one can and then claim oneself strong or smart
or spiritual or a true servant of woman's cause. Both sets
think that they are right and that what they are doing is
justice. With such extremes in the world claiming themselves
to be justice and righteousness, the way to arrive at any
realistic notion of the preceding is for the real-world
mechanism of people choosing each other based on how they are
willing to treat each other to balance out whatever is
believed in their respective homelands - and create a more
informed conceptions of justice and a more balanced
just-world hypotheses in every component part of the world.
It is ridiculous for Islamists in Middle East to claim to be
speaking for justice; in Middle East, Islamists are the
injustice. The same is true for the Dworkin-McKinnon types in
the United States. The in-good- faith feminists have a real
point about behavior of men in Middle East and many other
parts of the world (and some in the West), and Islamists about
behavior of the not-in-good-faith ones among American women.
But they both have much less of a point at home. On their home
turfs, they apply a grossly imbalanced conception of justice
pursuant a grossly slanted just-world hypothesis to shape the
country's concept of justice into gravely distorted forms that
lead to grave mistreatment of people - women or men - who have
done the least to deserve it.
A positive match is created between men and women whose
just-world hypotheses are a positive-sum situation. A man from
a feminist culture, whose just-world hypothesis would be seen
at home as slanted toward patriarchy but in most of the rest
of the world would be seen as fairly matriarchial, and a woman
from a patriarchial culture, whose just-world hypothesis is
seen in her own country as feminist but would be seen in a
feminist culture as patriarchial or equalist, have just- world
hypotheses that are better than complementary and that
therefore can create among them a joyful appreciation of one
another and a positive-sum relationship. Take a woman from the
patriarchial culture, and put her together with a man from the
feminist culture, and we see people who stand to treat one
another better than they've ever been treated by other gender
at home. As intercultural flux allows people to make matches
based on what they see in each other and how they are willing
to treat each other, is checked the wrong in each culture that
caused the imbalance, and the graver wrong that is the
mistreatment of either women or men in relationships in
pursuit of that false concept of fairness. And this creates a
real-world mechanism toward creating social justice between
men and women, as well as toward a goal that is just as
important: Creating relationships between men and women where
both parties appreciate one another and treat each other in a
manner that merits their vows of love.
The global social injustice will be solved at least in part by
large- scaleintercultural, interracial and international flux
of people for love and marriage. Bringing together the men
from cultures where the concept of justice is an extreme of
feminism, with women from cultures where the concept of
justice is an extreme of patriarchy - even people from
cultures whose concepts of justice are not as extremely off-
target but still noticeably apart - will bring together
people who can appreciate one another, treat each other
better than they are treated at home, and be seen by each
other as positive influence and an improvement upon what they
had to deal with. It will also create a real-world
check-and-balance upon the tendency of societies - all
societies - to go injust in one or another direction at the
expense of one or another group
There were many people for a long time who believed that
economic justice around the world would be achieved by
Communism. In fact global capitalism did a much better and
faster job by allowing billions of people in places like China
and India to rise out of poverty using their own efforts with
global market for their goods. And it is international flux
for purpose of marriage that has real possibility of doing
the same for social justice - while also creating many
marriages along the way where people have genuine
appreciation for one another and treat each other in
commensurate way.
Global economy made it possible for international business to
move across borders to find people who want to work and know
how to work, and for people to move across the borders to find
employers who constructively use and rightfully reward their
endeavor. This resulted in over a billion of people rising out
of poverty in less than three decades and businesses having
better and more affordable products that benefited consumers
and business itself. By similar mechanism, the men and women
being free to move across borders to find people who would
treat them better than they are treated at home results in
tremendous improvement in people's relationships, as well as
improvement in gender fairness.
But far more importantly, it creates a real-world incentive
for people in all societies to treat their partners - men or
women - in rightful manner, for knowing that there are other
people around the world who would treat them well if they do
not. And this breaks the stranglehold of local oppressors and
thugs - both thugs of muscle and thugs of morality - who want
to keep one or another group in their cultures in shackles so
that they can be guiltlessly and without consequence
mistreated. Protectionism - attempt by rich countries to
create walls against international products - has been
described as bullying and extortion. The consumer is being
extorted, and the working people around the world are being
bullied, by the rich country attempting to protect unearned
priviledge of some of its workers at everybody else's
expense. The communities that want to deny their citizens the
right to make interracial, intercultural or international
matches, are likewise using extortion and bullying to protect
unearned privilege - such as the unearned privilege of Middle
Eastern or rural Indian men to treat women like cattle, to
throw vitriol in their faces, and to execute them in case
they do not obey their every idiotic command. Like tariffs
and quotas of the protectionists are used to maintain
economic imbalance, so the violence, moral thuggery, and
oppressive laws, are used to sustain social injustice. And
just as in case of protectionism, where the greater the
economic imbalance the higher the obstacles that are required
to sustian it, so the greater the scale of violence, moral
thuggery, and oppressive legislation, the greater the social
injustice and the graver the system abuse. There are many
people who falsely claim that protectionism is more moral
than global economy. It is not; it is bullying and extortion
against one's citizens and against the world to protect
unearned privilege. The same is also true of efforts by any
local entity at any level to keep people from marrying people
external to itself. If a country or a community constructs
walls against intercultural, inter- ethnic or international
marriage, then it is performing bullying and extortion
against its own citizens and against the rest of the world,
in order to keep its citizens chained to partners who want
the unearned privilege of treating them like trash.
The greater the scale of economic imbalance, the greater the
need for protective barriers. And the greater the scale of
social imbalance, the more artificial barriers are required to
keep it in place. Thus, the greatest amount of violence,
threats, moral bludgeoning, character assassination,
psychological abuse and oppressive legislation will be
expected to be, and is, done by the communities that are the
most gravely injust and abusive - and to the least extent by
the communities that are the least abusive and least injust.
It takes more barriers to keep people from leaving a raw deal
than it does to keep them from leaving a fair deal. From this
follows that the greater the obstacles placed by the culture
to women or men finding partners elsewhere, the greater the
systemic injustice that they embody. The more abuse, violence,
legal oppression and moral bludgeoning is directed against one
or another group, the greater the injustice that is
perpetuated against them. The greater the actual need for
intercultural, interracial or international flux in order to
rectify the imbalance.
The people are bullied into lives they would never have chosen
if they were aware of the true range of options before them,
and are kept there by oppressive laws that want to make a
commitment based on inadequate knowledge and false advertising
life-long. That state of affairs is falsely regarded as being
moral. It is not moral state of affairs; it is a state of
affairs based on systemic injustice. The disadvantaged are
kept to inhuman treatment ...
read more »
This things sound great in textbooks and only work for a very
few people. Most people are bullies in real life.
do you know most people in real life
I have come come across a lot of people in real life
so've i, i'm not sure it was always appreciated
keep coming back
like they know me
everybody loves everybody in asd it is the gift of Landru
i've got a pile of Landru in the kitchen
take it to the automat and warshit
2008-02-26 19:38:01 UTC
Post by %
Post by humble.life
Post by %
Post by humble.life
Post by %
Post by humble.life
Post by nikhil1home
Post by %
Post by nikhil1home
Post by i***@gmail.com
Everybody thinks that they know what is justice, but what they
conceive of as justice is different from place to place. The
just- world hypothesis of different people in different places
and times conceive of completely different kinds of justice.
And it is by flux between people and places that any
meaningful concept of what is justice can be attained.
In Muslim and rural Indian cultures, it is seen as justice
that man bludgeon the woman into being his dog and kill her
if she disobeys in the slightest. In American feminist
culture, it is seen as justice that a woman act like a harpy,
treat people like garbage, get a coworker fired for sexual
harrassment if he tells her she's good- looking, deal with
all women who are nicer and prettier by abusing and
sabotaging them and destroying their careers and
relationships, abuse and emasculate any relationship partner,
screw exes in court out of every cent they can get, claim
that anyone who objects to such conduct is a misogynist or a
bimbo, and aim to destroy as many men and beautiful women in
one's life as one can and then claim oneself strong or smart
or spiritual or a true servant of woman's cause. Both sets
think that they are right and that what they are doing is
justice. With such extremes in the world claiming themselves
to be justice and righteousness, the way to arrive at any
realistic notion of the preceding is for the real-world
mechanism of people choosing each other based on how they are
willing to treat each other to balance out whatever is
believed in their respective homelands - and create a more
informed conceptions of justice and a more balanced
just-world hypotheses in every component part of the world.
It is ridiculous for Islamists in Middle East to claim to be
speaking for justice; in Middle East, Islamists are the
injustice. The same is true for the Dworkin-McKinnon types in
the United States. The in-good- faith feminists have a real
point about behavior of men in Middle East and many other
parts of the world (and some in the West), and Islamists about
behavior of the not-in-good-faith ones among American women.
But they both have much less of a point at home. On their home
turfs, they apply a grossly imbalanced conception of justice
pursuant a grossly slanted just-world hypothesis to shape the
country's concept of justice into gravely distorted forms that
lead to grave mistreatment of people - women or men - who have
done the least to deserve it.
A positive match is created between men and women whose
just-world hypotheses are a positive-sum situation. A man from
a feminist culture, whose just-world hypothesis would be seen
at home as slanted toward patriarchy but in most of the rest
of the world would be seen as fairly matriarchial, and a woman
from a patriarchial culture, whose just-world hypothesis is
seen in her own country as feminist but would be seen in a
feminist culture as patriarchial or equalist, have just- world
hypotheses that are better than complementary and that
therefore can create among them a joyful appreciation of one
another and a positive-sum relationship. Take a woman from the
patriarchial culture, and put her together with a man from the
feminist culture, and we see people who stand to treat one
another better than they've ever been treated by other gender
at home. As intercultural flux allows people to make matches
based on what they see in each other and how they are willing
to treat each other, is checked the wrong in each culture that
caused the imbalance, and the graver wrong that is the
mistreatment of either women or men in relationships in
pursuit of that false concept of fairness. And this creates a
real-world mechanism toward creating social justice between
men and women, as well as toward a goal that is just as
important: Creating relationships between men and women where
both parties appreciate one another and treat each other in a
manner that merits their vows of love.
The global social injustice will be solved at least in part by
large- scaleintercultural, interracial and international flux
of people for love and marriage. Bringing together the men
from cultures where the concept of justice is an extreme of
feminism, with women from cultures where the concept of
justice is an extreme of patriarchy - even people from
cultures whose concepts of justice are not as extremely off-
target but still noticeably apart - will bring together
people who can appreciate one another, treat each other
better than they are treated at home, and be seen by each
other as positive influence and an improvement upon what they
had to deal with. It will also create a real-world
check-and-balance upon the tendency of societies - all
societies - to go injust in one or another direction at the
expense of one or another group
There were many people for a long time who believed that
economic justice around the world would be achieved by
Communism. In fact global capitalism did a much better and
faster job by allowing billions of people in places like China
and India to rise out of poverty using their own efforts with
global market for their goods. And it is international flux
for purpose of marriage that has real possibility of doing
the same for social justice - while also creating many
marriages along the way where people have genuine
appreciation for one another and treat each other in
commensurate way.
Global economy made it possible for international business to
move across borders to find people who want to work and know
how to work, and for people to move across the borders to find
employers who constructively use and rightfully reward their
endeavor. This resulted in over a billion of people rising out
of poverty in less than three decades and businesses having
better and more affordable products that benefited consumers
and business itself. By similar mechanism, the men and women
being free to move across borders to find people who would
treat them better than they are treated at home results in
tremendous improvement in people's relationships, as well as
improvement in gender fairness.
But far more importantly, it creates a real-world incentive
for people in all societies to treat their partners - men or
women - in rightful manner, for knowing that there are other
people around the world who would treat them well if they do
not. And this breaks the stranglehold of local oppressors and
thugs - both thugs of muscle and thugs of morality - who want
to keep one or another group in their cultures in shackles so
that they can be guiltlessly and without consequence
mistreated. Protectionism - attempt by rich countries to
create walls against international products - has been
described as bullying and extortion. The consumer is being
extorted, and the working people around the world are being
bullied, by the rich country attempting to protect unearned
priviledge of some of its workers at everybody else's
expense. The communities that want to deny their citizens the
right to make interracial, intercultural or international
matches, are likewise using extortion and bullying to protect
unearned privilege - such as the unearned privilege of Middle
Eastern or rural Indian men to treat women like cattle, to
throw vitriol in their faces, and to execute them in case
they do not obey their every idiotic command. Like tariffs
and quotas of the protectionists are used to maintain
economic imbalance, so the violence, moral thuggery, and
oppressive laws, are used to sustain social injustice. And
just as in case of protectionism, where the greater the
economic imbalance the higher the obstacles that are required
to sustian it, so the greater the scale of violence, moral
thuggery, and oppressive legislation, the greater the social
injustice and the graver the system abuse. There are many
people who falsely claim that protectionism is more moral
than global economy. It is not; it is bullying and extortion
against one's citizens and against the world to protect
unearned privilege. The same is also true of efforts by any
local entity at any level to keep people from marrying people
external to itself. If a country or a community constructs
walls against intercultural, inter- ethnic or international
marriage, then it is performing bullying and extortion
against its own citizens and against the rest of the world,
in order to keep its citizens chained to partners who want
the unearned privilege of treating them like trash.
The greater the scale of economic imbalance, the greater the
need for protective barriers. And the greater the scale of
social imbalance, the more artificial barriers are required to
keep it in place. Thus, the greatest amount of violence,
threats, moral bludgeoning, character assassination,
psychological abuse and oppressive legislation will be
expected to be, and is, done by the communities that are the
most gravely injust and abusive - and to the least extent by
the communities that are the least abusive and least injust.
It takes more barriers to keep people from leaving a raw deal
than it does to keep them from leaving a fair deal. From this
follows that the greater the obstacles placed by the culture
to women or men finding partners elsewhere, the greater the
systemic injustice that they embody. The more abuse, violence,
legal oppression and moral bludgeoning is directed against one
or another group, the greater the injustice that is
perpetuated against them. The greater the actual need for
intercultural, interracial or international flux in order to
rectify the imbalance.
The people are bullied into lives they would never have chosen
if they were aware of the true range of options before them,
and are kept there by oppressive laws that want to make a
commitment based on inadequate knowledge and false advertising
life-long. That state of affairs is falsely regarded as being
moral. It is not moral state of affairs; it is a state of
affairs based on systemic injustice. The disadvantaged are
kept to inhuman treatment ...
read more »
This things sound great in textbooks and only work for a very
few people. Most people are bullies in real life.
do you know most people in real life
I have come come across a lot of people in real life
so've i, i'm not sure it was always appreciated
keep coming back
like they know me
everybody loves everybody in asd it is the gift of Landru
i've got a pile of Landru in the kitchen
take it to the automat and warshit
they turned it into a wine bar
2008-02-26 20:16:31 UTC
Post by humble.life
Post by %
Post by humble.life
Post by %
Post by humble.life
Post by %
Post by humble.life
Post by nikhil1home
Post by %
Post by nikhil1home
Post by i***@gmail.com
Everybody thinks that they know what is justice, but what
they conceive of as justice is different from place to
place. The just- world hypothesis of different people in
different places and times conceive of completely different
kinds of justice. And it is by flux between people and
places that any meaningful concept of what is justice can
be attained.
In Muslim and rural Indian cultures, it is seen as justice
that man bludgeon the woman into being his dog and kill her
if she disobeys in the slightest. In American feminist
culture, it is seen as justice that a woman act like a
harpy, treat people like garbage, get a coworker fired for
sexual harrassment if he tells her she's good- looking,
deal with all women who are nicer and prettier by abusing
and sabotaging them and destroying their careers and
relationships, abuse and emasculate any relationship
partner, screw exes in court out of every cent they can
get, claim that anyone who objects to such conduct is a
misogynist or a bimbo, and aim to destroy as many men and
beautiful women in one's life as one can and then claim
oneself strong or smart or spiritual or a true servant of
woman's cause. Both sets think that they are right and that
what they are doing is justice. With such extremes in the
world claiming themselves to be justice and righteousness,
the way to arrive at any realistic notion of the preceding
is for the real-world mechanism of people choosing each
other based on how they are willing to treat each other to
balance out whatever is believed in their respective
homelands - and create a more informed conceptions of
justice and a more balanced just-world hypotheses in every
component part of the world. It is ridiculous for Islamists
in Middle East to claim to be speaking for justice; in
Middle East, Islamists are the injustice. The same is true
for the Dworkin-McKinnon types in the United States. The
in-good- faith feminists have a real point about behavior
of men in Middle East and many other parts of the world
(and some in the West), and Islamists about behavior of the
not-in-good-faith ones among American women. But they both
have much less of a point at home. On their home turfs,
they apply a grossly imbalanced conception of justice
pursuant a grossly slanted just-world hypothesis to shape
the country's concept of justice into gravely distorted
forms that lead to grave mistreatment of people - women or
men - who have done the least to deserve it.
A positive match is created between men and women whose
just-world hypotheses are a positive-sum situation. A man
from a feminist culture, whose just-world hypothesis would
be seen at home as slanted toward patriarchy but in most of
the rest of the world would be seen as fairly matriarchial,
and a woman from a patriarchial culture, whose just-world
hypothesis is seen in her own country as feminist but would
be seen in a feminist culture as patriarchial or equalist,
have just- world hypotheses that are better than
complementary and that therefore can create among them a
joyful appreciation of one another and a positive-sum
relationship. Take a woman from the patriarchial culture,
and put her together with a man from the feminist culture,
and we see people who stand to treat one another better
than they've ever been treated by other gender at home. As
intercultural flux allows people to make matches based on
what they see in each other and how they are willing to
treat each other, is checked the wrong in each culture that
caused the imbalance, and the graver wrong that is the
mistreatment of either women or men in relationships in
pursuit of that false concept of fairness. And this creates
a real-world mechanism toward creating social justice
between men and women, as well as toward a goal that is
just as important: Creating relationships between men and
women where both parties appreciate one another and treat
each other in a manner that merits their vows of love.
The global social injustice will be solved at least in part
by large- scaleintercultural, interracial and international
flux of people for love and marriage. Bringing together the
men from cultures where the concept of justice is an
extreme of feminism, with women from cultures where the
concept of justice is an extreme of patriarchy - even
people from cultures whose concepts of justice are not as
extremely off- target but still noticeably apart - will
bring together people who can appreciate one another, treat
each other better than they are treated at home, and be
seen by each other as positive influence and an improvement
upon what they had to deal with. It will also create a
real-world check-and-balance upon the tendency of societies
- all societies - to go injust in one or another direction
at the expense of one or another group
There were many people for a long time who believed that
economic justice around the world would be achieved by
Communism. In fact global capitalism did a much better and
faster job by allowing billions of people in places like
China and India to rise out of poverty using their own
efforts with global market for their goods. And it is
international flux for purpose of marriage that has real
possibility of doing the same for social justice - while
also creating many marriages along the way where people
have genuine appreciation for one another and treat each
other in commensurate way.
Global economy made it possible for international business
to move across borders to find people who want to work and
know how to work, and for people to move across the borders
to find employers who constructively use and rightfully
reward their endeavor. This resulted in over a billion of
people rising out of poverty in less than three decades and
businesses having better and more affordable products that
benefited consumers and business itself. By similar
mechanism, the men and women being free to move across
borders to find people who would treat them better than
they are treated at home results in tremendous improvement
in people's relationships, as well as improvement in gender
But far more importantly, it creates a real-world incentive
for people in all societies to treat their partners - men or
women - in rightful manner, for knowing that there are other
people around the world who would treat them well if they do
not. And this breaks the stranglehold of local oppressors
and thugs - both thugs of muscle and thugs of morality -
who want to keep one or another group in their cultures in
shackles so that they can be guiltlessly and without
consequence mistreated. Protectionism - attempt by rich
countries to create walls against international products -
has been described as bullying and extortion. The consumer
is being extorted, and the working people around the world
are being bullied, by the rich country attempting to
protect unearned priviledge of some of its workers at
everybody else's expense. The communities that want to deny
their citizens the right to make interracial, intercultural
or international matches, are likewise using extortion and
bullying to protect unearned privilege - such as the
unearned privilege of Middle Eastern or rural Indian men to
treat women like cattle, to throw vitriol in their faces,
and to execute them in case they do not obey their every
idiotic command. Like tariffs and quotas of the
protectionists are used to maintain economic imbalance, so
the violence, moral thuggery, and oppressive laws, are used
to sustain social injustice. And just as in case of
protectionism, where the greater the economic imbalance the
higher the obstacles that are required to sustian it, so
the greater the scale of violence, moral thuggery, and
oppressive legislation, the greater the social injustice
and the graver the system abuse. There are many people who
falsely claim that protectionism is more moral than global
economy. It is not; it is bullying and extortion against
one's citizens and against the world to protect unearned
privilege. The same is also true of efforts by any local
entity at any level to keep people from marrying people
external to itself. If a country or a community constructs
walls against intercultural, inter- ethnic or international
marriage, then it is performing bullying and extortion
against its own citizens and against the rest of the world,
in order to keep its citizens chained to partners who want
the unearned privilege of treating them like trash.
The greater the scale of economic imbalance, the greater the
need for protective barriers. And the greater the scale of
social imbalance, the more artificial barriers are required
to keep it in place. Thus, the greatest amount of violence,
threats, moral bludgeoning, character assassination,
psychological abuse and oppressive legislation will be
expected to be, and is, done by the communities that are the
most gravely injust and abusive - and to the least extent by
the communities that are the least abusive and least injust.
It takes more barriers to keep people from leaving a raw
deal than it does to keep them from leaving a fair deal.
From this follows that the greater the obstacles placed by
the culture to women or men finding partners elsewhere, the
greater the systemic injustice that they embody. The more
abuse, violence, legal oppression and moral bludgeoning is
directed against one or another group, the greater the
injustice that is perpetuated against them. The greater the
actual need for intercultural, interracial or international
flux in order to rectify the imbalance.
The people are bullied into lives they would never have
chosen if they were aware of the true range of options
before them, and are kept there by oppressive laws that
want to make a commitment based on inadequate knowledge and
false advertising life-long. That state of affairs is
falsely regarded as being moral. It is not moral state of
affairs; it is a state of affairs based on systemic
injustice. The disadvantaged are kept to inhuman treatment
read more »
This things sound great in textbooks and only work for a very
few people. Most people are bullies in real life.
do you know most people in real life
I have come come across a lot of people in real life
so've i, i'm not sure it was always appreciated
keep coming back
like they know me
everybody loves everybody in asd it is the gift of Landru
i've got a pile of Landru in the kitchen
take it to the automat and warshit
they turned it into a wine bar
wash it in a nice Jaboulet Côtes du Rhône Parallèle
2008-02-26 20:28:41 UTC
Post by %
Post by humble.life
Post by %
Post by humble.life
Post by %
Post by humble.life
Post by %
Post by humble.life
Post by nikhil1home
Post by %
Post by nikhil1home
Post by i***@gmail.com
Everybody thinks that they know what is justice, but what
they conceive of as justice is different from place to
place. The just- world hypothesis of different people in
different places and times conceive of completely different
kinds of justice. And it is by flux between people and
places that any meaningful concept of what is justice can
be attained.
In Muslim and rural Indian cultures, it is seen as justice
that man bludgeon the woman into being his dog and kill her
if she disobeys in the slightest. In American feminist
culture, it is seen as justice that a woman act like a
harpy, treat people like garbage, get a coworker fired for
sexual harrassment if he tells her she's good- looking,
deal with all women who are nicer and prettier by abusing
and sabotaging them and destroying their careers and
relationships, abuse and emasculate any relationship
partner, screw exes in court out of every cent they can
get, claim that anyone who objects to such conduct is a
misogynist or a bimbo, and aim to destroy as many men and
beautiful women in one's life as one can and then claim
oneself strong or smart or spiritual or a true servant of
woman's cause. Both sets think that they are right and that
what they are doing is justice. With such extremes in the
world claiming themselves to be justice and righteousness,
the way to arrive at any realistic notion of the preceding
is for the real-world mechanism of people choosing each
other based on how they are willing to treat each other to
balance out whatever is believed in their respective
homelands - and create a more informed conceptions of
justice and a more balanced just-world hypotheses in every
component part of the world. It is ridiculous for Islamists
in Middle East to claim to be speaking for justice; in
Middle East, Islamists are the injustice. The same is true
for the Dworkin-McKinnon types in the United States. The
in-good- faith feminists have a real point about behavior
of men in Middle East and many other parts of the world
(and some in the West), and Islamists about behavior of the
not-in-good-faith ones among American women. But they both
have much less of a point at home. On their home turfs,
they apply a grossly imbalanced conception of justice
pursuant a grossly slanted just-world hypothesis to shape
the country's concept of justice into gravely distorted
forms that lead to grave mistreatment of people - women or
men - who have done the least to deserve it.
A positive match is created between men and women whose
just-world hypotheses are a positive-sum situation. A man
from a feminist culture, whose just-world hypothesis would
be seen at home as slanted toward patriarchy but in most of
the rest of the world would be seen as fairly matriarchial,
and a woman from a patriarchial culture, whose just-world
hypothesis is seen in her own country as feminist but would
be seen in a feminist culture as patriarchial or equalist,
have just- world hypotheses that are better than
complementary and that therefore can create among them a
joyful appreciation of one another and a positive-sum
relationship. Take a woman from the patriarchial culture,
and put her together with a man from the feminist culture,
and we see people who stand to treat one another better
than they've ever been treated by other gender at home. As
intercultural flux allows people to make matches based on
what they see in each other and how they are willing to
treat each other, is checked the wrong in each culture that
caused the imbalance, and the graver wrong that is the
mistreatment of either women or men in relationships in
pursuit of that false concept of fairness. And this creates
a real-world mechanism toward creating social justice
between men and women, as well as toward a goal that is
just as important: Creating relationships between men and
women where both parties appreciate one another and treat
each other in a manner that merits their vows of love.
The global social injustice will be solved at least in part
by large- scaleintercultural, interracial and international
flux of people for love and marriage. Bringing together the
men from cultures where the concept of justice is an
extreme of feminism, with women from cultures where the
concept of justice is an extreme of patriarchy - even
people from cultures whose concepts of justice are not as
extremely off- target but still noticeably apart - will
bring together people who can appreciate one another, treat
each other better than they are treated at home, and be
seen by each other as positive influence and an improvement
upon what they had to deal with. It will also create a
real-world check-and-balance upon the tendency of societies
- all societies - to go injust in one or another direction
at the expense of one or another group
There were many people for a long time who believed that
economic justice around the world would be achieved by
Communism. In fact global capitalism did a much better and
faster job by allowing billions of people in places like
China and India to rise out of poverty using their own
efforts with global market for their goods. And it is
international flux for purpose of marriage that has real
possibility of doing the same for social justice - while
also creating many marriages along the way where people
have genuine appreciation for one another and treat each
other in commensurate way.
Global economy made it possible for international business
to move across borders to find people who want to work and
know how to work, and for people to move across the borders
to find employers who constructively use and rightfully
reward their endeavor. This resulted in over a billion of
people rising out of poverty in less than three decades and
businesses having better and more affordable products that
benefited consumers and business itself. By similar
mechanism, the men and women being free to move across
borders to find people who would treat them better than
they are treated at home results in tremendous improvement
in people's relationships, as well as improvement in gender
But far more importantly, it creates a real-world incentive
for people in all societies to treat their partners - men or
women - in rightful manner, for knowing that there are other
people around the world who would treat them well if they do
not. And this breaks the stranglehold of local oppressors
and thugs - both thugs of muscle and thugs of morality -
who want to keep one or another group in their cultures in
shackles so that they can be guiltlessly and without
consequence mistreated. Protectionism - attempt by rich
countries to create walls against international products -
has been described as bullying and extortion. The consumer
is being extorted, and the working people around the world
are being bullied, by the rich country attempting to
protect unearned priviledge of some of its workers at
everybody else's expense. The communities that want to deny
their citizens the right to make interracial, intercultural
or international matches, are likewise using extortion and
bullying to protect unearned privilege - such as the
unearned privilege of Middle Eastern or rural Indian men to
treat women like cattle, to throw vitriol in their faces,
and to execute them in case they do not obey their every
idiotic command. Like tariffs and quotas of the
protectionists are used to maintain economic imbalance, so
the violence, moral thuggery, and oppressive laws, are used
to sustain social injustice. And just as in case of
protectionism, where the greater the economic imbalance the
higher the obstacles that are required to sustian it, so
the greater the scale of violence, moral thuggery, and
oppressive legislation, the greater the social injustice
and the graver the system abuse. There are many people who
falsely claim that protectionism is more moral than global
economy. It is not; it is bullying and extortion against
one's citizens and against the world to protect unearned
privilege. The same is also true of efforts by any local
entity at any level to keep people from marrying people
external to itself. If a country or a community constructs
walls against intercultural, inter- ethnic or international
marriage, then it is performing bullying and extortion
against its own citizens and against the rest of the world,
in order to keep its citizens chained to partners who want
the unearned privilege of treating them like trash.
The greater the scale of economic imbalance, the greater the
need for protective barriers. And the greater the scale of
social imbalance, the more artificial barriers are required
to keep it in place. Thus, the greatest amount of violence,
threats, moral bludgeoning, character assassination,
psychological abuse and oppressive legislation will be
expected to be, and is, done by the communities that are the
most gravely injust and abusive - and to the least extent by
the communities that are the least abusive and least injust.
It takes more barriers to keep people from leaving a raw
deal than it does to keep them from leaving a fair deal.
From this follows that the greater the obstacles placed by
the culture to women or men finding partners elsewhere, the
greater the systemic injustice that they embody. The more
abuse, violence, legal oppression and moral bludgeoning is
directed against one or another group, the greater the
injustice that is perpetuated against them. The greater the
actual need for intercultural, interracial or international
flux in order to rectify the imbalance.
The people are bullied into lives they would never have
chosen if they were aware of the true range of options
before them, and are kept there by oppressive laws that
want to make a commitment based on inadequate knowledge and
false advertising life-long. That state of affairs is
falsely regarded as being moral. It is not moral state of
affairs; it is a state of affairs based on systemic
injustice. The disadvantaged are kept to inhuman treatment
read more »
This things sound great in textbooks and only work for a very
few people. Most people are bullies in real life.
do you know most people in real life
I have come come across a lot of people in real life
so've i, i'm not sure it was always appreciated
keep coming back
like they know me
everybody loves everybody in asd it is the gift of Landru
i've got a pile of Landru in the kitchen
take it to the automat and warshit
they turned it into a wine bar
wash it in a nice Jaboulet Côtes du Rhône Parallèle
isn't their anything in the cheap bin?
2008-02-26 20:36:10 UTC
Post by humble.life
Post by %
Post by humble.life
Post by %
Post by humble.life
Post by %
Post by humble.life
Post by %
Post by humble.life
Post by nikhil1home
Post by %
Post by nikhil1home
Post by i***@gmail.com
Everybody thinks that they know what is justice, but what
they conceive of as justice is different from place to
place. The just- world hypothesis of different people in
different places and times conceive of completely
different kinds of justice. And it is by flux between
people and places that any meaningful concept of what is
justice can be attained.
In Muslim and rural Indian cultures, it is seen as justice
that man bludgeon the woman into being his dog and kill
her if she disobeys in the slightest. In American feminist
culture, it is seen as justice that a woman act like a
harpy, treat people like garbage, get a coworker fired for
sexual harrassment if he tells her she's good- looking,
deal with all women who are nicer and prettier by abusing
and sabotaging them and destroying their careers and
relationships, abuse and emasculate any relationship
partner, screw exes in court out of every cent they can
get, claim that anyone who objects to such conduct is a
misogynist or a bimbo, and aim to destroy as many men and
beautiful women in one's life as one can and then claim
oneself strong or smart or spiritual or a true servant of
woman's cause. Both sets think that they are right and
that what they are doing is justice. With such extremes
in the world claiming themselves to be justice and
righteousness, the way to arrive at any realistic notion
of the preceding is for the real-world mechanism of
people choosing each other based on how they are willing
to treat each other to balance out whatever is believed
in their respective homelands - and create a more
informed conceptions of justice and a more balanced
just-world hypotheses in every component part of the
world. It is ridiculous for Islamists in Middle East to
claim to be speaking for justice; in Middle East,
Islamists are the injustice. The same is true for the
Dworkin-McKinnon types in the United States. The in-good-
faith feminists have a real point about behavior of men
in Middle East and many other parts of the world (and
some in the West), and Islamists about behavior of the
not-in-good-faith ones among American women. But they
both have much less of a point at home. On their home
turfs, they apply a grossly imbalanced conception of
justice pursuant a grossly slanted just-world hypothesis
to shape the country's concept of justice into gravely
distorted forms that lead to grave mistreatment of people
- women or men - who have done the least to deserve it.
A positive match is created between men and women whose
just-world hypotheses are a positive-sum situation. A man
from a feminist culture, whose just-world hypothesis would
be seen at home as slanted toward patriarchy but in most
of the rest of the world would be seen as fairly
matriarchial, and a woman from a patriarchial culture,
whose just-world hypothesis is seen in her own country as
feminist but would be seen in a feminist culture as
patriarchial or equalist, have just- world hypotheses
that are better than complementary and that therefore can
create among them a joyful appreciation of one another
and a positive-sum relationship. Take a woman from the
patriarchial culture, and put her together with a man
from the feminist culture, and we see people who stand to
treat one another better than they've ever been treated
by other gender at home. As intercultural flux allows
people to make matches based on what they see in each
other and how they are willing to treat each other, is
checked the wrong in each culture that caused the
imbalance, and the graver wrong that is the mistreatment
of either women or men in relationships in pursuit of
that false concept of fairness. And this creates a
real-world mechanism toward creating social justice
between men and women, as well as toward a goal that is
just as important: Creating relationships between men and
women where both parties appreciate one another and treat
each other in a manner that merits their vows of love.
The global social injustice will be solved at least in
part by large- scaleintercultural, interracial and
international flux of people for love and marriage.
Bringing together the men from cultures where the concept
of justice is an extreme of feminism, with women from
cultures where the concept of justice is an extreme of
patriarchy - even people from cultures whose concepts of
justice are not as extremely off- target but still
noticeably apart - will bring together people who can
appreciate one another, treat each other better than they
are treated at home, and be seen by each other as
positive influence and an improvement upon what they had
to deal with. It will also create a real-world
check-and-balance upon the tendency of societies - all
societies - to go injust in one or another direction at
the expense of one or another group
There were many people for a long time who believed that
economic justice around the world would be achieved by
Communism. In fact global capitalism did a much better and
faster job by allowing billions of people in places like
China and India to rise out of poverty using their own
efforts with global market for their goods. And it is
international flux for purpose of marriage that has real
possibility of doing the same for social justice - while
also creating many marriages along the way where people
have genuine appreciation for one another and treat each
other in commensurate way.
Global economy made it possible for international business
to move across borders to find people who want to work and
know how to work, and for people to move across the
borders to find employers who constructively use and
rightfully reward their endeavor. This resulted in over a
billion of people rising out of poverty in less than
three decades and businesses having better and more
affordable products that benefited consumers and business
itself. By similar mechanism, the men and women being
free to move across borders to find people who would
treat them better than they are treated at home results
in tremendous improvement in people's relationships, as
well as improvement in gender fairness.
But far more importantly, it creates a real-world
incentive for people in all societies to treat their
partners - men or women - in rightful manner, for knowing
that there are other people around the world who would
treat them well if they do not. And this breaks the
stranglehold of local oppressors and thugs - both thugs
of muscle and thugs of morality - who want to keep one or
another group in their cultures in shackles so that they
can be guiltlessly and without consequence mistreated.
Protectionism - attempt by rich countries to create walls
against international products - has been described as
bullying and extortion. The consumer is being extorted,
and the working people around the world are being
bullied, by the rich country attempting to protect
unearned priviledge of some of its workers at everybody
else's expense. The communities that want to deny their
citizens the right to make interracial, intercultural or
international matches, are likewise using extortion and
bullying to protect unearned privilege - such as the
unearned privilege of Middle Eastern or rural Indian men
to treat women like cattle, to throw vitriol in their
faces, and to execute them in case they do not obey their
every idiotic command. Like tariffs and quotas of the
protectionists are used to maintain economic imbalance,
so the violence, moral thuggery, and oppressive laws, are
used to sustain social injustice. And just as in case of
protectionism, where the greater the economic imbalance
the higher the obstacles that are required to sustian it,
so the greater the scale of violence, moral thuggery, and
oppressive legislation, the greater the social injustice
and the graver the system abuse. There are many people
who falsely claim that protectionism is more moral than
global economy. It is not; it is bullying and extortion
against one's citizens and against the world to protect
unearned privilege. The same is also true of efforts by
any local entity at any level to keep people from
marrying people external to itself. If a country or a
community constructs walls against intercultural, inter-
ethnic or international marriage, then it is performing
bullying and extortion against its own citizens and
against the rest of the world, in order to keep its
citizens chained to partners who want the unearned
privilege of treating them like trash.
The greater the scale of economic imbalance, the greater
the need for protective barriers. And the greater the
scale of social imbalance, the more artificial barriers
are required to keep it in place. Thus, the greatest
amount of violence, threats, moral bludgeoning, character
assassination, psychological abuse and oppressive
legislation will be expected to be, and is, done by the
communities that are the most gravely injust and abusive
- and to the least extent by the communities that are the
least abusive and least injust. It takes more barriers to
keep people from leaving a raw deal than it does to keep
them from leaving a fair deal. From this follows that the
greater the obstacles placed by the culture to women or
men finding partners elsewhere, the greater the systemic
injustice that they embody. The more abuse, violence,
legal oppression and moral bludgeoning is directed
against one or another group, the greater the injustice
that is perpetuated against them. The greater the actual
need for intercultural, interracial or international flux
in order to rectify the imbalance.
The people are bullied into lives they would never have
chosen if they were aware of the true range of options
before them, and are kept there by oppressive laws that
want to make a commitment based on inadequate knowledge
and false advertising life-long. That state of affairs is
falsely regarded as being moral. It is not moral state of
affairs; it is a state of affairs based on systemic
injustice. The disadvantaged are kept to inhuman treatment
read more »
This things sound great in textbooks and only work for a
very few people. Most people are bullies in real life.
do you know most people in real life
I have come come across a lot of people in real life
so've i, i'm not sure it was always appreciated
keep coming back
like they know me
everybody loves everybody in asd it is the gift of Landru
i've got a pile of Landru in the kitchen
take it to the automat and warshit
they turned it into a wine bar
wash it in a nice Jaboulet Côtes du Rhône Parallèle
isn't their anything in the cheap bin?
there's some 2P cooking sherry over there
2008-02-26 21:20:55 UTC
Post by %
Post by humble.life
Post by %
Post by humble.life
Post by %
Post by humble.life
Post by %
Post by humble.life
Post by %
Post by humble.life
Post by nikhil1home
Post by %
Post by nikhil1home
Post by i***@gmail.com
Everybody thinks that they know what is justice, but what
they conceive of as justice is different from place to
place. The just- world hypothesis of different people in
different places and times conceive of completely
different kinds of justice. And it is by flux between
people and places that any meaningful concept of what is
justice can be attained.
In Muslim and rural Indian cultures, it is seen as justice
that man bludgeon the woman into being his dog and kill
her if she disobeys in the slightest. In American feminist
culture, it is seen as justice that a woman act like a
harpy, treat people like garbage, get a coworker fired for
sexual harrassment if he tells her she's good- looking,
deal with all women who are nicer and prettier by abusing
and sabotaging them and destroying their careers and
relationships, abuse and emasculate any relationship
partner, screw exes in court out of every cent they can
get, claim that anyone who objects to such conduct is a
misogynist or a bimbo, and aim to destroy as many men and
beautiful women in one's life as one can and then claim
oneself strong or smart or spiritual or a true servant of
woman's cause. Both sets think that they are right and
that what they are doing is justice. With such extremes
in the world claiming themselves to be justice and
righteousness, the way to arrive at any realistic notion
of the preceding is for the real-world mechanism of
people choosing each other based on how they are willing
to treat each other to balance out whatever is believed
in their respective homelands - and create a more
informed conceptions of justice and a more balanced
just-world hypotheses in every component part of the
world. It is ridiculous for Islamists in Middle East to
claim to be speaking for justice; in Middle East,
Islamists are the injustice. The same is true for the
Dworkin-McKinnon types in the United States. The in-good-
faith feminists have a real point about behavior of men
in Middle East and many other parts of the world (and
some in the West), and Islamists about behavior of the
not-in-good-faith ones among American women. But they
both have much less of a point at home. On their home
turfs, they apply a grossly imbalanced conception of
justice pursuant a grossly slanted just-world hypothesis
to shape the country's concept of justice into gravely
distorted forms that lead to grave mistreatment of people
- women or men - who have done the least to deserve it.
A positive match is created between men and women whose
just-world hypotheses are a positive-sum situation. A man
from a feminist culture, whose just-world hypothesis would
be seen at home as slanted toward patriarchy but in most
of the rest of the world would be seen as fairly
matriarchial, and a woman from a patriarchial culture,
whose just-world hypothesis is seen in her own country as
feminist but would be seen in a feminist culture as
patriarchial or equalist, have just- world hypotheses
that are better than complementary and that therefore can
create among them a joyful appreciation of one another
and a positive-sum relationship. Take a woman from the
patriarchial culture, and put her together with a man
from the feminist culture, and we see people who stand to
treat one another better than they've ever been treated
by other gender at home. As intercultural flux allows
people to make matches based on what they see in each
other and how they are willing to treat each other, is
checked the wrong in each culture that caused the
imbalance, and the graver wrong that is the mistreatment
of either women or men in relationships in pursuit of
that false concept of fairness. And this creates a
real-world mechanism toward creating social justice
between men and women, as well as toward a goal that is
just as important: Creating relationships between men and
women where both parties appreciate one another and treat
each other in a manner that merits their vows of love.
The global social injustice will be solved at least in
part by large- scaleintercultural, interracial and
international flux of people for love and marriage.
Bringing together the men from cultures where the concept
of justice is an extreme of feminism, with women from
cultures where the concept of justice is an extreme of
patriarchy - even people from cultures whose concepts of
justice are not as extremely off- target but still
noticeably apart - will bring together people who can
appreciate one another, treat each other better than they
are treated at home, and be seen by each other as
positive influence and an improvement upon what they had
to deal with. It will also create a real-world
check-and-balance upon the tendency of societies - all
societies - to go injust in one or another direction at
the expense of one or another group
There were many people for a long time who believed that
economic justice around the world would be achieved by
Communism. In fact global capitalism did a much better and
faster job by allowing billions of people in places like
China and India to rise out of poverty using their own
efforts with global market for their goods. And it is
international flux for purpose of marriage that has real
possibility of doing the same for social justice - while
also creating many marriages along the way where people
have genuine appreciation for one another and treat each
other in commensurate way.
Global economy made it possible for international business
to move across borders to find people who want to work and
know how to work, and for people to move across the
borders to find employers who constructively use and
rightfully reward their endeavor. This resulted in over a
billion of people rising out of poverty in less than
three decades and businesses having better and more
affordable products that benefited consumers and business
itself. By similar mechanism, the men and women being
free to move across borders to find people who would
treat them better than they are treated at home results
in tremendous improvement in people's relationships, as
well as improvement in gender fairness.
But far more importantly, it creates a real-world
incentive for people in all societies to treat their
partners - men or women - in rightful manner, for knowing
that there are other people around the world who would
treat them well if they do not. And this breaks the
stranglehold of local oppressors and thugs - both thugs
of muscle and thugs of morality - who want to keep one or
another group in their cultures in shackles so that they
can be guiltlessly and without consequence mistreated.
Protectionism - attempt by rich countries to create walls
against international products - has been described as
bullying and extortion. The consumer is being extorted,
and the working people around the world are being
bullied, by the rich country attempting to protect
unearned priviledge of some of its workers at everybody
else's expense. The communities that want to deny their
citizens the right to make interracial, intercultural or
international matches, are likewise using extortion and
bullying to protect unearned privilege - such as the
unearned privilege of Middle Eastern or rural Indian men
to treat women like cattle, to throw vitriol in their
faces, and to execute them in case they do not obey their
every idiotic command. Like tariffs and quotas of the
protectionists are used to maintain economic imbalance,
so the violence, moral thuggery, and oppressive laws, are
used to sustain social injustice. And just as in case of
protectionism, where the greater the economic imbalance
the higher the obstacles that are required to sustian it,
so the greater the scale of violence, moral thuggery, and
oppressive legislation, the greater the social injustice
and the graver the system abuse. There are many people
who falsely claim that protectionism is more moral than
global economy. It is not; it is bullying and extortion
against one's citizens and against the world to protect
unearned privilege. The same is also true of efforts by
any local entity at any level to keep people from
marrying people external to itself. If a country or a
community constructs walls against intercultural, inter-
ethnic or international marriage, then it is performing
bullying and extortion against its own citizens and
against the rest of the world, in order to keep its
citizens chained to partners who want the unearned
privilege of treating them like trash.
The greater the scale of economic imbalance, the greater
the need for protective barriers. And the greater the
scale of social imbalance, the more artificial barriers
are required to keep it in place. Thus, the greatest
amount of violence, threats, moral bludgeoning, character
assassination, psychological abuse and oppressive
legislation will be expected to be, and is, done by the
communities that are the most gravely injust and abusive
- and to the least extent by the communities that are the
least abusive and least injust. It takes more barriers to
keep people from leaving a raw deal than it does to keep
them from leaving a fair deal. From this follows that the
greater the obstacles placed by the culture to women or
men finding partners elsewhere, the greater the systemic
injustice that they embody. The more abuse, violence,
legal oppression and moral bludgeoning is directed
against one or another group, the greater the injustice
that is perpetuated against them. The greater the actual
need for intercultural, interracial or international flux
in order to rectify the imbalance.
The people are bullied into lives they would never have
chosen if they were aware of the true range of options
before them, and are kept there by oppressive laws that
want to make a commitment based on inadequate knowledge
and false advertising life-long. That state of affairs is
falsely regarded as being moral. It is not moral state of
affairs; it is a state of affairs based on systemic
injustice. The disadvantaged are kept to inhuman treatment
read more »
This things sound great in textbooks and only work for a
very few people. Most people are bullies in real life.
do you know most people in real life
I have come come across a lot of people in real life
so've i, i'm not sure it was always appreciated
keep coming back
like they know me
everybody loves everybody in asd it is the gift of Landru
i've got a pile of Landru in the kitchen
take it to the automat and warshit
they turned it into a wine bar
wash it in a nice Jaboulet Côtes du Rhône Parallèle
isn't their anything in the cheap bin?
there's some 2P cooking sherry over there
i'll have 200
Day Brown
2008-02-27 02:09:21 UTC
Primate field studies gave us the term "alpha male". It is the alphas
who put their bodies on the line defending the group and its resource
base from other alphas or carnivorous predators. DNA reveals that
alphaism is handed down on the male line. So why are there any betas

Well, it turns out that it is the daughters of the betas who are the
competent mothers. The alpha daughters abuse and abandon young, and it
is the betas, both male and female, who do the needed adopting. No
betas, and too few young survive to become alphas. End of the group.

But now, we see that the alphas can no longer protect even themselves
from WMD and nukes, much less the rest of us. The nature of weaponry
has changed. the brave heart, strong right arm, sword in hand... no
longer cuts it. And alphas are not happy about that. No, modern
weapons do better with the fine muscle control of women. And while
alpha women mite be poor mothers, they can be very effective and
dispassionate leaders, able to use force very effectively. just ask
Maggie Thatcher.

And if the US ever has a woman president, nobody will be worried about
national distraction over a blowjob in the Oval office. The nature of
power has changed. Physical size and muscle strength no longer
matters. The richest man in the world was a pencil neck geek. It is
the beta geeks with the creativity to come up with newer and more
effective weapons that women can apply- with rather more dispassion
than has been seen from alpha males. Consider Bush.

This who question of what justice is.. well Thucydides noted that
revolutions change the meaning of words. 'Bravery' becomes
'foolhardy'. "Prudence" becomes blindsided. To hatcha plot becomes
clever, but its pure genius to discern one. Then too, there are the
new lie detection technologies, so that the dissembling alpha male
leaders have always employed will no longer be effective. They have,
we see, all thru history, tried to control the flow of information.
Its why the Nazis seized printing presses and took over the radio
stations. With the Internet, that's no longer possible. So, "Justice"
is changing as well. What usta be crime that needed justice, is now
dementia that needs meds.

They are also beginning to identify the DNA markers associated with
sociopathological behavior. And we see increasing numbers of young
women have given up on looking for Mr. Wright, and instead are surfing
fertility clinics for sperm from Mr. Petri Dish. And as a result,
getting far more talented, socialble, and charismatic kids as a
result. Like the Mosou, women are now forming mutal support networks
to provide the childcare, job security, and housing, but turning a
blind eye to whatever women take a fancy to in gratifying their sexual

Living communally, with so many eyes there 24/7, the rape and child
abuse rate will fall to zero. But the competition among childhood
peers will train them to be successful in the global capitalist job
market, and improve the creativity and competitive edge in businesses
owned by the commune as the matrons move the next generation into is
just as fathers formerly moved sons into a family business.

Only in this case, none of the kids will be born from sexy airhead
bimbos, and all of the sperm will be the most fit to compete in the
21st century that money can buy.
2008-02-27 03:20:42 UTC
Post by Day Brown
Primate field studies gave us the term "alpha male". It is the alphas
who put their bodies on the line defending the group and its resource
base from other alphas or carnivorous predators. DNA reveals that
alphaism is handed down on the male line. So why are there any betas
Well, it turns out that it is the daughters of the betas who are the
competent mothers. The alpha daughters abuse and abandon young, and it
is the betas, both male and female, who do the needed adopting. No
betas, and too few young survive to become alphas. End of the group.
But now, we see that the alphas can no longer protect even themselves
from WMD and nukes, much less the rest of us. The nature of weaponry
has changed. the brave heart, strong right arm, sword in hand... no
longer cuts it. And alphas are not happy about that. No, modern
weapons do better with the fine muscle control of women. And while
alpha women mite be poor mothers, they can be very effective and
dispassionate leaders, able to use force very effectively. just ask
Maggie Thatcher.
And if the US ever has a woman president, nobody will be worried about
national distraction over a blowjob in the Oval office. The nature of
power has changed. Physical size and muscle strength no longer
matters. The richest man in the world was a pencil neck geek. It is
the beta geeks with the creativity to come up with newer and more
effective weapons that women can apply- with rather more dispassion
than has been seen from alpha males. Consider Bush.
This who question of what justice is.. well Thucydides noted that
revolutions change the meaning of words. 'Bravery' becomes
'foolhardy'. "Prudence" becomes blindsided. To hatcha plot becomes
clever, but its pure genius to discern one. Then too, there are the
new lie detection technologies, so that the dissembling alpha male
leaders have always employed will no longer be effective. They have,
we see, all thru history, tried to control the flow of information.
Its why the Nazis seized printing presses and took over the radio
stations. With the Internet, that's no longer possible. So, "Justice"
is changing as well. What usta be crime that needed justice, is now
dementia that needs meds.
They are also beginning to identify the DNA markers associated with
sociopathological behavior. And we see increasing numbers of young
women have given up on looking for Mr. Wright, and instead are surfing
fertility clinics for sperm from Mr. Petri Dish. And as a result,
getting far more talented, socialble, and charismatic kids as a
result. Like the Mosou, women are now forming mutal support networks
to provide the childcare, job security, and housing, but turning a
blind eye to whatever women take a fancy to in gratifying their sexual
Living communally, with so many eyes there 24/7, the rape and child
abuse rate will fall to zero. But the competition among childhood
peers will train them to be successful in the global capitalist job
market, and improve the creativity and competitive edge in businesses
owned by the commune as the matrons move the next generation into is
just as fathers formerly moved sons into a family business.
Only in this case, none of the kids will be born from sexy airhead
bimbos, and all of the sperm will be the most fit to compete in the
21st century that money can buy.
nice story if it is from a novel
Day Brown
2008-02-28 02:30:05 UTC
Post by nikhil1home
nice story if it is from a novel
Much of what I print offends sensibilities, so I wont repeat it here.
Whether it is 'nice' or not, this is the way modern smart women are
evolving. If young women thot that social security would be there for
them they would not be so motivated to find the most promising Y
chromosome lines, But since that seems unlikely, their remaining
choice is to go for the most talented, sociable, and caring lines to
improve the chance that their kids, when grown, will be there to take
care of them.

This has become even more important now in light of the real estate
problems. Mature women have been famous as landladies, but now, if
that income does not look promising either, what other choice do they
2008-03-02 02:56:46 UTC
Post by Day Brown
Much of what I print offends sensibilities, so I wont repeat it here.
Whether it is 'nice' or not, this is the way modern smart women are
evolving. If young women thot that social security would be there for
them they would not be so motivated to find the most promising Y
chromosome lines, But since that seems unlikely, their remaining
choice is to go for the most talented, sociable, and caring lines to
improve the chance that their kids, when grown, will be there to take
care of them.
This has become even more important now in light of the real estate
problems. Mature women have been famous as landladies, but now, if
that income does not look promising either, what other choice do they
The lions and the tigers are having the same kind of culture war. The
lions live in patriarchial polygamous households, like those advocated
by proponents of family values. The tigers are raised by working
single moms.
I would recommend the unappreciated, abused tiger males to go with the
unappreciated, abused lion females.
And then the lion males will have to learn to treat lion females
better, and tiger females will have to learn to be better to tiger
2008-03-02 02:57:27 UTC
2008-03-02 02:57:32 UTC
Post by i***@hotmail.com
Post by nikhil1home
story if it is from a novel
Much of what I print offends sensibilities, so I wont repeat it here.
Whether it is 'nice' or not, this is the way modern smart women are
evolving. If young women thot that social security would be there for
them they would not be so motivated to find the most promising Y
chromosome lines, But since that seems unlikely, their remaining
choice is to go for the most talented, sociable, and caring lines to
improve the chance that their kids, when grown, will be there to take
care of them.
This has become even more important now in light of the real estate
problems. Mature women have been famous as landladies, but now, if
that income does not look promising either, what other choice do they
The lions and the tigers are having the same kind of culture war. The
lions live in patriarchial polygamous households, like those advocated
by proponents of family values. The tigers are raised by working
single moms.
I would recommend the unappreciated, abused tiger males to go with the
unappreciated, abused lion females.
And then the lion males will have to learn to treat lion females
better, and tiger females will have to learn to be better to tiger
2008-03-02 02:57:41 UTC
Post by i***@hotmail.com
Post by nikhil1home
story if it is from a novel
Much of what I print offends sensibilities, so I wont repeat it here.
Whether it is 'nice' or not, this is the way modern smart women are
evolving. If young women thot that social security would be there for
them they would not be so motivated to find the most promising Y
chromosome lines, But since that seems unlikely, their remaining
choice is to go for the most talented, sociable, and caring lines to
improve the chance that their kids, when grown, will be there to take
care of them.
This has become even more important now in light of the real estate
problems. Mature women have been famous as landladies, but now, if
that income does not look promising either, what other choice do they
The lions and the tigers are having the same kind of culture war. The
lions live in patriarchial polygamous households, like those advocated
by proponents of family values. The tigers are raised by working
single moms.
I would recommend the unappreciated, abused tiger males to go with the
unappreciated, abused lion females.
And then the lion males will have to learn to treat lion females
better, and tiger females will have to learn to be better to tiger
2008-02-27 11:52:53 UTC
Post by Day Brown
Primate field studies gave us the term "alpha male". It is the alphas
who put their bodies on the line defending the group and its resource
base from other alphas or carnivorous predators. DNA reveals that
alphaism is handed down on the male line. So why are there any betas
Well, it turns out that it is the daughters of the betas who are the
competent mothers. The alpha daughters abuse and abandon young, and it
is the betas, both male and female, who do the needed adopting. No
betas, and too few young survive to become alphas. End of the group.
But now, we see that the alphas can no longer protect even themselves
from WMD and nukes, much less the rest of us. The nature of weaponry
has changed. the brave heart, strong right arm, sword in hand... no
longer cuts it. And alphas are not happy about that. No, modern
weapons do better with the fine muscle control of women. And while
alpha women mite be poor mothers, they can be very effective and
dispassionate leaders, able to use force very effectively. just ask
Maggie Thatcher.
And if the US ever has a woman president, nobody will be worried about
national distraction over a blowjob in the Oval office. The nature of
power has changed. Physical size and muscle strength no longer
matters. The richest man in the world was a pencil neck geek. It is
the beta geeks with the creativity to come up with newer and more
effective weapons that women can apply- with rather more dispassion
than has been seen from alpha males. Consider Bush.
This who question of what justice is.. well Thucydides noted that
revolutions change the meaning of words. 'Bravery' becomes
'foolhardy'. "Prudence" becomes blindsided. To hatcha plot becomes
clever, but its pure genius to discern one. Then too, there are the
new lie detection technologies, so that the dissembling alpha male
leaders have always employed will no longer be effective. They have,
we see, all thru history, tried to control the flow of information.
Its why the Nazis seized printing presses and took over the radio
stations. With the Internet, that's no longer possible. So, "Justice"
is changing as well. What usta be crime that needed justice, is now
dementia that needs meds.
They are also beginning to identify the DNA markers associated with
sociopathological behavior. And we see increasing numbers of young
women have given up on looking for Mr. Wright, and instead are surfing
fertility clinics for sperm from Mr. Petri Dish. And as a result,
getting far more talented, socialble, and charismatic kids as a
result. Like the Mosou, women are now forming mutal support networks
to provide the childcare, job security, and housing, but turning a
blind eye to whatever women take a fancy to in gratifying their sexual
Living communally, with so many eyes there 24/7, the rape and child
abuse rate will fall to zero. But the competition among childhood
peers will train them to be successful in the global capitalist job
market, and improve the creativity and competitive edge in businesses
owned by the commune as the matrons move the next generation into is
just as fathers formerly moved sons into a family business.
Only in this case, none of the kids will be born from sexy airhead
bimbos, and all of the sperm will be the most fit to compete in the
21st century that money can buy.
There are several classes of women that you have not included in this

1. Sexy brilliant scientists, doctors, artists, teachers, social
workers, nurses, politicians and businesswomen.
2. Butch lesbian police students and their elegant femme partners who
turned lesbian because men treated them like crap.
3. Prostitutes turned nuns, witches turned Mormon evangelists, Islamic
women caught in adultery strapping on bombs and blowing up Israeli
4. Eritrean women who fought as equals alongside their men in war, but
then when they settled down suddenly discovered that they were crap.
5. Superstars whose managers drug them, disable their cars and their
phones, and tell them that they are worthless hos.
6. Elegant women artists, writers and poets who see extremes of high
life and extremes of nastiness and are either adored or maliciously
mistreated depending upon the time, place, and person that they are
7. African women who churn out 10 pups a set in overpopulated
countries to watch them starve or kill each other in war and think
that that's what God demands of them to do.
8. Chinese women who abort fetuses if they are girls, Palestinian
women who cheer if their son dies in battle, women who are raped and
impregnated and the rapist is given equal access to the child
9. Everyone else.
2008-03-04 04:00:31 UTC
<***@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:2d143859-9c37-4bb8-b622-***@s8g2000prg.googlegroups.com...

Mr. Sham Bot, stop cross-posting your crap to alt.support.marriage. The
influx of posters from soc.men and alt.support.shyness is very distracting
and irritating.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

2008-02-26 19:13:40 UTC
Post by nikhil1home
Post by %
Post by nikhil1home
Post by i***@gmail.com
Everybody thinks that they know what is justice, but what they
conceive of as justice is different from place to place. The just-
world hypothesis of different people in different places and times
conceive of completely different kinds of justice. And it is by
flux between people and places that any meaningful concept of what
is justice can be attained.
In Muslim and rural Indian cultures, it is seen as justice that man
bludgeon the woman into being his dog and kill her if she disobeys
in the slightest. In American feminist culture, it is seen as
justice that a woman act like a harpy, treat people like garbage,
get a coworker fired for sexual harrassment if he tells her she's
good- looking, deal with all women who are nicer and prettier by
abusing and sabotaging them and destroying their careers and
relationships, abuse and emasculate any relationship partner,
screw exes in court out of every cent they can get, claim that
anyone who objects to such conduct is a misogynist or a bimbo, and
aim to destroy as many men and beautiful women in one's life as
one can and then claim oneself strong or smart or spiritual or a
true servant of woman's cause. Both sets think that they are right
and that what they are doing is justice. With such extremes in the
world claiming themselves to be justice and righteousness, the way
to arrive at any realistic notion of the preceding is for the
real-world mechanism of people choosing each other based on how
they are willing to treat each other to balance out whatever is
believed in their respective homelands - and create a more
informed conceptions of justice and a more balanced just-world
hypotheses in every component part of the world.
It is ridiculous for Islamists in Middle East to claim to be
speaking for justice; in Middle East, Islamists are the injustice.
The same is true for the Dworkin-McKinnon types in the United
States. The in-good- faith feminists have a real point about
behavior of men in Middle East and many other parts of the world
(and some in the West), and Islamists about behavior of the
not-in-good-faith ones among American women. But they both have
much less of a point at home. On their home turfs, they apply a
grossly imbalanced conception of justice pursuant a grossly
slanted just-world hypothesis to shape the country's concept of
justice into gravely distorted forms that lead to grave
mistreatment of people - women or men - who have done the least to
deserve it.
A positive match is created between men and women whose just-world
hypotheses are a positive-sum situation. A man from a feminist
culture, whose just-world hypothesis would be seen at home as
slanted toward patriarchy but in most of the rest of the world
would be seen as fairly matriarchial, and a woman from a
patriarchial culture, whose just-world hypothesis is seen in her
own country as feminist but would be seen in a feminist culture as
patriarchial or equalist, have just- world hypotheses that are
better than complementary and that therefore can create among them
a joyful appreciation of one another and a positive-sum
relationship. Take a woman from the patriarchial culture, and put
her together with a man from the feminist culture, and we see
people who stand to treat one another better than they've ever
been treated by other gender at home. As intercultural flux allows
people to make matches based on what they see in each other and
how they are willing to treat each other, is checked the wrong in
each culture that caused the imbalance, and the graver wrong that
is the mistreatment of either women or men in relationships in
pursuit of that false concept of fairness. And this creates a
real-world mechanism toward creating social justice between men
Creating relationships between men and women where both parties
appreciate one another and treat each other in a manner that
merits their vows of love.
The global social injustice will be solved at least in part by
large- scaleintercultural, interracial and international flux of
people for love and marriage. Bringing together the men from
cultures where the concept of justice is an extreme of feminism,
with women from cultures where the concept of justice is an
extreme of patriarchy - even people from cultures whose concepts
of justice are not as extremely off- target but still noticeably
apart - will bring together people who can appreciate one another,
treat each other better than they are treated at home, and be seen
by each other as positive influence and an improvement upon what
they had to deal with. It will also create a real-world
check-and-balance upon the tendency of societies - all societies -
to go injust in one or another direction at the expense of one or
another group
There were many people for a long time who believed that economic
justice around the world would be achieved by Communism. In fact
global capitalism did a much better and faster job by allowing
billions of people in places like China and India to rise out of
poverty using their own efforts with global market for their goods.
And it is international flux for purpose of marriage that has real
possibility of doing the same for social justice - while also
creating many marriages along the way where people have genuine
appreciation for one another and treat each other in commensurate
Global economy made it possible for international business to move
across borders to find people who want to work and know how to
work, and for people to move across the borders to find employers
who constructively use and rightfully reward their endeavor. This
resulted in over a billion of people rising out of poverty in less
than three decades and businesses having better and more affordable
products that benefited consumers and business itself. By similar
mechanism, the men and women being free to move across borders to
find people who would treat them better than they are treated at
home results in tremendous improvement in people's relationships,
as well as improvement in gender fairness.
But far more importantly, it creates a real-world incentive for
people in all societies to treat their partners - men or women - in
rightful manner, for knowing that there are other people around the
world who would treat them well if they do not. And this breaks the
stranglehold of local oppressors and thugs - both thugs of muscle
and thugs of morality - who want to keep one or another group in
their cultures in shackles so that they can be guiltlessly and
without consequence mistreated.
Protectionism - attempt by rich countries to create walls against
international products - has been described as bullying and
extortion. The consumer is being extorted, and the working people
around the world are being bullied, by the rich country attempting
to protect unearned priviledge of some of its workers at everybody
else's expense. The communities that want to deny their citizens
the right to make interracial, intercultural or international
matches, are likewise using extortion and bullying to protect
unearned privilege - such as the unearned privilege of Middle
Eastern or rural Indian men to treat women like cattle, to throw
vitriol in their faces, and to execute them in case they do not
obey their every idiotic command. Like tariffs and quotas of the
protectionists are used to maintain economic imbalance, so the
violence, moral thuggery, and oppressive laws, are used to sustain
social injustice. And just as in case of protectionism, where the
greater the economic imbalance the higher the obstacles that are
required to sustian it, so the greater the scale of violence,
moral thuggery, and oppressive legislation, the greater the social
injustice and the graver the system abuse.
There are many people who falsely claim that protectionism is more
moral than global economy. It is not; it is bullying and extortion
against one's citizens and against the world to protect unearned
privilege. The same is also true of efforts by any local entity at
any level to keep people from marrying people external to itself.
If a country or a community constructs walls against intercultural,
inter- ethnic or international marriage, then it is performing
bullying and extortion against its own citizens and against the
rest of the world, in order to keep its citizens chained to
partners who want the unearned privilege of treating them like
The greater the scale of economic imbalance, the greater the need
for protective barriers. And the greater the scale of social
imbalance, the more artificial barriers are required to keep it in
place. Thus, the greatest amount of violence, threats, moral
bludgeoning, character assassination, psychological abuse and
oppressive legislation will be expected to be, and is, done by the
communities that are the most gravely injust and abusive - and to
the least extent by the communities that are the least abusive and
least injust.
It takes more barriers to keep people from leaving a raw deal than
it does to keep them from leaving a fair deal. From this follows
that the greater the obstacles placed by the culture to women or
men finding partners elsewhere, the greater the systemic injustice
that they embody. The more abuse, violence, legal oppression and
moral bludgeoning is directed against one or another group, the
greater the injustice that is perpetuated against them. The
greater the actual need for intercultural, interracial or
international flux in order to rectify the imbalance.
The people are bullied into lives they would never have chosen if
they were aware of the true range of options before them, and are
kept there by oppressive laws that want to make a commitment based
on inadequate knowledge and false advertising life-long. That
state of affairs is falsely regarded as being moral. It is not
moral state of affairs; it is a state of affairs based on systemic
injustice. The disadvantaged are kept to inhuman treatment ...
read more »
This things sound great in textbooks and only work for a very few
people. Most people are bullies in real life.
do you know most people in real life
I have come come across a lot of people in real life
that's not what i asked and ,
its not the claim you made ,
you said most people in real life are bullies and ,
i'm part of most people in real life ,
and i resent being called a bully ,
by someone who doesn't know me at all
2008-02-26 19:18:24 UTC
Post by %
that's not what i asked and ,
its not the claim you made ,
you said most people in real life are bullies and ,
i'm part of most people in real life ,
and i resent being called a bully ,
by someone who doesn't know me at all
I didn't say all people are bullies. Unless you are a bully, you are
not part of most people but part of some people who are not bullies.
2008-02-26 19:25:47 UTC
Post by nikhil1home
Post by %
that's not what i asked and ,
its not the claim you made ,
you said most people in real life are bullies and ,
i'm part of most people in real life ,
and i resent being called a bully ,
by someone who doesn't know me at all
I didn't say all people are bullies. Unless you are a bully, you are
not part of most people but part of some people who are not bullies.
i didn't say you said all people ,
and yes i am part of most people
2008-02-26 19:27:21 UTC
Post by %
Post by nikhil1home
Post by %
that's not what i asked and ,
its not the claim you made ,
you said most people in real life are bullies and ,
i'm part of most people in real life ,
and i resent being called a bully ,
by someone who doesn't know me at all
I didn't say all people are bullies. Unless you are a bully, you are
not part of most people but part of some people who are not bullies.
i didn't say you said all people ,
and yes i am part of most people
that's your view. you haven't met most people either
2008-02-26 19:28:15 UTC
Post by nikhil1home
Post by %
Post by nikhil1home
Post by %
that's not what i asked and ,
its not the claim you made ,
you said most people in real life are bullies and ,
i'm part of most people in real life ,
and i resent being called a bully ,
by someone who doesn't know me at all
I didn't say all people are bullies. Unless you are a bully, you are
not part of most people but part of some people who are not bullies.
i didn't say you said all people ,
and yes i am part of most people
that's your view. you haven't met most people either
good point, you've got to admit that's a good point
2008-02-26 19:31:06 UTC
Post by humble.life
Post by nikhil1home
Post by %
Post by nikhil1home
Post by %
that's not what i asked and ,
its not the claim you made ,
you said most people in real life are bullies and ,
i'm part of most people in real life ,
and i resent being called a bully ,
by someone who doesn't know me at all
I didn't say all people are bullies. Unless you are a bully, you
are not part of most people but part of some people who are not
i didn't say you said all people ,
and yes i am part of most people
that's your view. you haven't met most people either
good point, you've got to admit that's a good point
i don't think so ,
i think he's just bullying me into thinking his way
2008-02-26 19:38:47 UTC
Post by %
Post by humble.life
Post by nikhil1home
Post by %
Post by nikhil1home
Post by %
that's not what i asked and ,
its not the claim you made ,
you said most people in real life are bullies and ,
i'm part of most people in real life ,
and i resent being called a bully ,
by someone who doesn't know me at all
I didn't say all people are bullies. Unless you are a bully, you
are not part of most people but part of some people who are not
i didn't say you said all people ,
and yes i am part of most people
that's your view. you haven't met most people either
good point, you've got to admit that's a good point
i don't think so ,
i think he's just bullying me into thinking his way
i think it's got to the choose what it means juncture
2008-02-26 19:42:02 UTC
Post by %
Post by humble.life
Post by nikhil1home
Post by %
Post by nikhil1home
Post by %
that's not what i asked and ,
its not the claim you made ,
you said most people in real life are bullies and ,
i'm part of most people in real life ,
and i resent being called a bully ,
by someone who doesn't know me at all
I didn't say all people are bullies. Unless you are a bully, you
are not part of most people but part of some people who are not
i didn't say you said all people ,
and yes i am part of most people
that's your view. you haven't met most people either
good point, you've got to admit that's a good point
i don't think so ,
i think he's just bullying me into thinking his way- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I never forced you to think my way. I have never tried to attack you
personally in any way. I agree that it's one of the main
characteristics of a bully
2008-02-26 19:42:49 UTC
Post by nikhil1home
Post by %
Post by humble.life
Post by nikhil1home
Post by %
Post by nikhil1home
Post by %
that's not what i asked and ,
its not the claim you made ,
you said most people in real life are bullies and ,
i'm part of most people in real life ,
and i resent being called a bully ,
by someone who doesn't know me at all
I didn't say all people are bullies. Unless you are a bully, you
are not part of most people but part of some people who are not
i didn't say you said all people ,
and yes i am part of most people
that's your view. you haven't met most people either
good point, you've got to admit that's a good point
i don't think so ,
i think he's just bullying me into thinking his way- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I never forced you to think my way. I have never tried to attack you
personally in any way. I agree that it's one of the main
characteristics of a bully
yay, agreement
2008-02-26 19:28:24 UTC
Post by nikhil1home
Post by %
Post by nikhil1home
Post by %
that's not what i asked and ,
its not the claim you made ,
you said most people in real life are bullies and ,
i'm part of most people in real life ,
and i resent being called a bully ,
by someone who doesn't know me at all
I didn't say all people are bullies. Unless you are a bully, you are
not part of most people but part of some people who are not bullies.
i didn't say you said all people ,
and yes i am part of most people
that's your view. you haven't met most people either
no , its your insult and yes i have met most people
2008-02-26 19:39:15 UTC
Post by %
Post by nikhil1home
Post by %
Post by nikhil1home
Post by %
that's not what i asked and ,
its not the claim you made ,
you said most people in real life are bullies and ,
i'm part of most people in real life ,
and i resent being called a bully ,
by someone who doesn't know me at all
I didn't say all people are bullies. Unless you are a bully, you are
not part of most people but part of some people who are not bullies.
i didn't say you said all people ,
and yes i am part of most people
that's your view. you haven't met most people either
no , its your insult and yes i have met most people
you didn't get me ghandi's signature though did you
2008-02-26 20:17:19 UTC
Post by humble.life
Post by %
Post by nikhil1home
Post by %
Post by nikhil1home
Post by %
that's not what i asked and ,
its not the claim you made ,
you said most people in real life are bullies and ,
i'm part of most people in real life ,
and i resent being called a bully ,
by someone who doesn't know me at all
I didn't say all people are bullies. Unless you are a bully, you
are not part of most people but part of some people who are not
i didn't say you said all people ,
and yes i am part of most people
that's your view. you haven't met most people either
no , its your insult and yes i have met most people
you didn't get me ghandi's signature though did you
he didn't have his glasses with him
2008-02-26 19:27:09 UTC
Post by nikhil1home
Post by %
that's not what i asked and ,
its not the claim you made ,
you said most people in real life are bullies and ,
i'm part of most people in real life ,
and i resent being called a bully ,
by someone who doesn't know me at all
I didn't say all people are bullies. Unless you are a bully, you are
not part of most people but part of some people who are not bullies.
i'd agree most people are bullies,
they think that the first clear thought is the only thought to have,
especially if it's an easy one
2008-02-26 19:01:47 UTC
Post by i***@gmail.com
Everybody thinks that they know what is justice, but what they
conceive of as justice is different from place to place. The just-
world hypothesis of different people in different places and times
conceive of completely different kinds of justice. And it is by flux
between people and places that any meaningful concept of what is
justice can be attained.
In Muslim and rural Indian cultures, it is seen as justice that man
bludgeon the woman into being his dog and kill her if she disobeys in
the slightest. In American feminist culture, it is seen as justice
that a woman act like a harpy, treat people like garbage, get a
coworker fired for sexual harrassment if he tells her she's good-
looking, deal with all women who are nicer and prettier by abusing and
sabotaging them and destroying their careers and relationships, abuse
and emasculate any relationship partner, screw exes in court out of
every cent they can get, claim that anyone who objects to such conduct
is a misogynist or a bimbo, and aim to destroy as many men and
beautiful women in one's life as one can and then claim oneself strong
or smart or spiritual or a true servant of woman's cause. Both sets
think that they are right and that what they are doing is justice.
With such extremes in the world claiming themselves to be justice and
righteousness, the way to arrive at any realistic notion of the
preceding is for the real-world mechanism of people choosing each
other based on how they are willing to treat each other to balance out
whatever is believed in their respective homelands - and create a more
informed conceptions of justice and a more balanced just-world
hypotheses in every component part of the world.
It is ridiculous for Islamists in Middle East to claim to be speaking
for justice; in Middle East, Islamists are the injustice. The same is
true for the Dworkin-McKinnon types in the United States. The in-good-
faith feminists have a real point about behavior of men in Middle East
and many other parts of the world (and some in the West), and
Islamists about behavior of the not-in-good-faith ones among American
women. But they both have much less of a point at home. On their home
turfs, they apply a grossly imbalanced conception of justice pursuant
a grossly slanted just-world hypothesis to shape the country's concept
of justice into gravely distorted forms that lead to grave
mistreatment of people - women or men - who have done the least to
deserve it.
A positive match is created between men and women whose just-world
hypotheses are a positive-sum situation. A man from a feminist
culture, whose just-world hypothesis would be seen at home as slanted
toward patriarchy but in most of the rest of the world would be seen
as fairly matriarchial, and a woman from a patriarchial culture, whose
just-world hypothesis is seen in her own country as feminist but would
be seen in a feminist culture as patriarchial or equalist, have just-
world hypotheses that are better than complementary and that therefore
can create among them a joyful appreciation of one another and a
positive-sum relationship. Take a woman from the patriarchial culture,
and put her together with a man from the feminist culture, and we see
people who stand to treat one another better than they've ever been
treated by other gender at home. As intercultural flux allows people
to make matches based on what they see in each other and how they are
willing to treat each other, is checked the wrong in each culture that
caused the imbalance, and the graver wrong that is the mistreatment of
either women or men in relationships in pursuit of that false concept
of fairness. And this creates a real-world mechanism toward creating
social justice between men and women, as well as toward a goal that is
just as important: Creating relationships between men and women where
both parties appreciate one another and treat each other in a manner
that merits their vows of love.
The global social injustice will be solved at least in part by large-
scaleintercultural, interracial and international flux of people for
love and marriage. Bringing together the men from cultures where the
concept of justice is an extreme of feminism, with women from cultures
where the concept of justice is an extreme of patriarchy - even people
from cultures whose concepts of justice are not as extremely off-
target but still noticeably apart - will bring together people who can
appreciate one another, treat each other better than they are treated
at home, and be seen by each other as positive influence and an
improvement upon what they had to deal with. It will also create a
real-world check-and-balance upon the tendency of societies - all
societies - to go injust in one or another direction at the expense of
one or another group
There were many people for a long time who believed that economic
justice around the world would be achieved by Communism. In fact
global capitalism did a much better and faster job by allowing
billions of people in places like China and India to rise out of
poverty using their own efforts with global market for their goods.
And it is international flux for purpose of marriage that has real
possibility of doing the same for social justice - while also creating
many marriages along the way where people have genuine appreciation
for one another and treat each other in commensurate way.
Global economy made it possible for international business to move
across borders to find people who want to work and know how to work,
and for people to move across the borders to find employers who
constructively use and rightfully reward their endeavor. This resulted
in over a billion of people rising out of poverty in less than three
decades and businesses having better and more affordable products that
benefited consumers and business itself. By similar mechanism, the men
and women being free to move across borders to find people who would
treat them better than they are treated at home results in tremendous
improvement in people's relationships, as well as improvement in
gender fairness.
But far more importantly, it creates a real-world incentive for people
in all societies to treat their partners - men or women - in rightful
manner, for knowing that there are other people around the world who
would treat them well if they do not. And this breaks the stranglehold
of local oppressors and thugs - both thugs of muscle and thugs of
morality - who want to keep one or another group in their cultures in
shackles so that they can be guiltlessly and without consequence
Protectionism - attempt by rich countries to create walls against
international products - has been described as bullying and extortion.
The consumer is being extorted, and the working people around the
world are being bullied, by the rich country attempting to protect
unearned priviledge of some of its workers at everybody else's
expense. The communities that want to deny their citizens the right to
make interracial, intercultural or international matches, are likewise
using extortion and bullying to protect unearned privilege - such as
the unearned privilege of Middle Eastern or rural Indian men to treat
women like cattle, to throw vitriol in their faces, and to execute
them in case they do not obey their every idiotic command. Like
tariffs and quotas of the protectionists are used to maintain economic
imbalance, so the violence, moral thuggery, and oppressive laws, are
used to sustain social injustice. And just as in case of
protectionism, where the greater the economic imbalance the higher the
obstacles that are required to sustian it, so the greater the scale of
violence, moral thuggery, and oppressive legislation, the greater the
social injustice and the graver the system abuse.
There are many people who falsely claim that protectionism is more
moral than global economy. It is not; it is bullying and extortion
against one's citizens and against the world to protect unearned
privilege. The same is also true of efforts by any local entity at any
level to keep people from marrying people external to itself. If a
country or a community constructs walls against intercultural, inter-
ethnic or international marriage, then it is performing bullying and
extortion against its own citizens and against the rest of the world,
in order to keep its citizens chained to partners who want the
unearned privilege of treating them like trash.
The greater the scale of economic imbalance, the greater the need for
protective barriers. And the greater the scale of social imbalance,
the more artificial barriers are required to keep it in place. Thus,
the greatest amount of violence, threats, moral bludgeoning, character
assassination, psychological abuse and oppressive legislation will be
expected to be, and is, done by the communities that are the most
gravely injust and abusive - and to the least extent by the
communities that are the least abusive and least injust.
It takes more barriers to keep people from leaving a raw deal than it
does to keep them from leaving a fair deal. From this follows that the
greater the obstacles placed by the culture to women or men finding
partners elsewhere, the greater the systemic injustice that they
embody. The more abuse, violence, legal oppression and moral
bludgeoning is directed against one or another group, the greater the
injustice that is perpetuated against them. The greater the actual
need for intercultural, interracial or international flux in order to
rectify the imbalance.
The people are bullied into lives they would never have chosen if they
were aware of the true range of options before them, and are kept
there by oppressive laws that want to make a commitment based on
inadequate knowledge and false advertising life-long. That state of
affairs is falsely regarded as being moral. It is not moral state of
affairs; it is a state of affairs based on systemic injustice. The
disadvantaged are kept to inhuman treatment and denied relationships
with people who would treat them better, and the people around the
world are kept from partaking of what they have to offer, all in order
to defend unearned privilege of the wrongly advantaged class to abuse
the oppressed.
Thus, the people who are against intercultural matches in cultures
such as the Muslim scream about tradition and morality. The real
reason they are against such matches is that they want to abuse women
as much as they want to abuse women, and for the women to have no
other options but to put up with living hell that is life as a woman
in Middle East. The people who attack such matches in feminist
cultures claim all kinds of silliness as well. The real reason is that
they want to treat men like trash, and for the men to have no
possibility but to take it. In both cases, the resistance to
international relationships is a result of systemic wrong that leads
to systemic imbalance. And it is this wrong that is checked and
balanced by the real-world mechanism of people being meaningfully free
to choose their partners in parts of the world that are not formulated
by the same systemic imbalances and the wrongful mistreatment of one
or another gender that these imbalances create.
In the same way as global economy provides a way for workers around
the world to rise out of poverty - and for entrepreneurs to have
access to people who are willing and able to work effectively - so do
international matches allow a way for women from cultures slanted
against women and men from cultures slanted against men to create
matches with people from whom they can expect better treatment that in
home societies, and whom they likewise will treat in ways better than
they are treated at home. The women from cultures where women treat
men right but are mistreated by men in their own homeland - and men
from cultures where men treat women right but women do not treat men
right - find in each other better treatment than they could hope for
in partners from their own communities. Not only are beautiful matches
created, but social imbalances are rectified, and people in the
communities are shown how truly loving, mutually appreciative and
mutually respectful relationships can be made real. In this are
created two positives, and rectified many negatives. The positive of
mutually appreciative, mutually positive matches and positive
influence that they exert on the disadvantaged group in society - and
the negative of the wrong that creates social imbalances and the
abusive ways that maintain the wrong.
Thus international relationships therefore work for freedom, fairness,
and good treatment by men and women of one another in relationships.
And that is a valuable and meaningful good toward which it is worthy
to aspire for men and women around the world.
But wherever you live, whatever country, justice is well-defined
by the law of that country which has a cultural and ethnic history
developing over sometimes thousands of years. So, you don't
have to get mixed up over this.

2008-02-27 23:47:59 UTC
Post by Erin
Post by i***@gmail.com
Everybody thinks that they know what is justice, but what they
conceive of as justice is different from place to place. The just-
world hypothesis of different people in different places and times
conceive of completely different kinds of justice. And it is by flux
between people and places that any meaningful concept of what is
justice can be attained.
In Muslim and rural Indian cultures, it is seen as justice that man
bludgeon the woman into being his dog and kill her if she disobeys in
the slightest. In American feminist culture, it is seen as justice
that a woman act like a harpy, treat people like garbage, get a
coworker fired for sexual harrassment if he tells her she's good-
looking, deal with all women who are nicer and prettier by abusing and
sabotaging them and destroying their careers and relationships, abuse
and emasculate any relationship partner, screw exes in court out of
every cent they can get, claim that anyone who objects to such conduct
is a misogynist or a bimbo, and aim to destroy as many men and
beautiful women in one's life as one can and then claim oneself strong
or smart or spiritual or a true servant of woman's cause. Both sets
think that they are right and that what they are doing is justice.
With such extremes in the world claiming themselves to be justice and
righteousness, the way to arrive at any realistic notion of the
preceding is for the real-world mechanism of people choosing each
other based on how they are willing to treat each other to balance out
whatever is believed in their respective homelands - and create a more
informed conceptions of justice and a more balanced just-world
hypotheses in every component part of the world.
It is ridiculous for Islamists in Middle East to claim to be speaking
for justice; in Middle East, Islamists are the injustice. The same is
true for the Dworkin-McKinnon types in the United States. The in-good-
faith feminists have a real point about behavior of men in Middle East
and many other parts of the world (and some in the West), and
Islamists about behavior of the not-in-good-faith ones among American
women. But they both have much less of a point at home. On their home
turfs, they apply a grossly imbalanced conception of justice pursuant
a grossly slanted just-world hypothesis to shape the country's concept
of justice into gravely distorted forms that lead to grave
mistreatment of people - women or men - who have done the least to
deserve it.
A positive match is created between men and women whose just-world
hypotheses are a positive-sum situation. A man from a feminist
culture, whose just-world hypothesis would be seen at home as slanted
toward patriarchy but in most of the rest of the world would be seen
as fairly matriarchial, and a woman from a patriarchial culture, whose
just-world hypothesis is seen in her own country as feminist but would
be seen in a feminist culture as patriarchial or equalist, have just-
world hypotheses that are better than complementary and that therefore
can create among them a joyful appreciation of one another and a
positive-sum relationship. Take a woman from the patriarchial culture,
and put her together with a man from the feminist culture, and we see
people who stand to treat one another better than they've ever been
treated by other gender at home. As intercultural flux allows people
to make matches based on what they see in each other and how they are
willing to treat each other, is checked the wrong in each culture that
caused the imbalance, and the graver wrong that is the mistreatment of
either women or men in relationships in pursuit of that false concept
of fairness. And this creates a real-world mechanism toward creating
social justice between men and women, as well as toward a goal that is
just as important: Creating relationships between men and women where
both parties appreciate one another and treat each other in a manner
that merits their vows of love.
The global social injustice will be solved at least in part by large-
scaleintercultural, interracial and international flux of people for
love and marriage. Bringing together the men from cultures where the
concept of justice is an extreme of feminism, with women from cultures
where the concept of justice is an extreme of patriarchy - even people
from cultures whose concepts of justice are not as extremely off-
target but still noticeably apart - will bring together people who can
appreciate one another, treat each other better than they are treated
at home, and be seen by each other as positive influence and an
improvement upon what they had to deal with. It will also create a
real-world check-and-balance upon the tendency of societies - all
societies - to go injust in one or another direction at the expense of
one or another group
There were many people for a long time who believed that economic
justice around the world would be achieved by Communism. In fact
global capitalism did a much better and faster job by allowing
billions of people in places like China and India to rise out of
poverty using their own efforts with global market for their goods.
And it is international flux for purpose of marriage that has real
possibility of doing the same for social justice - while also creating
many marriages along the way where people have genuine appreciation
for one another and treat each other in commensurate way.
Global economy made it possible for international business to move
across borders to find people who want to work and know how to work,
and for people to move across the borders to find employers who
constructively use and rightfully reward their endeavor. This resulted
in over a billion of people rising out of poverty in less than three
decades and businesses having better and more affordable products that
benefited consumers and business itself. By similar mechanism, the men
and women being free to move across borders to find people who would
treat them better than they are treated at home results in tremendous
improvement in people's relationships, as well as improvement in
gender fairness.
But far more importantly, it creates a real-world incentive for people
in all societies to treat their partners - men or women - in rightful
manner, for knowing that there are other people around the world who
would treat them well if they do not. And this breaks the stranglehold
of local oppressors and thugs - both thugs of muscle and thugs of
morality - who want to keep one or another group in their cultures in
shackles so that they can be guiltlessly and without consequence
Protectionism - attempt by rich countries to create walls against
international products - has been described as bullying and extortion.
The consumer is being extorted, and the working people around the
world are being bullied, by the rich country attempting to protect
unearned priviledge of some of its workers at everybody else's
expense. The communities that want to deny their citizens the right to
make interracial, intercultural or international matches, are likewise
using extortion and bullying to protect unearned privilege - such as
the unearned privilege of Middle Eastern or rural Indian men to treat
women like cattle, to throw vitriol in their faces, and to execute
them in case they do not obey their every idiotic command. Like
tariffs and quotas of the protectionists are used to maintain economic
imbalance, so the violence, moral thuggery, and oppressive laws, are
used to sustain social injustice. And just as in case of
protectionism, where the greater the economic imbalance the higher the
obstacles that are required to sustian it, so the greater the scale of
violence, moral thuggery, and oppressive legislation, the greater the
social injustice and the graver the system abuse.
There are many people who falsely claim that protectionism is more
moral than global economy. It is not; it is bullying and extortion
against one's citizens and against the world to protect unearned
privilege. The same is also true of efforts by any local entity at any
level to keep people from marrying people external to itself. If a
country or a community constructs walls against intercultural, inter-
ethnic or international  marriage, then it is performing bullying and
extortion against its own citizens and against the rest of the world,
in order to keep its citizens chained to partners who want the
unearned privilege of treating them like trash.
The greater the scale of economic imbalance, the greater the need for
protective barriers. And the greater the scale of social imbalance,
the more artificial barriers are required to keep it in place. Thus,
the greatest amount of violence, threats, moral bludgeoning, character
assassination, psychological abuse and oppressive legislation will be
expected to be, and is, done by the communities that are the most
gravely injust and abusive - and to the least extent by the
communities that are the least abusive and least injust.
It takes more barriers to keep people from leaving a raw deal than it
does to keep them from leaving a fair deal. From this follows that the
greater the obstacles placed by the culture to women or men finding
partners elsewhere, the greater the systemic injustice that they
embody. The more abuse, violence, legal oppression and moral
bludgeoning is directed against one or another group, the greater the
injustice that is perpetuated against them. The greater the actual
need for intercultural, interracial or international flux in order to
rectify the imbalance.
The people are bullied into lives they would never have chosen if they
were aware of the true range of options before them, and are kept
there by oppressive laws that want to make a commitment based on
inadequate knowledge and false advertising life-long. That state of
affairs is falsely regarded as being moral. It is not moral state of
affairs; it is a state of affairs based on systemic injustice. The
disadvantaged are kept to inhuman treatment and denied relationships
with people who would treat them better, and the people around the
world are kept from partaking of what they have to offer, all in order
to defend unearned privilege of the wrongly advantaged class to abuse
the oppressed.
Thus, the people who are against intercultural matches in cultures
such as the Muslim scream about tradition and morality. The real
reason they are against such matches is that they want to abuse women
as much as they want to abuse women, and for the women to have no
other options but to put up with living hell that is life as a woman
in Middle East. The people who attack such matches in feminist
cultures claim all kinds of silliness as well. The real reason is that
they want to treat men like trash, and for the men to have no
possibility but to take it. In both cases, the resistance to
international relationships is a result of systemic wrong that leads
to systemic imbalance. And it is this wrong that is checked and
balanced by the real-world mechanism of people being meaningfully free
to choose their partners in parts of the world that are not formulated
by the same systemic imbalances and the wrongful mistreatment of one
or another gender that these imbalances create.
In the same way as global economy provides a way for workers around
the world to rise out of poverty - and for entrepreneurs to have
access to people who are willing and able to work effectively - so do
international matches allow a way for women from cultures slanted
against women and men from cultures slanted against men to create
matches with people from whom they can expect better treatment that in
home societies, and whom they likewise will treat in ways better than
they are treated at home. The women from cultures where women treat
men right but are mistreated by men in their own homeland - and men
from cultures where men treat women right but women do not treat men
right - find in each other better treatment than they could hope for
in partners from their own communities. Not only are beautiful matches
created, but social imbalances are rectified, and people in the
communities are shown how truly loving, mutually appreciative and
mutually respectful relationships can be made real. In this are
created two positives, and rectified many negatives. The positive of
mutually appreciative, mutually positive matches and positive
influence that they exert on the disadvantaged group in society - and
the negative of the wrong that creates social imbalances and the
abusive ways that maintain the wrong.
Thus international relationships therefore work for freedom, fairness,
and good treatment by men and women of one another in relationships.
And that is a valuable and meaningful good toward which it is worthy
to aspire for men and women around the world.
But wherever you live, whatever country, justice is well-defined
by the law of that country which has a cultural and ethnic history
developing over sometimes thousands of years.  
Which leads to groupthink, sustained by destruction of anyone who has
any capacity for thinking differently, wiping out entire peoples and
cultures that do think differently, and horrendous injustices
perpetuated along the way.

The global flux has a way of rectifying all these injustices. That is
its true great ethical merit.
2008-02-27 23:51:31 UTC
Post by i***@hotmail.com
Post by Erin
Post by i***@gmail.com
Everybody thinks that they know what is justice, but what they
conceive of as justice is different from place to place. The just-
world hypothesis of different people in different places and times
conceive of completely different kinds of justice. And it is by flux
between people and places that any meaningful concept of what is
justice can be attained.
In Muslim and rural Indian cultures, it is seen as justice that man
bludgeon the woman into being his dog and kill her if she disobeys in
the slightest. In American feminist culture, it is seen as justice
that a woman act like a harpy, treat people like garbage, get a
coworker fired for sexual harrassment if he tells her she's good-
looking, deal with all women who are nicer and prettier by abusing and
sabotaging them and destroying their careers and relationships, abuse
and emasculate any relationship partner, screw exes in court out of
every cent they can get, claim that anyone who objects to such conduct
is a misogynist or a bimbo, and aim to destroy as many men and
beautiful women in one's life as one can and then claim oneself strong
or smart or spiritual or a true servant of woman's cause. Both sets
think that they are right and that what they are doing is justice.
With such extremes in the world claiming themselves to be justice and
righteousness, the way to arrive at any realistic notion of the
preceding is for the real-world mechanism of people choosing each
other based on how they are willing to treat each other to balance out
whatever is believed in their respective homelands - and create a more
informed conceptions of justice and a more balanced just-world
hypotheses in every component part of the world.
It is ridiculous for Islamists in Middle East to claim to be speaking
for justice; in Middle East, Islamists are the injustice. The same is
true for the Dworkin-McKinnon types in the United States. The in-good-
faith feminists have a real point about behavior of men in Middle East
and many other parts of the world (and some in the West), and
Islamists about behavior of the not-in-good-faith ones among American
women. But they both have much less of a point at home. On their home
turfs, they apply a grossly imbalanced conception of justice pursuant
a grossly slanted just-world hypothesis to shape the country's concept
of justice into gravely distorted forms that lead to grave
mistreatment of people - women or men - who have done the least to
deserve it.
A positive match is created between men and women whose just-world
hypotheses are a positive-sum situation. A man from a feminist
culture, whose just-world hypothesis would be seen at home as slanted
toward patriarchy but in most of the rest of the world would be seen
as fairly matriarchial, and a woman from a patriarchial culture, whose
just-world hypothesis is seen in her own country as feminist but would
be seen in a feminist culture as patriarchial or equalist, have just-
world hypotheses that are better than complementary and that therefore
can create among them a joyful appreciation of one another and a
positive-sum relationship. Take a woman from the patriarchial culture,
and put her together with a man from the feminist culture, and we see
people who stand to treat one another better than they've ever been
treated by other gender at home. As intercultural flux allows people
to make matches based on what they see in each other and how they are
willing to treat each other, is checked the wrong in each culture that
caused the imbalance, and the graver wrong that is the mistreatment of
either women or men in relationships in pursuit of that false concept
of fairness. And this creates a real-world mechanism toward creating
social justice between men and women, as well as toward a goal that is
just as important: Creating relationships between men and women where
both parties appreciate one another and treat each other in a manner
that merits their vows of love.
The global social injustice will be solved at least in part by large-
scaleintercultural, interracial and international flux of people for
love and marriage. Bringing together the men from cultures where the
concept of justice is an extreme of feminism, with women from cultures
where the concept of justice is an extreme of patriarchy - even people
from cultures whose concepts of justice are not as extremely off-
target but still noticeably apart - will bring together people who can
appreciate one another, treat each other better than they are treated
at home, and be seen by each other as positive influence and an
improvement upon what they had to deal with. It will also create a
real-world check-and-balance upon the tendency of societies - all
societies - to go injust in one or another direction at the expense of
one or another group
There were many people for a long time who believed that economic
justice around the world would be achieved by Communism. In fact
global capitalism did a much better and faster job by allowing
billions of people in places like China and India to rise out of
poverty using their own efforts with global market for their goods.
And it is international flux for purpose of marriage that has real
possibility of doing the same for social justice - while also creating
many marriages along the way where people have genuine appreciation
for one another and treat each other in commensurate way.
Global economy made it possible for international business to move
across borders to find people who want to work and know how to work,
and for people to move across the borders to find employers who
constructively use and rightfully reward their endeavor. This resulted
in over a billion of people rising out of poverty in less than three
decades and businesses having better and more affordable products that
benefited consumers and business itself. By similar mechanism, the men
and women being free to move across borders to find people who would
treat them better than they are treated at home results in tremendous
improvement in people's relationships, as well as improvement in
gender fairness.
But far more importantly, it creates a real-world incentive for people
in all societies to treat their partners - men or women - in rightful
manner, for knowing that there are other people around the world who
would treat them well if they do not. And this breaks the stranglehold
of local oppressors and thugs - both thugs of muscle and thugs of
morality - who want to keep one or another group in their cultures in
shackles so that they can be guiltlessly and without consequence
Protectionism - attempt by rich countries to create walls against
international products - has been described as bullying and extortion.
The consumer is being extorted, and the working people around the
world are being bullied, by the rich country attempting to protect
unearned priviledge of some of its workers at everybody else's
expense. The communities that want to deny their citizens the right to
make interracial, intercultural or international matches, are likewise
using extortion and bullying to protect unearned privilege - such as
the unearned privilege of Middle Eastern or rural Indian men to treat
women like cattle, to throw vitriol in their faces, and to execute
them in case they do not obey their every idiotic command. Like
tariffs and quotas of the protectionists are used to maintain economic
imbalance, so the violence, moral thuggery, and oppressive laws, are
used to sustain social injustice. And just as in case of
protectionism, where the greater the economic imbalance the higher the
obstacles that are required to sustian it, so the greater the scale of
violence, moral thuggery, and oppressive legislation, the greater the
social injustice and the graver the system abuse.
There are many people who falsely claim that protectionism is more
moral than global economy. It is not; it is bullying and extortion
against one's citizens and against the world to protect unearned
privilege. The same is also true of efforts by any local entity at any
level to keep people from marrying people external to itself. If a
country or a community constructs walls against intercultural, inter-
ethnic or international �marriage, then it is performing bullying and
extortion against its own citizens and against the rest of the world,
in order to keep its citizens chained to partners who want the
unearned privilege of treating them like trash.
The greater the scale of economic imbalance, the greater the need for
protective barriers. And the greater the scale of social imbalance,
the more artificial barriers are required to keep it in place. Thus,
the greatest amount of violence, threats, moral bludgeoning, character
assassination, psychological abuse and oppressive legislation will be
expected to be, and is, done by the communities that are the most
gravely injust and abusive - and to the least extent by the
communities that are the least abusive and least injust.
It takes more barriers to keep people from leaving a raw deal than it
does to keep them from leaving a fair deal. From this follows that the
greater the obstacles placed by the culture to women or men finding
partners elsewhere, the greater the systemic injustice that they
embody. The more abuse, violence, legal oppression and moral
bludgeoning is directed against one or another group, the greater the
injustice that is perpetuated against them. The greater the actual
need for intercultural, interracial or international flux in order to
rectify the imbalance.
The people are bullied into lives they would never have chosen if they
were aware of the true range of options before them, and are kept
there by oppressive laws that want to make a commitment based on
inadequate knowledge and false advertising life-long. That state of
affairs is falsely regarded as being moral. It is not moral state of
affairs; it is a state of affairs based on systemic injustice. The
disadvantaged are kept to inhuman treatment and denied relationships
with people who would treat them better, and the people around the
world are kept from partaking of what they have to offer, all in order
to defend unearned privilege of the wrongly advantaged class to abuse
the oppressed.
Thus, the people who are against intercultural matches in cultures
such as the Muslim scream about tradition and morality. The real
reason they are against such matches is that they want to abuse women
as much as they want to abuse women, and for the women to have no
other options but to put up with living hell that is life as a woman
in Middle East. The people who attack such matches in feminist
cultures claim all kinds of silliness as well. The real reason is that
they want to treat men like trash, and for the men to have no
possibility but to take it. In both cases, the resistance to
international relationships is a result of systemic wrong that leads
to systemic imbalance. And it is this wrong that is checked and
balanced by the real-world mechanism of people being meaningfully free
to choose their partners in parts of the world that are not formulated
by the same systemic imbalances and the wrongful mistreatment of one
or another gender that these imbalances create.
In the same way as global economy provides a way for workers around
the world to rise out of poverty - and for entrepreneurs to have
access to people who are willing and able to work effectively - so do
international matches allow a way for women from cultures slanted
against women and men from cultures slanted against men to create
matches with people from whom they can expect better treatment that in
home societies, and whom they likewise will treat in ways better than
they are treated at home. The women from cultures where women treat
men right but are mistreated by men in their own homeland - and men
from cultures where men treat women right but women do not treat men
right - find in each other better treatment than they could hope for
in partners from their own communities. Not only are beautiful matches
created, but social imbalances are rectified, and people in the
communities are shown how truly loving, mutually appreciative and
mutually respectful relationships can be made real. In this are
created two positives, and rectified many negatives. The positive of
mutually appreciative, mutually positive matches and positive
influence that they exert on the disadvantaged group in society - and
the negative of the wrong that creates social imbalances and the
abusive ways that maintain the wrong.
Thus international relationships therefore work for freedom, fairness,
and good treatment by men and women of one another in relationships.
And that is a valuable and meaningful good toward which it is worthy
to aspire for men and women around the world.
But wherever you live, whatever country, justice is well-defined
by the law of that country which has a cultural and ethnic history
developing over sometimes thousands of years. �
Which leads to groupthink, sustained by destruction of anyone who has
any capacity for thinking differently, wiping out entire peoples and
cultures that do think differently, and horrendous injustices
perpetuated along the way.
The global flux has a way of rectifying all these injustices. That is
its true great ethical merit.
It's also called culture. If you think the global flux is going
to change thousands of years of customs and traditions,
then you must be in a state of flux, yourself. Only fascism
can overturn a country's idenity.

2008-03-02 02:49:11 UTC
Post by i***@hotmail.com
Post by Erin
Post by i***@gmail.com
Everybody thinks that they know what is justice, but what they
conceive of as justice is different from place to place. The just-
world hypothesis of different people in different places and times
conceive of completely different kinds of justice. And it is by flux
between people and places that any meaningful concept of what is
justice can be attained.
In Muslim and rural Indian cultures, it is seen as justice that man
bludgeon the woman into being his dog and kill her if she disobeys in
the slightest. In American feminist culture, it is seen as justice
that a woman act like a harpy, treat people like garbage, get a
coworker fired for sexual harrassment if he tells her she's good-
looking, deal with all women who are nicer and prettier by abusing and
sabotaging them and destroying their careers and relationships, abuse
and emasculate any relationship partner, screw exes in court out of
every cent they can get, claim that anyone who objects to such conduct
is a misogynist or a bimbo, and aim to destroy as many men and
beautiful women in one's life as one can and then claim oneself strong
or smart or spiritual or a true servant of woman's cause. Both sets
think that they are right and that what they are doing is justice.
With such extremes in the world claiming themselves to be justice and
righteousness, the way to arrive at any realistic notion of the
preceding is for the real-world mechanism of people choosing each
other based on how they are willing to treat each other to balance out
whatever is believed in their respective homelands - and create a more
informed conceptions of justice and a more balanced just-world
hypotheses in every component part of the world.
It is ridiculous for Islamists in Middle East to claim to be speaking
for justice; in Middle East, Islamists are the injustice. The same is
true for the Dworkin-McKinnon types in the United States. The in-good-
faith feminists have a real point about behavior of men in Middle East
and many other parts of the world (and some in the West), and
Islamists about behavior of the not-in-good-faith ones among American
women. But they both have much less of a point at home. On their home
turfs, they apply a grossly imbalanced conception of justice pursuant
a grossly slanted just-world hypothesis to shape the country's concept
of justice into gravely distorted forms that lead to grave
mistreatment of people - women or men - who have done the least to
deserve it.
A positive match is created between men and women whose just-world
hypotheses are a positive-sum situation. A man from a feminist
culture, whose just-world hypothesis would be seen at home as slanted
toward patriarchy but in most of the rest of the world would be seen
as fairly matriarchial, and a woman from a patriarchial culture, whose
just-world hypothesis is seen in her own country as feminist but would
be seen in a feminist culture as patriarchial or equalist, have just-
world hypotheses that are better than complementary and that therefore
can create among them a joyful appreciation of one another and a
positive-sum relationship. Take a woman from the patriarchial culture,
and put her together with a man from the feminist culture, and we see
people who stand to treat one another better than they've ever been
treated by other gender at home. As intercultural flux allows people
to make matches based on what they see in each other and how they are
willing to treat each other, is checked the wrong in each culture that
caused the imbalance, and the graver wrong that is the mistreatment of
either women or men in relationships in pursuit of that false concept
of fairness. And this creates a real-world mechanism toward creating
social justice between men and women, as well as toward a goal that is
just as important: Creating relationships between men and women where
both parties appreciate one another and treat each other in a manner
that merits their vows of love.
The global social injustice will be solved at least in part by large-
scaleintercultural, interracial and international flux of people for
love and marriage. Bringing together the men from cultures where the
concept of justice is an extreme of feminism, with women from cultures
where the concept of justice is an extreme of patriarchy - even people
from cultures whose concepts of justice are not as extremely off-
target but still noticeably apart - will bring together people who can
appreciate one another, treat each other better than they are treated
at home, and be seen by each other as positive influence and an
improvement upon what they had to deal with. It will also create a
real-world check-and-balance upon the tendency of societies - all
societies - to go injust in one or another direction at the expense of
one or another group
There were many people for a long time who believed that economic
justice around the world would be achieved by Communism. In fact
global capitalism did a much better and faster job by allowing
billions of people in places like China and India to rise out of
poverty using their own efforts with global market for their goods.
And it is international flux for purpose of marriage that has real
possibility of doing the same for social justice - while also creating
many marriages along the way where people have genuine appreciation
for one another and treat each other in commensurate way.
Global economy made it possible for international business to move
across borders to find people who want to work and know how to work,
and for people to move across the borders to find employers who
constructively use and rightfully reward their endeavor. This resulted
in over a billion of people rising out of poverty in less than three
decades and businesses having better and more affordable products that
benefited consumers and business itself. By similar mechanism, the men
and women being free to move across borders to find people who would
treat them better than they are treated at home results in tremendous
improvement in people's relationships, as well as improvement in
gender fairness.
But far more importantly, it creates a real-world incentive for people
in all societies to treat their partners - men or women - in rightful
manner, for knowing that there are other people around the world who
would treat them well if they do not. And this breaks the stranglehold
of local oppressors and thugs - both thugs of muscle and thugs of
morality - who want to keep one or another group in their cultures in
shackles so that they can be guiltlessly and without consequence
Protectionism - attempt by rich countries to create walls against
international products - has been described as bullying and extortion.
The consumer is being extorted, and the working people around the
world are being bullied, by the rich country attempting to protect
unearned priviledge of some of its workers at everybody else's
expense. The communities that want to deny their citizens the right to
make interracial, intercultural or international matches, are likewise
using extortion and bullying to protect unearned privilege - such as
the unearned privilege of Middle Eastern or rural Indian men to treat
women like cattle, to throw vitriol in their faces, and to execute
them in case they do not obey their every idiotic command. Like
tariffs and quotas of the protectionists are used to maintain economic
imbalance, so the violence, moral thuggery, and oppressive laws, are
used to sustain social injustice. And just as in case of
protectionism, where the greater the economic imbalance the higher the
obstacles that are required to sustian it, so the greater the scale of
violence, moral thuggery, and oppressive legislation, the greater the
social injustice and the graver the system abuse.
There are many people who falsely claim that protectionism is more
moral than global economy. It is not; it is bullying and extortion
against one's citizens and against the world to protect unearned
privilege. The same is also true of efforts by any local entity at any
level to keep people from marrying people external to itself. If a
country or a community constructs walls against intercultural, inter-
ethnic or international �marriage, then it is performing bullying and
extortion against its own citizens and against the rest of the world,
in order to keep its citizens chained to partners who want the
unearned privilege of treating them like trash.
The greater the scale of economic imbalance, the greater the need for
protective barriers. And the greater the scale of social imbalance,
the more artificial barriers are required to keep it in place. Thus,
the greatest amount of violence, threats, moral bludgeoning, character
assassination, psychological abuse and oppressive legislation will be
expected to be, and is, done by the communities that are the most
gravely injust and abusive - and to the least extent by the
communities that are the least abusive and least injust.
It takes more barriers to keep people from leaving a raw deal than it
does to keep them from leaving a fair deal. From this follows that the
greater the obstacles placed by the culture to women or men finding
partners elsewhere, the greater the systemic injustice that they
embody. The more abuse, violence, legal oppression and moral
bludgeoning is directed against one or another group, the greater the
injustice that is perpetuated against them. The greater the actual
need for intercultural, interracial or international flux in order to
rectify the imbalance.
The people are bullied into lives they would never have chosen if they
were aware of the true range of options before them, and are kept
there by oppressive laws that want to make a commitment based on
inadequate knowledge and false advertising life-long. That state of
affairs is falsely regarded as being moral. It is not moral state of
affairs; it is a state of affairs based on systemic injustice. The
disadvantaged are kept to inhuman treatment and denied relationships
with people who would treat them better, and the people around the
world are kept from partaking of what they have to offer, all in order
to defend unearned privilege of the wrongly advantaged class to abuse
the oppressed.
Thus, the people who are against intercultural matches in cultures
such as the Muslim scream about tradition and morality. The real
reason they are against such matches is that they want to abuse women
as much as they want to abuse women, and for the women to have no
other options but to put up with living hell that is life as a woman
in Middle East. The people who attack such matches in feminist
cultures claim all kinds of silliness as well. The real reason is that
they want to treat men like trash, and for the men to have no
possibility but to take it. In both cases, the resistance to
international relationships is a result of systemic wrong that leads
to systemic imbalance. And it is this wrong that is checked and
balanced by the real-world mechanism of people being meaningfully free
to choose their partners in parts of the world that are not formulated
by the same systemic imbalances and the wrongful mistreatment of one
or another gender that these imbalances create.
In the same way as global economy provides a way for workers around
the world to rise out of poverty - and for entrepreneurs to have
access to people who are willing and able to work effectively - so do
international matches allow a way for women from cultures slanted
against women and men from cultures slanted against men to create
matches with people from whom they can expect better treatment that in
home societies, and whom they likewise will treat in ways better than
they are treated at home. The women from cultures where women treat
men right but are mistreated by men in their own homeland - and men
from cultures where men treat women right but women do not treat men
right - find in each other better treatment than they could hope for
in partners from their own communities. Not only are beautiful matches
created, but social imbalances are rectified, and people in the
communities are shown how truly loving, mutually appreciative and
mutually respectful relationships can be made real. In this are
created two positives, and rectified many negatives. The positive of
mutually appreciative, mutually positive matches and positive
influence that they exert on the disadvantaged group in society - and
the negative of the wrong that creates social imbalances and the
abusive ways that maintain the wrong.
Thus international relationships therefore work for freedom, fairness,
and good treatment by men and women of one another in relationships.
And that is a valuable and meaningful good toward which it is worthy
to aspire for men and women around the world.
But wherever you live, whatever country, justice is well-defined
by the law of that country which has a cultural and ethnic history
developing over sometimes thousands of years. �
Which leads to groupthink, sustained by destruction of anyone who has
any capacity for thinking differently, wiping out entire peoples and
cultures that do think differently, and horrendous injustices
perpetuated along the way.
The global flux has a way of rectifying all these injustices. That is
its true great ethical merit.
It's also called culture.  If you think the global flux is going
to change thousands of years of customs and traditions,
then you must be in a state of flux, yourself.  Only fascism
can overturn a country's idenity.
Not really. Mao once said that he had not been able to change China,
except for a few places outside Bejing. However global capitalism has
changed China completely over a space of less than 30 years. It
doesn't require fascism to change things. There are other possible
ways to make change, and some of them do so unintentionally.
2008-03-02 02:54:34 UTC
Post by i***@hotmail.com
Post by i***@hotmail.com
Post by Erin
Post by i***@gmail.com
Everybody thinks that they know what is justice, but what they
conceive of as justice is different from place to place. The just-
world hypothesis of different people in different places and times
conceive of completely different kinds of justice. And it is by
flux between people and places that any meaningful concept of
what is justice can be attained.
In Muslim and rural Indian cultures, it is seen as justice that
man bludgeon the woman into being his dog and kill her if she
disobeys in the slightest. In American feminist culture, it is
seen as justice that a woman act like a harpy, treat people like
garbage, get a coworker fired for sexual harrassment if he tells
her she's good- looking, deal with all women who are nicer and
prettier by abusing and sabotaging them and destroying their
careers and relationships, abuse and emasculate any relationship
partner, screw exes in court out of every cent they can get,
claim that anyone who objects to such conduct is a misogynist or
a bimbo, and aim to destroy as many men and beautiful women in
one's life as one can and then claim oneself strong or smart or
spiritual or a true servant of woman's cause. Both sets think
that they are right and that what they are doing is justice. With
such extremes in the world claiming themselves to be justice and
righteousness, the way to arrive at any realistic notion of the
preceding is for the real-world mechanism of people choosing each
other based on how they are willing to treat each other to
balance out whatever is believed in their respective homelands -
and create a more informed conceptions of justice and a more
balanced just-world hypotheses in every component part of the
It is ridiculous for Islamists in Middle East to claim to be
speaking for justice; in Middle East, Islamists are the
injustice. The same is true for the Dworkin-McKinnon types in the
United States. The in-good- faith feminists have a real point
about behavior of men in Middle East and many other parts of the
world (and some in the West), and Islamists about behavior of the
not-in-good-faith ones among American women. But they both have
much less of a point at home. On their home turfs, they apply a
grossly imbalanced conception of justice pursuant a grossly
slanted just-world hypothesis to shape the country's concept of
justice into gravely distorted forms that lead to grave
mistreatment of people - women or men - who have done the least
to deserve it.
A positive match is created between men and women whose just-world
hypotheses are a positive-sum situation. A man from a feminist
culture, whose just-world hypothesis would be seen at home as
slanted toward patriarchy but in most of the rest of the world
would be seen as fairly matriarchial, and a woman from a
patriarchial culture, whose just-world hypothesis is seen in her
own country as feminist but would be seen in a feminist culture
as patriarchial or equalist, have just- world hypotheses that are
better than complementary and that therefore can create among
them a joyful appreciation of one another and a positive-sum
relationship. Take a woman from the patriarchial culture, and put
her together with a man from the feminist culture, and we see
people who stand to treat one another better than they've ever
been treated by other gender at home. As intercultural flux
allows people to make matches based on what they see in each
other and how they are willing to treat each other, is checked
the wrong in each culture that caused the imbalance, and the
graver wrong that is the mistreatment of either women or men in
relationships in pursuit of that false concept of fairness. And
this creates a real-world mechanism toward creating social
justice between men and women, as well as toward a goal that is
just as important: Creating relationships between men and women
where both parties appreciate one another and treat each other in
a manner that merits their vows of love.
The global social injustice will be solved at least in part by
large- scaleintercultural, interracial and international flux of
people for love and marriage. Bringing together the men from
cultures where the concept of justice is an extreme of feminism,
with women from cultures where the concept of justice is an
extreme of patriarchy - even people from cultures whose concepts
of justice are not as extremely off- target but still noticeably
apart - will bring together people who can appreciate one
another, treat each other better than they are treated at home,
and be seen by each other as positive influence and an
improvement upon what they had to deal with. It will also create
a real-world check-and-balance upon the tendency of societies -
all societies - to go injust in one or another direction at the
expense of one or another group
There were many people for a long time who believed that economic
justice around the world would be achieved by Communism. In fact
global capitalism did a much better and faster job by allowing
billions of people in places like China and India to rise out of
poverty using their own efforts with global market for their
goods. And it is international flux for purpose of marriage that
has real possibility of doing the same for social justice - while
also creating many marriages along the way where people have
genuine appreciation for one another and treat each other in
commensurate way.
Global economy made it possible for international business to move
across borders to find people who want to work and know how to
work, and for people to move across the borders to find employers
who constructively use and rightfully reward their endeavor. This
resulted in over a billion of people rising out of poverty in
less than three decades and businesses having better and more
affordable products that benefited consumers and business itself.
By similar mechanism, the men and women being free to move across
borders to find people who would treat them better than they are
treated at home results in tremendous improvement in people's
relationships, as well as improvement in gender fairness.
But far more importantly, it creates a real-world incentive for
people in all societies to treat their partners - men or women -
in rightful manner, for knowing that there are other people
around the world who would treat them well if they do not. And
this breaks the stranglehold of local oppressors and thugs - both
thugs of muscle and thugs of morality - who want to keep one or
another group in their cultures in shackles so that they can be
guiltlessly and without consequence mistreated.
Protectionism - attempt by rich countries to create walls against
international products - has been described as bullying and
extortion. The consumer is being extorted, and the working people
around the world are being bullied, by the rich country
attempting to protect unearned priviledge of some of its workers
at everybody else's expense. The communities that want to deny
their citizens the right to make interracial, intercultural or
international matches, are likewise using extortion and bullying
to protect unearned privilege - such as the unearned privilege of
Middle Eastern or rural Indian men to treat women like cattle, to
throw vitriol in their faces, and to execute them in case they do
not obey their every idiotic command. Like tariffs and quotas of
the protectionists are used to maintain economic imbalance, so
the violence, moral thuggery, and oppressive laws, are used to
sustain social injustice. And just as in case of protectionism,
where the greater the economic imbalance the higher the obstacles
that are required to sustian it, so the greater the scale of
violence, moral thuggery, and oppressive legislation, the greater
the social injustice and the graver the system abuse.
There are many people who falsely claim that protectionism is more
moral than global economy. It is not; it is bullying and extortion
against one's citizens and against the world to protect unearned
privilege. The same is also true of efforts by any local entity
at any level to keep people from marrying people external to
itself. If a country or a community constructs walls against
intercultural, inter- ethnic or international ?marriage, then it
is performing bullying and extortion against its own citizens and
against the rest of the world, in order to keep its citizens
chained to partners who want the unearned privilege of treating
them like trash.
The greater the scale of economic imbalance, the greater the need
for protective barriers. And the greater the scale of social
imbalance, the more artificial barriers are required to keep it
in place. Thus, the greatest amount of violence, threats, moral
bludgeoning, character assassination, psychological abuse and
oppressive legislation will be expected to be, and is, done by
the communities that are the most gravely injust and abusive -
and to the least extent by the communities that are the least
abusive and least injust.
It takes more barriers to keep people from leaving a raw deal
than it does to keep them from leaving a fair deal. From this
follows that the greater the obstacles placed by the culture to
women or men finding partners elsewhere, the greater the systemic
injustice that they embody. The more abuse, violence, legal
oppression and moral bludgeoning is directed against one or
another group, the greater the injustice that is perpetuated
against them. The greater the actual need for intercultural,
interracial or international flux in order to rectify the
The people are bullied into lives they would never have chosen if
they were aware of the true range of options before them, and are
kept there by oppressive laws that want to make a commitment
based on inadequate knowledge and false advertising life-long.
That state of affairs is falsely regarded as being moral. It is
not moral state of affairs; it is a state of affairs based on
systemic injustice. The disadvantaged are kept to inhuman
treatment and denied relationships with people who would treat
them better, and the people around the world are kept from
partaking of what they have to offer, all in order to defend
unearned privilege of the wrongly advantaged class to abuse the
Thus, the people who are against intercultural matches in cultures
such as the Muslim scream about tradition and morality. The real
reason they are against such matches is that they want to abuse
women as much as they want to abuse women, and for the women to
have no other options but to put up with living hell that is life
as a woman in Middle East. The people who attack such matches in
feminist cultures claim all kinds of silliness as well. The real
reason is that they want to treat men like trash, and for the men
to have no possibility but to take it. In both cases, the
resistance to international relationships is a result of systemic
wrong that leads to systemic imbalance. And it is this wrong that
is checked and balanced by the real-world mechanism of people
being meaningfully free to choose their partners in parts of the
world that are not formulated by the same systemic imbalances and
the wrongful mistreatment of one or another gender that these
imbalances create.
In the same way as global economy provides a way for workers
around the world to rise out of poverty - and for entrepreneurs
to have access to people who are willing and able to work
effectively - so do international matches allow a way for women
from cultures slanted against women and men from cultures slanted
against men to create matches with people from whom they can
expect better treatment that in home societies, and whom they
likewise will treat in ways better than they are treated at home.
The women from cultures where women treat men right but are
mistreated by men in their own homeland - and men from cultures
where men treat women right but women do not treat men right -
find in each other better treatment than they could hope for in
partners from their own communities. Not only are beautiful
matches created, but social imbalances are rectified, and people
in the communities are shown how truly loving, mutually
appreciative and mutually respectful relationships can be made
real. In this are created two positives, and rectified many
negatives. The positive of mutually appreciative, mutually
positive matches and positive influence that they exert on the
disadvantaged group in society - and the negative of the wrong
that creates social imbalances and the abusive ways that maintain
the wrong.
Thus international relationships therefore work for freedom,
fairness, and good treatment by men and women of one another in
relationships. And that is a valuable and meaningful good toward
which it is worthy to aspire for men and women around the world.
But wherever you live, whatever country, justice is well-defined
by the law of that country which has a cultural and ethnic history
developing over sometimes thousands of years. ?
Which leads to groupthink, sustained by destruction of anyone who
has any capacity for thinking differently, wiping out entire
peoples and cultures that do think differently, and horrendous
injustices perpetuated along the way.
The global flux has a way of rectifying all these injustices. That
is its true great ethical merit.
It's also called culture. If you think the global flux is going
to change thousands of years of customs and traditions,
then you must be in a state of flux, yourself. Only fascism
can overturn a country's idenity.
Not really. Mao once said that he had not been able to change China,
except for a few places outside Bejing. However global capitalism has
changed China completely over a space of less than 30 years. It
doesn't require fascism to change things. There are other possible
ways to make change, and some of them do so unintentionally.
2008-02-27 23:47:12 UTC
It appears that the point of all of this is to say that you are "pro"
western men having relationships with "eastern" women. AND that you
think this has globabl implications in the furthering of "Justice" on
the global arena. Hummm you may be right, but why did you kill so
many virtual trees to say this.
Post by i***@gmail.com
Everybody thinks that they know what is justice, but what they
conceive of as justice is different from place to place. The just-
world hypothesis of different people in different places and times
conceive of completely different kinds of justice. And it is by flux
between people and places that any meaningful concept of what is
justice can be attained.
In Muslim and rural Indian cultures, it is seen as justice that man
bludgeon the woman into being his dog and kill her if she disobeys in
the slightest. In American feminist culture, it is seen as justice
that a woman act like a harpy, treat people like garbage, get a
coworker fired for sexual harrassment if he tells her she's good-
looking, deal with all women who are nicer and prettier by abusing and
sabotaging them and destroying their careers and relationships, abuse
and emasculate any relationship partner, screw exes in court out of
every cent they can get, claim that anyone who objects to such conduct
is a misogynist or a bimbo, and aim to destroy as many men and
beautiful women in one's life as one can and then claim oneself strong
or smart or spiritual or a true servant of woman's cause. Both sets
think that they are right and that what they are doing is justice.
With such extremes in the world claiming themselves to be justice and
righteousness, the way to arrive at any realistic notion of the
preceding is for the real-world mechanism of people choosing each
other based on how they are willing to treat each other to balance out
whatever is believed in their respective homelands - and create a more
informed conceptions of justice and a more balanced just-world
hypotheses in every component part of the world.
It is ridiculous for Islamists in Middle East to claim to be speaking
for justice; in Middle East, Islamists are the injustice. The same is
true for the Dworkin-McKinnon types in the United States. The in-good-
faith feminists have a real point about behavior of men in Middle East
and many other parts of the world (and some in the West), and
Islamists about behavior of the not-in-good-faith ones among American
women. But they both have much less of a point at home. On their home
turfs, they apply a grossly imbalanced conception of justice pursuant
a grossly slanted just-world hypothesis to shape the country's concept
of justice into gravely distorted forms that lead to grave
mistreatment of people - women or men - who have done the least to
deserve it.
A positive match is created between men and women whose just-world
hypotheses are a positive-sum situation. A man from a feminist
culture, whose just-world hypothesis would be seen at home as slanted
toward patriarchy but in most of the rest of the world would be seen
as fairly matriarchial, and a woman from a patriarchial culture, whose
just-world hypothesis is seen in her own country as feminist but would
be seen in a feminist culture as patriarchial or equalist, have just-
world hypotheses that are better than complementary and that therefore
can create among them a joyful appreciation of one another and a
positive-sum relationship. Take a woman from the patriarchial culture,
and put her together with a man from the feminist culture, and we see
people who stand to treat one another better than they've ever been
treated by other gender at home. As intercultural flux allows people
to make matches based on what they see in each other and how they are
willing to treat each other, is checked the wrong in each culture that
caused the imbalance, and the graver wrong that is the mistreatment of
either women or men in relationships in pursuit of that false concept
of fairness. And this creates a real-world mechanism toward creating
social justice between men and women, as well as toward a goal that is
just as important: Creating relationships between men and women where
both parties appreciate one another and treat each other in a manner
that merits their vows of love.
The global social injustice will be solved at least in part by large-
scaleintercultural, interracial and international flux of people for
love and marriage. Bringing together the men from cultures where the
concept of justice is an extreme of feminism, with women from cultures
where the concept of justice is an extreme of patriarchy - even people
from cultures whose concepts of justice are not as extremely off-
target but still noticeably apart - will bring together people who can
appreciate one another, treat each other better than they are treated
at home, and be seen by each other as positive influence and an
improvement upon what they had to deal with. It will also create a
real-world check-and-balance upon the tendency of societies - all
societies - to go injust in one or another direction at the expense of
one or another group
There were many people for a long time who believed that economic
justice around the world would be achieved by Communism. In fact
global capitalism did a much better and faster job by allowing
billions of people in places like China and India to rise out of
poverty using their own efforts with global market for their goods.
And it is international flux for purpose of marriage that has real
possibility of doing the same for social justice - while also creating
many marriages along the way where people have genuine appreciation
for one another and treat each other in commensurate way.
Global economy made it possible for international business to move
across borders to find people who want to work and know how to work,
and for people to move across the borders to find employers who
constructively use and rightfully reward their endeavor. This resulted
in over a billion of people rising out of poverty in less than three
decades and businesses having better and more affordable products that
benefited consumers and business itself. By similar mechanism, the men
and women being free to move across borders to find people who would
treat them better than they are treated at home results in tremendous
improvement in people's relationships, as well as improvement in
gender fairness.
But far more importantly, it creates a real-world incentive for people
in all societies to treat their partners - men or women - in rightful
manner, for knowing that there are other people around the world who
would treat them well if they do not. And this breaks the stranglehold
of local oppressors and thugs - both thugs of muscle and thugs of
morality - who want to keep one or another group in their cultures in
shackles so that they can be guiltlessly and without consequence
Protectionism - attempt by rich countries to create walls against
international products - has been described as bullying and extortion.
The consumer is being extorted, and the working people around the
world are being bullied, by the rich country attempting to protect
unearned priviledge of some of its workers at everybody else's
expense. The communities that want to deny their citizens the right to
make interracial, intercultural or international matches, are likewise
using extortion and bullying to protect unearned privilege - such as
the unearned privilege of Middle Eastern or rural Indian men to treat
women like cattle, to throw vitriol in their faces, and to execute
them in case they do not obey their every idiotic command. Like
tariffs and quotas of the protectionists are used to maintain economic
imbalance, so the violence, moral thuggery, and oppressive laws, are
used to sustain social injustice. And just as in case of
protectionism, where the greater the economic imbalance the higher the
obstacles that are required to sustian it, so the greater the scale of
violence, moral thuggery, and oppressive legislation, the greater the
social injustice and the graver the system abuse.
There are many people who falsely claim that protectionism is more
moral than global economy. It is not; it is bullying and extortion
against one's citizens and against the world to protect unearned
privilege. The same is also true of efforts by any local entity at any
level to keep people from marrying people external to itself. If a
country or a community constructs walls against intercultural, inter-
ethnic or international marriage, then it is performing bullying and
extortion against its own citizens and against the rest of the world,
in order to keep its citizens chained to partners who want the
unearned privilege of treating them like trash.
The greater the scale of economic imbalance, the greater the need for
protective barriers. And the greater the scale of social imbalance,
the more artificial barriers are required to keep it in place. Thus,
the greatest amount of violence, threats, moral bludgeoning, character
assassination, psychological abuse and oppressive legislation will be
expected to be, and is, done by the communities that are the most
gravely injust and abusive - and to the least extent by the
communities that are the least abusive and least injust.
It takes more barriers to keep people from leaving a raw deal than it
does to keep them from leaving a fair deal. From this follows that the
greater the obstacles placed by the culture to women or men finding
partners elsewhere, the greater the systemic injustice that they
embody. The more abuse, violence, legal oppression and moral
bludgeoning is directed against one or another group, the greater the
injustice that is perpetuated against them. The greater the actual
need for intercultural, interracial or international flux in order to
rectify the imbalance.
The people are bullied into lives they would never have chosen if they
were aware of the true range of options before them, and are kept
there by oppressive laws that want to make a commitment based on
inadequate knowledge and false advertising life-long. That state of
affairs is falsely regarded as being moral. It is not moral state of
affairs; it is a state of affairs based on systemic injustice. The
disadvantaged are kept to inhuman treatment and denied relationships
with people who would treat them better, and the people around the
world are kept from partaking of what they have to offer, all in order
to defend unearned privilege of the wrongly advantaged class to abuse
the oppressed.
Thus, the people who are against intercultural matches in cultures
such as the Muslim scream about tradition and morality. The real
reason they are against such matches is that they want to abuse women
as much as they want to abuse women, and for the women to have no
other options but to put up with living hell that is life as a woman
in Middle East. The people who attack such matches in feminist
cultures claim all kinds of silliness as well. The real reason is that
they want to treat men like trash, and for the men to have no
possibility but to take it. In both cases, the resistance to
international relationships is a result of systemic wrong that leads
to systemic imbalance. And it is this wrong that is checked and
balanced by the real-world mechanism of people being meaningfully free
to choose their partners in parts of the world that are not formulated
by the same systemic imbalances and the wrongful mistreatment of one
or another gender that these imbalances create.
In the same way as global economy provides a way for workers around
the world to rise out of poverty - and for entrepreneurs to have
access to people who are willing and able to work effectively - so do
international matches allow a way for women from cultures slanted
against women and men from cultures slanted against men to create
matches with people from whom they can expect better treatment that in
home societies, and whom they likewise will treat in ways better than
they are treated at home. The women from cultures where women treat
men right but are mistreated by men in their own homeland - and men
from cultures where men treat women right but women do not treat men
right - find in each other better treatment than they could hope for
in partners from their own communities. Not only are beautiful matches
created, but social imbalances are rectified, and people in the
communities are shown how truly loving, mutually appreciative and
mutually respectful relationships can be made real. In this are
created two positives, and rectified many negatives. The positive of
mutually appreciative, mutually positive matches and positive
influence that they exert on the disadvantaged group in society - and
the negative of the wrong that creates social imbalances and the
abusive ways that maintain the wrong.
Thus international relationships therefore work for freedom, fairness,
and good treatment by men and women of one another in relationships.
And that is a valuable and meaningful good toward which it is worthy
to aspire for men and women around the world.
2008-02-27 23:50:11 UTC
Post by M***@gmail.com
It appears that the point of all of this is to say that you are "pro"
western men having relationships with "eastern" women.  AND that you
think this has globabl implications in the furthering of "Justice" on
the global arena.  Hummm you may be right, but why did you kill so
many virtual trees to say this.
I didn't kill any trees. I exercised my and your brain cells.
That is for the better of both of us.
2008-03-04 00:42:56 UTC
Post by i***@gmail.com
In Muslim and rural Indian cultures, it is seen as justice that man
bludgeon the woman into being his dog and kill her if she disobeys in
the slightest....
I learned in college anthropology class that all human cultures are
equally valid and that it is wrong to judge other cultures by the
standards of our Western culture. Therefore it is wrong to condemn
the oppression of women in non-Western societies. Pressuring
Western women to wear bras is oppressive, but forcing Afghani women
to wear burqas is cultural diversity.

"Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good
and successful. They hate America, they hate Western civilization,
they hate white males, they hate rationality. The reasons that leftists
give for hating the West, etc. clearly do not correspond with their real
motives. They SAY they hate the West because it is warlike,
imperialistic, sexist, ethnocentric and so forth, but where these same
faults appear in socialist countries or in primitive cultures, the
leftist finds excuses for them, or at best he GRUDGINGLY admits that
they exist; whereas he ENTHUSIASTICALLY points out (and often greatly
exaggerates) these faults where they appear in Western civilization.
Thus it is clear that these faults are not the leftist's real motive
for hating America and the West. He hates America and the West because
they are strong and successful."
-- The Unabomber Manifesto; Paragraph 15
2008-03-04 00:46:56 UTC
Post by dank
Post by i***@gmail.com
In Muslim and rural Indian cultures, it is seen as justice that man
bludgeon the woman into being his dog and kill her if she disobeys in
the slightest....
I learned in college anthropology class that all human cultures are
equally valid and that it is wrong to judge other cultures by the
standards of our Western culture. Therefore it is wrong to condemn
the oppression of women in non-Western societies. Pressuring
Western women to wear bras is oppressive, but forcing Afghani women
to wear burqas is cultural diversity.
"Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good
and successful. They hate America, they hate Western civilization,
they hate white males, they hate rationality. The reasons that leftists
give for hating the West, etc. clearly do not correspond with their real
motives. They SAY they hate the West because it is warlike,
imperialistic, sexist, ethnocentric and so forth, but where these same
faults appear in socialist countries or in primitive cultures, the
leftist finds excuses for them, or at best he GRUDGINGLY admits that
they exist; whereas he ENTHUSIASTICALLY points out (and often greatly
exaggerates) these faults where they appear in Western civilization.
Thus it is clear that these faults are not the leftist's real motive
for hating America and the West. He hates America and the West because
they are strong and successful."
-- The Unabomber Manifesto; Paragraph 15
then individuals should be freely able to choose which cultue they
want to live in